The following document contains all minutes for the year 2012
9th January
27th February
28th April
16th April
28th May
2nd July
17th July
30th July
10th September
22nd October
3rd December
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting, held at 7pm on Monday 9th January 2012 in the Badgworth Schoolrooms.
Mrs S Hayes, Mr S Babbington, Mr A Sealey, Mr B. Stiddard, Mr G Vining Mr J White and Mrs C. Morris.
Four members of the public.
1. Apologies for absence
Mr F Body, other commitments. Apology accepted.
2. Declaration of interest
All Councillors except for Mr Babbington and Mr White declared a personal interest in Hinkley C connection project and Mr Sealey and Mr Vining declared a prejudicial one too. Mr White also declared a personal and prejudicial interest for planning applications 03/11/00020 and 03/11/00021.
3. Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting
Copies having been circulated, the minutes were then taken as read, approved as a true record by the Parish Council.
Planning applications 03/11/00020 and 03/11/00021. This was brought forward and discussed, the applicant Mrs Meredith being present. No objections raised, (refer to separate minutes) Mr White was not present when decision was made.
4. Matters for Discussion
a. Request for grant towards cost of Contact Magazine
The Parish Council agreed to provide a grant to Contact for £130.
b. Request for grant towards repair of Badgworth churchyard wall
To be deferred to next meeting.
c. Clerk's resignation
The Parish Council expressed its sadness over the clerk's resignation. A working party committee was set up by resolution to follow the correct procedure to employ a new clerk. A limit of £150 was agreed to cover advertising and administration costs. The resignation takes effect from 1st April 2012.
- Bus route 491 Coombs
Support for this bus route was unanimous and the clerk will forward this to Allerton Parish Council. Seen to be a vital means of public transport for a few of our Parishioners.
- Matters for Report
a. National Grid Transmission line update
Community Forum met 13th December, soon became evident that more representation from North Somerset than Somerset. Have agreed to try and allow some Parishes that neighbour those in Somerset around the Mendips (AONB) to be in the southern zone. This would be more practical. Although National Grid feel that they are at stage 3 of the consultation process, those present strongly objected and stated that there were many issues in stage 2 of the consultation process that had yet to be resolved. Namely the costing report for all technologies that is expected to be available 31st January. Land owners have been approached by N.G.. The next Community Forum may be postponed in time for the costing analysis report to be studied. Parish Council decided to wait until this report is made public before they hold another public meeting for Parishioners to keep them informed and ask for their feedback.
b. Suggestions for projects to celebrate Queen's Diamond Jubilee
As to date no new project has been forthcoming. Will discuss at next meeting.
c. Cluster group meeting held in December
Topics covered included a report from the local Police stating that local crime rate was down. Bristol Water have permission to extend the reservoir at Cheddar and Axbridge Town Council were successful in their bid for funding from RLT3 contributions.
d. Mr Hicks, A38 accident
Mr Hicks has asked Mr Siggs, Cabinet member of Somerset County Council to come to a site meeting at Biddisham junction with the A38 where his daughter was killed in a car accident. Mr Siggs has agreed, therefore, Mr Hicks is asking if the Parish Council would be present at a site meeting and then chair an open meeting in the Parish Hall afterwards for any interested and concerned Parishioners who wish to discuss what, if any, possible action could be taken by Somerset County Council to try and improve the road layout. The Parish Council agreed and arrangements are to be made.
- Planning
Decisions to be taken at the Parish Council meeting
03/11/00016 Erection of detached block of 6 kennels and associated fence enclosed exercise area. The Boarding Kennels, Knoll View, Biddisham. No objections raised.
03/11/00018 Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian use and erection of stables. Land to south of OS Field 1263 to the west of Yew Tree Farm, Tarnock. Several objections raised. See separate minutes.
03/11/00019 Erection of single storey extension at side elevation, Nut Tree Lodge, Badgworth. No objections.
Decisions taken by Parish Council
03/11/00017 Removal of hedging on land off Fletchers Lane, Tarnock. No objections.
Decisions taken by Sedgemoor District Council
03/11/00011 and 03/11/00013 Meredith Barns, Applications withdrawn.
