TRS 17XXDate
Title TitleTitleTitle (“title” style)
Prepared by [author or firm]
Overview goes here (paragraph or two)
Technical Advisory Panel (“Heading 1” Style)
Name, Title
Name, Title
Name, Title
Name, Title
Name, Title
The purpose of this TRS is to serve as a synthesis of pertinent completed research to be used for further study and evaluation by MnDOT. This TRS does not represent the conclusions of either the authors or MnDOT.
Introduction (“Heading 2” Style)
Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri.
Summary or Project Findings (“Heading 2” Style)
Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri.
First-Level Headings – 14pt (“Heading 2” Style)
Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri.
Second-Level Subheads – 12pt (“Heading 3” Style)
Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri. Body text in 11pt Calibri.
Third Level Subheads – 11pt (“Heading 4” Style)
Other subhead treatments (including bold, underlining and italics) may be used as needed for readability.
Sample Table
Use only one row in the header of any table. Do not merge or split cells. If a cell must be left empty, make a note to that effect. [Add Alt Text by selecting the table, right click, select Table Properties, select Alt Text tab.]
Figure 1 You can add captions to tables and figures by selecting “Insert Caption” in the References tab.
Column A / Column B / Column C / Column DFirst Result / Second Result / Third Result / Fourth Result
Fifth Result / Sixth Result / Seventh Result / Eight Result
Ninth Result / Tenth Result / Eleventh Result / Twelfth Result
Thirteenth Result / Fourteenth Result / Fifteenth Result / Sixteenth Result
Sample List
When creating a list, use a Style such as “List Paragraph”, “List Bullet” or “List Number”. Do not create lists in a table. If necessary, format into columns rather than putting into a table.
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5
- Item 6
Sample chart.You can add captions to figures by selecting “Insert Caption” in the References tab; include image source credit if applicable. [Include Alt Text in a clear and concise manner, including information that a sighted reader would glean from the chart that is not already included in the text content.]
APPENDIX A (“Heading 1” Style)
When the Word document is complete, any conversion to a PDF file must be done through the Adobe Acrobat Pro button on the ribbon at the top of the Microsoft Word program. This allows necessary PDF properties to be added for ADA purposes. NOTE: “Save As PDF” will not allow essential PDF properties to be accessed, thus it should not ever be used to convert the document to PDF. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Pro, send the document to Research Services as a Word document.