

Nick Flood

Colin McAllister


The purpose of this handbook is to acquaint all students and parents with the band program at Indian Ridge Middle School. The Indian Ridge Band has a reputation of excellence and will work on continuing this tradition. This requires cooperation and dedication from all the people involved i.e. students, parents, directors, and administration.


The band program at Indian Ridge, with the support of Ms. Muela, our principal, operates under the following philosophy:

Music is a performing art. Hours spent in the classroom prepare the music for performances, which are after school hours. Performing musical organizations require rehearsals outside school hours, and participation in concerts and contests. It will be the responsibility of members of the band to attend those rehearsals and performances, unless excused by the director. Along with classroom performance, attendance at functions outside of school hours, as required by the band director, may be considered as part of the earned grade.

A well-rounded education is enhanced by one of the basis of all studies-music. Music teaches discipline, develops self-confidence, and gives each student a feeling of pride and accomplishment. Playing in the band teaches students how to work effectively with other people, thereby helping them to develop their social skills. Band instills values, responsibility, purpose and direction, devotion to study, a spirit of cooperation, and appreciation of the beauty of music.

As a member of the Indian Ridge Band, you have the honor and responsibility of maintaining a band program with high standards of excellence. Remember that a person’s quality of life is in direct proportion to his or her commitment to excellence.

Band Room Conduct and Expectations:

•No FOOD, DRINKS, or GUM allowed in the band room.

•Do not lean on the music stands.

•Only band members in the band room.

•Help keep the band room clean.

Classroom Conduct and Expectations:

•Be EARLY! Develop a habit of arriving early to avoid any possible conflicts.

•Be prepared with ALL EQUIPMENT: Instrument, Accessories (Mouthpieces, Reeds, etc.), Pencil, and Music in a Black 3-Ring Binder with Protector Sheets.

•Take care of your own instrument at ALL TIMES!

•Make sure your instrument has a NAME TAG on it.

•Follow instructions.

•Respect others.

Daily Procedures:

•When you arrive to school, keep your instrument WITH YOU at ALL TIMES! If you put it down and walk away from it, you may never see it again- ever! Please remember that the school is not responsible for instruments stolen from the band room, or anywhere else on campus. If you are renting from a music store, it is advised to purchase the insurance plan that is offered.

•At 8:25 A.M., you may go into the band room to put your instruments in the Instrument Storage Room. Make sure you instrument has a NAME TAG on it because students may take the wrong instrument since most of them look similar.

•When your class meets, enter the band room and get your instrument from the Instrument Storage Room. Locate your CHAIR & STAND. CAREFULLY AND PROPERLY set up your instrument and accessories, along with your black binder and music required.

•You are expected to be in your seat, with your instrument set up, music binder and pencil on stand, and ready to play BEFORE the tardy bell rings. The bell signals the start of class.

•WAIT until the DIRECTOR allows you to put your things away to end rehearsal. Don’t assume that it’s time to go-our rehearsal time is very valuable.


Attendance is REQUIRED at all performances and all pre-scheduled rehearsals. An excused absence from a band function will require the same criteria as an excused absence from school-personal illness, death in the family, or family emergency (If cleared with the director prior to the event).

If you become ill during school hours or the day of a performance, call the Indian Ridge Band Hall at (915) 434-5447 and leave a message if we are not available. In addition, excuses for absences or tardiness must be submitted in WRITING with the parent of guardian’s signature. If it involved a doctor’s appointment, it is required that they provide official documents to the directors in order to excuse the “zero”.

Remember to call BEFORE the absence and provide a note AFTER the absence.


If you become ill during the day and are sent home, come to the Band Hall for your instrument and music. Under no circumstances should your horn ever spend the night at school.

If you are ill the night of a performance, call Mr. Flood at (915) 434-5447 and leave a message. You can also email me f need be. Your parent should also send a note to school the day following the performance explaining your illness.

*Remember: call before, and send a note after the absence.

Classroom Discipline Plan:

1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: Note in agenda, student conference with teacher.

3rd Offense: Note in agenda, and parent notification, 30-minutes of after school detention.