03/11/00014 Installation of solar panels, Yew Tree Farm, Tarnock. Permission granted.
7. Correspondence
Correspondence relevant to agenda items were highlighted. Previous correspondence from EDF with regard to actual planning application for new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point was clarified.
- Authorisation of Payments, by resolution
Proposed and seconded by those Parish Councillors present.
Clerk's salary and expenses for December 2011 cheque number 550.
West Country groundcare. £384 cheque number 551.
Badgworth Schoolroom Management Committee, £95 cheque number 552.
Contact £130, cheque number 553.
Jon Sealey and Sons Ltd (hedge trimming Biddisham Field) £62.40 cheque number 554.
Toner Giant, (toner cartridge) £64.91 cheque number 555.
9. Date of Next Meeting
Parish Council meeting, Monday 27th February 2012, 7pm Badgworth Schoolroom.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm.
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting, held at 7pm on Monday 27th February 2012 in the Badgworth Schoolrooms.
Mrs S Hayes, Mr S Babbington, Mr F Body, Mr A Sealey, Mr B Stiddard, Mr G Vining, Mr J White, Mrs H Marshall and Mrs C Morris.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declaration of interest
All Parish Councillors except for Mr Babbington and Mr White declared a personal interest regarding National Grid and Hinkley Point C connection project and Mr Vining also declared a prejudicial interest.
3. Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting
Copies having been circulated, the minutes were then taken as read, approved as a true record by the Parish Council.
4. Matters for Discussion
a. Request for a grant from Badgworth church Tower fund and
b. Request for a grant from Badgworth church for churchyard wall repairs.
These requests were discussed together. It was decided to grant £500 towards the cost of the churchyard wall repair work. The request for the Tower fund is to be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting, when the Council will be in a better position to award a grant at the beginning of the new financial year.
c. Annual Parish Meeting.
This is to be held on Monday 2nd April in Badgworth Schoolroom. Apologies received from Mrs S Hayes. Mr John Denbee has accepted an invitation to attend in his role as District Councillor and County Councillor. Police to be represented by PC P Wills. Reports concerning progress of National Grid's connection project from Hinkley Point C to Avonmouth, Badgworth Schoolroom Trustees and local footpaths will be on the agenda.
d.SALC. North Area Meeting.
Parish Councillors were made aware that changes to the code of conduct are to be discussed at this meeting. Parish Councillors did not wish to attend and will await training sessions to be held by SALC.
5. Matters to Report
a. National Grid, Public consultation.
Community Forum meeting to be held 28th February. Many members of the Strategic Community Forum feel that Stages one and two of National Grid's consultation process is still fundamentally flawed in that not all options for connecting Hinkley Point C to Avonmouth have been given equal attention by N.G but that they favour overhead pylons. Land Agents acting on behalf of N.G have approached landowners to gain access for walking surveys to be carried out. Many members of the Strategic Community Forum do not believe they have the backing of local authorities as the Planning Performance agreement has been signed. Very concerned that if overhead option is chosen, that the under grounding through the Loxton Gap could result in the necessary Sealing End Compounds being installed in or near Biddisham. Those attending the Forum will decide at the meeting to be held 28th February, the best course of action to take, in light of the fact that all options have not been reviewed equally especially with regard to costings. Strong argument that N.G needs to reconsider their consultation process. Parish Council agreed unanimously because of the impact the overhead line will have on the parishioners, that their representative on the Community Forum should take whatever action they deemed necessary.
b. Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
It was suggested that the Parish Council assist with the installation of Badgworth church gates with the lantern overhead in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee. Agreed that Mr Babbington would research the idea after consulting with the church wardens and finding out costs. Another idea was to have a bench placed in the Jubilee field in Badgworth. It was felt that there was nowhere suitable for another bench in Biddisham, however, it was suggested that the Parish Hall committee be consulted to see if anything suitable could be done for the hall or village. To be placed on agenda for April's meeting.
c.Appointment of new clerk.
Helen Marshall has been appointed as new clerk and was welcomed by the Parish Council. The new clerk will 'shadow' the present clerk until they leave on 31st March.
d. Public meeting concerning road safety on A38.
