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1.The aim of the Air Cadet Pilot Scheme (ACPS) is to:

a.Provide a pinnacle of flying experience for selected cadets in pursuit of the primary objective of the ACO.

b.Encourage cadets to remain in the ACO as they progress to young adulthood, thereby increasing the chances of them joining the Regular Services or volunteer staff.

c.Encourage cadets to pursue a career in aviation.

2.No charges are made for accommodation or messing on these courses and, subject to budgetary approval, the cost of mainland UK public transport may also be met from public accounts.

a.Air Cadet Light Aircraft Course (ACLAC). Twelve-hours flying training up to and just beyond first solo in light aircraft at civilian flying schools.


b.Air Cadet AEF Course (ACAEFC). Ten-hours flying training at an RAF Air Experience Flight (AEF). Currently, this course does not include solo flight, but does expose the student to aspects of applied Service flying, including advanced handling and low level flying skills.

3.To be eligible for the scheme, a cadet must:

a.Be at least 16 years old to start the course.

b.Hold, or be predicted to pass, GCSE Grade C or above in English Language and Mathematics, or the equivalent in SCE. A BTECH in Aviation Studies is an acceptable alternative for the Mathematics qualification.

c.Have achieved a gliding solo standard (silver wings). Exceptionally, cadets who have completed a non-solo (blue wings) course or who have not completed a gliding scholarship may be considered; the latter to take account of the deserving cadet who, for example, is a member of a remote squadron from which it is difficult to regularly attend a Volunteer Gliding Squadron. Such cadets must, however, have demonstrated in some other way their flying potential.

d.Have their parent’s or guardian’s written permission to attend the course.

e.Be able to attend for a continuous residential period of up to 14 days (not necessarily during school holidays).

f.Be a member of the ATC or CCF (RAF) at least until training is completed. For those leaving school CCF (RAF) membership may be extended to include the course, until the commencement of the next school term.

4.HQ AC will allocate places to ATC regions and to the CCF (RAF) on a pro-rata system based on numbers of cadets of eligible age. The total number of courses available each year depends on the funding available.

5.ATC Cadets may apply at any time - using the proforma at Annex A. (The same form is used for applications for an Air Cadet Pilot Navigation Training Scheme (ACPNTS) course iaw ACTO 36) CCF(RAF) Cadets apply in September. Selection for the AC PS is made throughout the year but is completed by the end of January for courses to be flown in the next Financial Year. Selection is made by ACRHQs for ATC cadets and by TEST Officers for CCF (RAF) candidates and is based on information provided by the cadet and his ATC sqn cdr or CCF (RAF) section cdr. The need for interviews or other selection tests is at the discretion of ACRHQs and HQ AC (WgCdrCCF). Guidance on selecting cadets is at Annex B

6.Cadets are selected for the AC PS subject to being able subsequently to complete a United Kingdom National Private Pilot’s Licence Declaration of Medical Fitness to Fly. This should not be difficult for the majority of cadets who previously will have completed satisfactorily a Form 6424 for the Gliding Scholarship. HQ AC will refund the costs of the doctor signing the form on presentation of a receipt. The form contains a self declaration of fitness, and a medical examination is not normally required. Copies of the form are available from HQ AC (Flying Admin).


7.AC PS wings are presented to cadets on satisfactory completion of the course. AC PS certificates are signed by Comdt AC and then forwarded from HQ AC to the cadet’s ATC Wg HQ or school.


8.Cadets completing light-aircraft flying scholarships provided by other organizations (eg. Air League, or RAFA etc) may apply and be considered for issue of the AC PS wings. ACRHQs or Wg Cdr CCF will consider each case on its merits, and the normal caveats are shown at Annex C. As these particular scholarships are provided by non-public funds, cadets are responsible for the cost of travel between their home and the flying school and will not be eligible for the issue of a travel warrant.

9.Any cadet achieving a UK CAA or European JAA Private Pilots Licence (PPL), for example through sponsorship, or through private means, is entitled to wear the AC PS wings regardless of where the course was conducted.


10.A schedule of events is at Annex D.


A.Application for the Air Cadet Pilot Scheme.

B.Guidance on Selecting Cadets for the Air Cadet Pilot Scheme.

C.Criteria for the Award of Air Cadet PS Wings.

D.Pilot Scheme - Schedule of Events.