4th Offense: Note in agenda, parent conference, and 30-minutes of after school detention.

5th Offense: Office Referral.

If a director believes it is necessary to send a student to the office, that student will receive an office referral and will be subject to disciplinary action by an administrator.

*If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Flood at (915) 434-5447 or email at


Grades are symbols of accomplishment, which indicate to the student and his/her parents a certain amount of success in school. In determining your band grade, there are four areas taken into consideration by your band directors:

•Performing progress on your instrument, playing everyday.

•Attitude and cooperation.

•Attendance at performances and rehearsals.

•Practicing at home.

REMINDER: Band is a CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY (NOT JUST AN EXTR-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY). All students are graded for their performance DURING their band period IN ADDITION to their scheduled rehearsals BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL! Failure to attend expected sectionals and after school rehearsals will result in failing grades, inability to perform, and removal and/or demotion from a performing ensemble. YES! -If they fail band, they CANNOT participate in other extra-curricular activities, such as ANY athletics.

Extra Credit:Extra credit can be earned by attending an approved concert and bringing the program to school. (ex: El Paso Symphony Orchestra, El Paso Wind Symphony, El Paso Opera, etc.)

Concert Dress:

All students are required to be in the proper band uniform for ALL performances. Any student not wearing the regulated uniform (unsoiled and pressed) at the time of the performance will NOT be permitted to participate in that performance.

Symphonic Band, Concert Band

•Black Shoes (NO SNEAKERS)

•Black Socks (Above the Ankle)

•Black Pants (NO JEANS)

•Black Dress Shirt (Can be Provided)

•Red Bow Vest/Tie (Provided)

Jazz Band


•Black Dress Shoes (NO SNEAKERS)

•Black Socks

•Black Pants

Beginning Band

•Annual Band T-Shirt

•Blue Jeans

Formal Shirts & Vests

Students will be provided with a vest and bow tie. Shirts are available on a needs basis. Students are responsible for dry cleaning of the shirt and vest.

Band T-Shirts

Band T-Shirts cost $10.00 each. We will send out notifications on when the deadline to pay for these shirts are. EVERYONE must purchase a shirt. Please contact the directors if there are any issues meeting the payment deadline.

Fees, Equipment, & Supplies

Booster Sponsorship Donation:

This year’s band fee will be collected differently. The band fee will cover an array of different events, fees, and organizational needs in order for the program to function throughout the year. The itemized list goes as follows:

•All Region Entry Fee (Fall) $10

•All Region Jazz (Spring) $10

•Solo & Ensemble Entry Fee (Two Events) $20

•Band Shirt ($10)

•Contest Fees ( Del Valle Fest, Hanks Jazz Fest, etc.) $250-350 per band

•Food for Contest/Events

•Uniforms (Purchasing additional/Maintenance/Replacements) $15-50

•Supplies $3-200

•Music -$90 per piece

•Accompanist/Tutor Fees $6,680---$66.8 perstudent


This year we will be requiring students to fundraise to help contribute to the organization. The money will be used for transportation costs, contest/festival entrance fees, purchasing instruments, to repair and maintain instruments, music, sound equipment, specialized instruction, student incentives and awards. When a fundraiser is issued to a student, we expect the full amount of money owed by the deadline given. Failure to pay the owed amount will result in a registration hold and denial for transfer clearance.


If you prefer that your child NOT to fundraise, you can contribute by making a band usage fee of $60.00 per band student. Payments will be accepted in full, or in partial payments when arranged with the band director.

NOTE: This fee DOES NOT include All-Region fees, Solo & Ensemble fees, Instrumental rental fees, or performance shirts.

Method Books:

Beginning Band Book :Standard of Excellence by Bruve Pearson & Five-Minute Theory by Mark Wessels

Symphonic/Concert Band: Foundations for Superior Performance by Richard Williams & Jeff King

ALL Percussion: A Fresh Approach to the Snare Drum by Mark Wessels

Books needed the FIRST WEEK of school.