This meeting will be arranged with all interested parties when all the information has been received and studied by County Councillor Harvey Siggs. He has agreed to attend a site meeting at the junction of Biddisham Lane with the A38 and then to attend a meeting in the parish hall afterwards to discuss people's concerns. This is in response to the family of the young girl who was killed on the A38 last September.
Decisions taken by Parish Council:-
03/11/00022. Meadow Farm, Biddisham. No objections.
03/12/00001. West View, Biddisham. No objections.
Decisions taken by Sedgemoor District Council:-
03/11/00016. Erection of detached block of 6 kennels and associated fence enclosed exercise area. The Boarding Kennels, Knoll View, Biddisham. Permission granted.
03/11/00017.Removal of hedging on land off Fletchers Lane, Tarnock.Permission granted.
03/11/00018. Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian use and erection of stables. Land to South of OS Field No1263 to the west of Yew Tree Farm, Tarnock. To be heard at Full Planning Committee 6th March.
03/11/00019. Erection of single storey extension at side elevation. Nut Tree Lodge, Badgworth. Permission granted.
03/11/00020. Removal of condition 6 of planning permission 03/09/00014. Agricultural building on OS Field 5900 East of Badgworth Lane. Permission granted.
03/11/00021. Removal of condition 7 of planning permission 03/09/00015. South West corner of OS Field 5900 East of Badgworth Lane. Permission granted.
03/11/00022. Meadow Farm, Biddisham. Permission granted.
03/12/00001. West View, Biddisham. Permission granted.
6. Correspondence
An e-mail from NoPilrow Ltd against the Rooksbridge wind farm was read out as requested. This matter will be discussed by the Parish Council in full when the planning application for the wind farm is received by SDC, as we have asked to be one of the consultees.
7. Authorisation of Payments
Proposed and seconded by those Parish Councillors present.
Clerk's salary and expenses for January 2012, , cheque number 556
A & N Media Finance. (advertising for new clerk) £108, cheque number 557
Crook Peak PCC (grant for Badgworth churchyard wall) £500, cheque number 558
8.Date of Next Meeting
Annual Parish meeting. Monday 2nd April 2012, 7pm, Badgworth Schoolroom.
Parish Council meeting, Monday 16th April, 7pm, Badgworth Schoolroom.
Draft Minutes of the Planning Meeting, held at 1pm on Saturday 28th April 2012 in Biddisham Hall.
Mr A Sealey (Chair), Mrs S Hayes, Mr S Babbington, Mr F Body, Mr B Stiddard, Mr G Vining, Mr J White, Mrs H Marshall (Clerk)
J Denbee (SCC and SDC), T Munt (MP), M Collins, D Anderson, J Anderson, G Corey, R Corey, J Bailey, D Rogers, C Blake, R Blake, S Devlin, V Morley, K House, K Bishop, A Pegler, J Redman, D Milford, D Peters, S Walker, J Walker, I Mclaren, C Talbot, S Talbot, S Reed, S Reed, P Bush, J Hayes, J Atkinson, J Brazier, E Rogers, C Allen
1. Formal Welcome
Including John Denbee
2. Outline of Proposal
Use of land to site a mobile home and touring caravan for one british Traveller family for nomadic use only.
3. Order of the meeting
The Council will consider the application in a closed meeting after seeking the opinions
of the Parishioners. The Chair then reminded everyone attending the meeting that
no comments of a discriminatory nature would be tolerated and quoted our standing order
to that effect, stating the measures that could be taken.
4. The Chair asked if the applicant or their representatives were present
None were present.
5.John Denbee was invited to speak
Mr Denbee addressed the issues within the planning documents. He outlined the Core Strategy, and read out a summary of policy D8. He then read a summary of the Planning Policy for Traveller Sites and highlighted important points. Mr Denbee identified that Sedgemoor needed 18 further pitches by 2015. Having identified the main planning policies Mr Denbee encouraged parishioners to speak.
