NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for
Teachers of Chinese (K-6)
Welcome to NYU’s StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (1-6)! We are delighted that you have decided to apply, and look forward to seeing you this summer. Following are details you will need in order to complete the application process and register for the program.
The NYU SITP (1-6) consists of several components which are designed to give you an essential understanding of the theory and best practices of Chinese immersion and FLES education.
· “Teaching Foreign Language to Elementary School Children,” a 3-credit summer course from July 7-26, which focuses on instruction, methodologies, theory, assessment and technology in teaching foreign language to children.
· School visits to FLES and Dual Language/Immersion programs (dates TBA)
· Four workshops on Dual Language/Immersion Education to take place in fall, 2014, (see below).
· Work directly with Helena Curtain, co-author of Languages and Children: Making the Match.
· Readings, activities and assignments as required for successful completion of the course and workshops.
· Develop materials for use in your classroom: participants will develop and receive a bound, illustrated bookof 6-8 culturally important stories for young learners of Chinese. These stories will be developed in class as the basis for the thematic units, and will be developmentally and linguistically appropriate
A 50% scholarship for the Teaching Foreign Language course will be offered to all who are accepted to participate in the 3 credit-bearing version of the StarTalk program. Upon successful completion of the FLES course, participants will receive 3 credits and holders of certain categories of state foreign language teaching certification may be eligible to extend their certification to the early years. A certificate of completion will be issued upon completion of all components of the program. For in-service teachers, that may include continuing education professional development credits. A non-credit version of the course is also offered for those who do not wish to receive 3 graduate level credits. (Please indicate your choice on the registration form.)
To complete your application, please the NYU application packet and return to our office no later than April 14, 2014. A checklist of required documents and important dates can be found in the table on the next page. Tuition and university registration fees required for participation in this StarTalk program are outlined on the following page. Your signature is required on this page, to be returned with your application packet.
I understand that withdrawal after payment is subject to the policies of New York University and that any refund is subject to the rules and regulations of New York University. I further understand that if I do not complete all components of this StarTalk program my scholarship may be revoked.
Signature Date
Important Dates
When / What / WhereApril 15 / Application Packet Due
· Application Cover Sheet (with signature)
· NYU Steinhardt Application Form (non-matriculating students)
· Undergraduate (and graduate, if applicable) Transcript
· NYU Steinhardt StarTalk Questionnaire
· Resume / Scan and email to:
Fax. 212-995-4198
Or mail to:
Attn: Robin Harvey
New York University
239 Greene Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10003
May 15 / Notification of Acceptance sent
June 2 / Full payment of course & registration fees to NYU
June 2 / Program Orientation
July 7 – 25 / FLES Course (2:00 – 4:20 p.m., Mon – Thu, with some Friday sessions) / NYU (Room TBA)
July 9/10 / Workshops: Helena Curtain / NYU
Sept 13 / Workshop: What is Dual Language Education?
October 11 / Workshop: Common Core in Dual Language Education
November 8/9 / Workshop: Integrating Language and Content Instruction
December 13 / Workshop: Literacy Development in DLI
If you know you will be unable to commit to any of these dates, please let us know immediately as it may affect your participation in the NYU StarTalk program for Chinese teachers.
Approximate Costs for 3-credit program
NYU non-matriculating student application fee / $ 75.00 (waived for StarTalk participants) / $ 0.00NYU Registration Fee & ID Card / $ 500.00 (estimated) / $ 500.00
FLGED-GE. (3 credits) / $1,422.00 / $4,266.00
StarTalk 50% scholarship / $2,133.0 / -$2,133.00
Total Approximate Program Cost to Participant: / $2,633.00
Please refer to following schedule for course refund schedules: http://www.nyu.edu/bursar/refunds/schedule.summer13.html
Instructions: Please complete this applicant questionnaire and mail or email it with the rest of your application materials.
Name Mr. Ms.
I am a Permanent Resident U.S. Citizen
Why do you wish to participate in the Immersion Training Program for Chinese Teachers?
Please describe your educational background:
Please indicate any teaching certificates you currently hold or are in process of obtaining:
Please describe your teaching experience:
Which languages do you consider your first? second? other?
How did you learn about this program? Have you participated in previous StarTalk programs? If so, please indicate here:
NYU StarTalk Immersion Training Program for
Teachers of Chinese (K-6)