We encourage everyone to get their own instruments from a music store. However, we do offer instrument rentals mainly for our beginning band students. There is an annual rental fee that is arranged by the director at their discretion.


•Cleaning cloth

•Flexible snake for cleaning the inside of the instrument

•Mouthpiece brush

•Valve oil, rotar oil or Slide-O-Mix (trombones only)

•Slide grease


•Cleaning cloth & swabs

•Supply of at least 4 good reeds (Clarinets & Saxophones always need at least 4) (Oboes & Bassoons always need at least 2 reeds).

•Reed guard to protect from damage.

•Cork Grease.

•Bore Oil (Wooden Instruments).


This instrument is assigned by the band director by audition only. Factors taken into consideration will be GRADES, CONDUCT, AND PROGRESS ON INSTRUMENT.

•Vic FirthPercussion bag and Sticks for all percussion students .

•Bell Kit (Beginning Percussion Students)

All accessories are available at the local music stores.

Renting a School Instrument:

The following instruments may be rented from Indian Ridge: Oboe, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Baritone Saxophone, French Horn, Baritone and Tuba. Other instruments such as Flute, Clarinet, Alto and Tenor Saxophones, and Trigger Trombones are extremely limited and available on a “seniority”basis.

Music Binder:

All students will need to have BLACK ONE-INCH BINDER with SHEET PROTECTORS. This will be needed for the first week of school.


Students will always receive their first copies of music for free. If a student loses their copies, we will provide a copy for the price of $1.00 per part.

Private Instruction:

Although private instruction is not required, it is STRONGLY encouraged. Private lessons can help a student progress twice as fast as group instruction. Lessons are also an invaluable aid in preparation for All-Region auditions, Solo & Ensemble performances, and will enhance the possibility for scholarships. A list of recommended teachers and their contact information can be given to you if need be. Please call these teachers quickly as they have limited time and space.


Indian Ridge Band Booster Association is a group of parents who help with Band activities. Please help the band and join this wonderful group of parents. See the volunteer sheet. Extra adult help is always needed in the form of chaperoning busses, supervising students at concerts/contests, providing refreshments for concerts and clinics, as well as in the office. You will also need to obtain a Volunteer Badge and a Background Check from YISD Central Office. You will need to provide these items to Assistant Principal, Daniel Gomez as well as Ms. Diaz, CIS Coordinator.

Sectionals Schedule

All Sectionals BEGIN at 7:30 A.M. Students must ARRIVE at 7:15 A.M. in order to be ready to begin at 7:30 A.M. This has a DIRECT affect on their ability to perform with the bands and on their grade respectively.


Mr.Flood (915) 274-7498,

Mr. McAllister (505) 350-0237,






Important Upcoming Dates 2017-2018:

September6General Band Parent Meeting

September22Band Night (Middle School Bands @ HHS)

October19Fall Concert (Tentative)

December9All Region Auditions @ Bel Air HS

December12All Region Reading Session @ Wiggs MS

December15-16All Region Clinic/Concert @ Coronado HS

December19Winter Concert (Tentative)

January4-6**Jazz Education Network Conference--Jazz Band I

January25YISD Middle School Honor Band @ YISD Central Office

February 12All Region Jazz Auditions @ Del Valle HS

February 14-17TMEA Convention

February 19-21All Region Jazz Rehearsals @ Del Valle HS

February22All Region Jazz Concert @ UTEP Recital Hall

February 22-23YISD Concert Band Festival @ Riverside HS

March6-8UIL Band Contest @ Pebble Hills HS

April26-28Hanks Jazz Festival @ Hanks HS

May5YISD Solo & Ensemble Festival @ Del Valle HS

May11-12YISD Beginning Band Festival @ Riverside HS

*Additional Dates will be provided as added*


Please return this page to your band director.

I have received, reviewed and understand the policies and guidelines in the Indian Ridge Middle School Band Handbook and the Instrumental Music Code. I further agree to abide by the procedures set forth.

Student Name: ______(print)

Student Signature ______

Grade ______Class Period ______

I have received and reviewed the 2017-18 Instrumental Music Code and Band Handbook.

Parent Signature ______

Date ______