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STAFF (When Completed)

Application for:

a.Air Cadet Pilot Scheme (Light Aircraft Course)- First/Second/Third/Choice*

b.Air Cadet Pilot Scheme (AEF Course)- First/Second/Third/ Choice*

c.Air Cadet Pilot Navigation Training Scheme- First/Second/Third/Choice*

(*delete as necessary)

When completed, this form should be returned to your ATC Squadron Commander or CCF (RAF) Section Commander

Part 1 - Personal Details (Please use BLOCK CAPITALS)
Surname / Cadet Rank
Date of Birth / Male/Female / Forenames (in full)
Your weight (in normal clothing)Your height / Place of Birth (Town, County)
Kg / M
Home Address / ATC Sqn & Wing or CCF (RAF) Section/School
E-mail Address:
Home Tel number / Mobile Tel No
Part 2 - Educational Qualifications ( BLOCK CAPITALS)
Give details of all academic qualifications held. Please differentiate between Eng Lang and Eng Lit. Attach separate sheet if more space is required. (Include predicted grades)
Date of Examination / Title of Certificate and Level / Subject / Indicate Grade Achieved (A) or Predicted Grade (P) / Insert A/P
Part 3 - Further Education
If you are at College or University, please give address of institution and details of course and dates.
Address / Course Title
Dates: From / To


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Part 4 - Activities and Interests, and reasons for applying for the Pilot Scheme or ACPNTS.
State the activities and interests (including sports, hobbies, Outward Bound courses and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme) in which you have participated, specifying any positions of responsibility held. State why you believe you should be awarded a place on a course. Attached a separate sheet if necessary.
Part 5 - Air Cadet Service
Tests Passed, ATC / Tests Passed, CCF RAF Prof / Other Air Cadet Achievements/ Other Flying Qualifications
LC / SC / Staff C / Pt 1 / Pt 2 / Adv
Air Cadet Aviation Subjects passed:
Subject/Date of
Pass and Grade
Gliding Qualifications. Where and when did you complete a gliding scholarship? / Flt Staff Cdt AEF or VGS
Silver Wings / Blue Wings
Part 6 - Flying Training
I agree to make myself available for up to 14 days continuous training, during the course period.
Date / Signature of Applicant
Signature of parent or guardian if cadet is under 18 yrs of age.
Part 7 - Recommendation (To be completed by ATC Sqn Cdr or CCF (RAF) Section Cdr)
I / Support / ) this application and have the following comments on the applicant’s personal qualities,
) achievements and motivation towards a flying career.
Do not Support
Name / Rank / Signature
Part 8 - Comments by OC ATC Wg or CCF Contingent Cdr
Name / Rank / Signature
Part 9 - Comments by Rgnl Comdt or Wg Cdr CCF (if required)
Name / Rank / Signature


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1.In addition to meeting the eligibility requirements, cadets should be high calibre and have previous experience of flying in the Tutor or other light aircraft or gliders. Ideally, they should have sufficient experience of flying to be confident of working satisfactorily in an airborne environment.

2.There is no need to be too restrictive but the following attributes could be considered:

a.Individual motivation for the ACPS.

b.Their demonstrated intentions and desire to follow an aviation career.

c.Performance during the previous completion of an air cadet gliding scholarship, ideally to silver wings (ie.solo) standard.

d.Future value of the training to the cadet’s squadron or section.

3.If required, copies of the student’s progress card for the previously completed gliding scholarship can be obtained from the Volunteer Gliding Squadron attended by the cadet.

4.Although the intention is to select high calibre applicants, cadets who have already completed an alternative flying scholarship or an Air Cadet Pilot Navigation Training Scheme (ACPNTS) course should not be chosen, ie the aim is to enable as many cadets as possible to benefit from the major flying courses.


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1.In addition to those cadets who have successfully completed the Air Cadet Pilot Scheme (AC PS), cadets who have completed the following schemes may also be awarded and wear the AC PS wings:

a.Air League, Other Scholarships and Privately Funded Flying - provided that:

(1)The hours have been flown at a CAA approved flying school.


(2)The cadet has completed at least 12 hours.


(3)The flying school has confirmed that the cadet has achieved first solo.

2.In all cases documentary evidence is required, eg photocopy relevant log book pages.


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Ser No / Date / Event(1)
1. / Any Time / ATC Cadets apply to ACRHQs using standard proforma. (Annex A)
2. / September / CCF(RAF) cadets apply to OC TEST through their Sect Cdr using Annex A.
3. / December / HQ AC allocates places to ACRHQs on a pro-rata basis.
4. / January / Air Cadet Regional Headquarters (ACRHQs) select candidates and reserves. OC TEST selects CCF(RAF) candidates and reserves. Each passes names and contact details (photocopy of completed Annex A) to HQ AC.
5. / February / HQ AC sends acknowledgement to cadets, and a copy to Wing HQs or OC TEST.
6. / Approx Easter onwards / Cadets attend Pilot Scheme Courses. Joining Instructions will be sent to individuals.
7. / After Each Course is Completed / a.OCs AEF and Light Aircraft Courses provide course reports to HQ AC.
b.HQ AC provides letter, wings and certificate and 2 copies of course reports to Wing HQs or schools of successful cadets.
c.HQ AC notifies ACRHQs and Wg Cdr (CCF), of successful cadets, by copy of letter (b).
d.HQ AC will produce a quarterly report to Regions and Wg Cdr (CCF).


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