6. Supporters of the application were invited to speak
There were none
7. Objectors were invited to speak
Subjects raised included enforcement; positive discrimination; history of the site;
removal of trees, wildlife and hedges from the site; stop notices; sale of the site;
interpretation of the application; SDC's position; health and safety; expansion of the
site visibility into the site; Parish Councils recommendations; SDC response to enquiries;
similar residential applications in area not permitted; intensification; a permanent
dwelling on the site; economic viability of the site; who is living on the site;
judicial review; availability of planning officer.
8. The Chairman welcomed Tessa Munt who was invited to speak
Tessa Munt encouraged parishioners to register their views by letter. She asked
questions about the site and encouraged others to investigate all aspects of the
application and contact as many of the people involved as possible.
9. The Chair thanked Tessa Munt and closed this part of the meeting
10.The Parish Council were asked to declare interests.
There were none
11.The council discussed the planning issues at length.
With consideration to the comments from the first half of the meeting they determined not to support the application and will submit full particulars to the planning officer before the deadline on May 8th.
Meeting closed at 2.45pm
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting, held at 7pm on Monday 16th April 2012 in the Badgworth Schoolrooms.
Mr A Sealey, Mr S Babbington, Mr F Body, Mr B Stiddard, Mr G Vining, Mr J White, and Mrs H Marshall.
1. Apologies for absence
Mrs S Hayes on holiday – resolution was passed to accept the apology
2. Declaration of interest
All councillors declared a personal interest and Mr Sealey, Mr Body and Mr Vining also declared a prejudicial interest regarding National Grid.
3. Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting
Copies having been circulated, the minutes were then taken as read, approved as a true record by the Parish Council.
4. Matters for Discussion
a. Request for a grant from Biddisham church
b. Request for a grant from Badgworth church Tower Fund.
These requests were discussed together. It was decided to hold the decision until the next meeting in anticipation of further information regarding funding.
c.Feedback from the Annual Parish Meeting.
ci.Reinstatement of notices at property for planning applications – The clerk is to confirm that this is still standard practice.
cii.Notifications to residents by email – to minimise cost implications the clerk is to investigate updating the front page of the website when new information is added
ciii.Could the pillar at the church be freestanding – actioned
civ.County Councillor to be invited to all meetings re the A38 – agreed
cv.Hours of probation work available – it was decided that a request will be made for volunteers to clear the A38 through the Parish
d.Resolution to Support adjacent Parishes with regard to National grid Proposals
The resolution was passed unanimously.
e. Audit for 2011 - 2012
The accounts were prepared by the responsible financial officer for the period, and were presented to the Council for inspection. The accounts were signed dated and certified as being correct. The Council approved the accounts.
5. Matters to Report
a. National Grid, Transmission Line Update.
The Community Forum on March 26th was reported as an information gathering exercise and Mr Sealey reports that the Chairman continues to monitor the process and takes action even in her absence. National Grid are currently reviewing the preferred route corridor and the siting of the sealing end compounds that would be necessary with any undergrounding that might be agreed - such as under the Mendip hills.
b. Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
Proposals for a jubilee crown and date under Henry's lamp: Mr Babbington is investigating costs and consulting the Diocese regarding the additions to the arch. This was felt to be a more lasting tribute than a bench. The Parish Hall committee at Biddisham are to be offered more time to consider a request to commemorate the Jubilee. Mr Sealey is to make enquiries to the Woodland Trust regarding the possibility of planting trees.
c. Public meeting concerning road safety on A38.
This meeting will be arranged when the investigations have been completed. Councillor Harvey Siggs has agreed to attend a site meeting at the junction of Biddisham Lane with the A38 and then to attend a meeting in the parish hall afterwards to discuss people's concerns. Councillor John Denbee has requested that he be invited to attend all meetings regarding the A38. This meeting is in response to the family of the young girl who was killed on the A38 last September.
d.Yew Tree Farm Tarnock – A condition has been added to the consent for application 03/11/00018 that this is an alternative to the previous application 03/10/00082. Mr Sealey was recently made aware of caravans being moved onto this site and lodged an objection with Sedgemoor District Council who visited the site. A further application has now been received regarding this site. The Parish Council await receipt of the planning application.