St. George’s Episcopal Church October 2017
This is a free publication for members and friends Volume 24, No. 9
St. George’s Newsletter October 2017 Page 1
CONVENTION 2017By Father Tom Gehlsen /
As most of us are aware, each year every Diocese in the Episcopal Church is required to hold a convention to carry on the work and ministry of the Diocese. These conventions are actually miniature General Conventions. The General Conventions are held every three years on a national level. These conventions conduct the business and ministry of the Episcopal Church in general. On the weekend of September 15 & 16, ECMN held its annual convention in Duluth. It’s always a great time to renew old relationships and create new ones as vision for our church is mapped out for the coming year.
This year, the theme and vision setting centered around what we call the Beloved Community. Prior to entering into education and discussion, the business of ECMN is conducted. This business ranges from the Financial Statement of Mission to canonical changes to selecting individuals to ECMN–wide elected bodies. This was the focus for the Friday evening session.
On Saturday morning, a wonderful celebratory Eucharist took place. Bishop Prior was the celebrant. The sermon was delivered by Heidi Kim, the Staff Officer for Racial Reconciliation with The Episcopal Church. Her role involves facilitating the establishment and growth of networks in the Church that confront structural issues of racism in society
and the church. This includes the development of the Beloved Community.
The focus of Saturday was exploring Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of the Beloved Community. ECMN has been streaming this concept in years past. The strands of this work: reconciliation, care for the environment, hunger, international relief, are being woven together in this focus on the Beloved Community.
Lots of discussion was had on how we live in a challenging world, dominated by scarcity and fear. In response to this, the goal of the Beloved Community is to create love and safety through relationships.
The bottom line, as discussed, was that the Beloved Community is God’s Kingdom here on earth. It is a vision for humanity in which there is complexity and difference, but also peace and justice. All the work we do aims us towards a better realization of the Beloved Community.
At this convention, the goal was to build a vision for the Beloved Community by learning, reflecting and working together with others from across the state. We, clergy and laity, were commissioned to act out those visions throughout the year in our own lives, faith communities and neighborhoods.
I again want to express my thanks to our delegates who took valuable time away on a weekend to join ECMN in Duluth. So, a big thanks to Caryl Eschweiler, Harry Kelley, and Mary Kuhfeld.
/ STEWARDSHIP 2018by Tom Boe, Stewardship Chair
It’s Stewardship month again and we’re asking you to make a pledge of your time, talent, and treasure to St. George’s for 2018.
At its core, stewardship is a powerful way to express your joy and gratitude toward God and your Christian community. It’s also a concrete way to contribute to God’s mission in this community.
Your stewardship decision shouldn’t be based primarily on a sense of duty or fear of losing something you value. It should be a gift of love. In that spirit, we generally avoid a heavy focus on setting financial goals for members. However, it does help for you to understand our current financial challenges and opportunities.
For 2017, the vestry made the difficult financial decision to budget for a 3/4-time rector while still projecting a significant 2017 deficit.
This summer, Fr. Tom came to us as our new rector. He brought many gifts. One unexpected gift was a lower cost than we had planned. As a result, we’re likely to end this year in better financial shape than expected.
We hope that next year’s budget is even better, due to this ongoing gift, enabling us to do two critical things: strengthen our financial position and strengthen our membership.
We can accomplish those goals if we all pull together and keep God in our hearts. Here are the three simple things I’d ask of you this month:
§ Let your stewardship come out of your joy, your generosity, and your caring.
§ If you do not yet pledge, start by simply making a pledge. Don’t worry too much about amount.
§ Pray about your stewardship this month. Listen for God’s voice.
And thank you all for helping to fulfill God’s mission in this little corner of God’s world.
EDUCATION UPDATEby Heather Whitesell
Children & Youth Coordinator /
The Chapel is back in swing and children are happy to meet together for learning. We are beginning with the beginning! Talking about Creation, Adam and Eve, and stories of our first Christian ancestors. Children continue to participate in the Church community through Second Offering and some as new acolytes.
The teens are busy getting acclimated to a new school year, and lots of extra-curricular activities. Our own Richard Norman is performing in the Children’s Theater production of The Abominables! We have a group planning to go and see him in action. Youth are scheduled to contribute to the upkeep of the grounds by sanding and painting the outdoor shed. The Mission trip work will provide some good experience!
ADULT FORUMSundays in the Parish Hall - 9:15 a.m. – 10 a.m
October 1 “Liturgical Expressions”
Presented by: Fr. Tom Gehlsen
October 8 No Adult Forum
One service at 9:30 a.m.
October 15 Addictions: A Family Disease
Presented by: Marie Manthey
International Health Care Provider
October 22 Community Coffee
October 29 Community Coffee
4 Gwen Gysland 17 Roxy Zaun
5 Sydney Holbach Katherine Owens
7 John Hagerman 20 Yosef Hunter
Evan Troyer 21 Alan Poulsen
9 Sydney Norman Barbara Behrens
14 Mary Poulsen 23 Sydney Prince
Gayle Vann 25 Amanda Salami
15 Mary Kuhfeld 29 Wendy Walker
Heather Whitesell
/ by Patty DittrichParish Administrator
· Bill Stromberg for removing all 150 linear feet of baseboards in the Parish Hall to get ready for the new carpeting.
· Carole Leonard and Kris Kelly for removing the hundreds of nails from the wood baseboards in the Parish Hall.
· Tom Zaun and David Sell for reinstalling the wood baseboards in the Parish Hall.
· Al Kotula and Connie Kotula for moving the tables and chairs back into the Parish Hall after the carpet install.
· The members of the ProjectTask Force of the Renew the Dragon Capital Campaign for all of their work on getting bids and finding the best contractors to do the projects around St. George’s.
· Heather Whitesell for arranging for a group from St. George’s to go down to the Children’s Theater to see Richard Norman in “The Abominables.”
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATERoofing the Christian Education Bldg.
by Carole Leonard /
The Project Management Task Force of the Renew the Dragon Committee has voted to approve the hiring of All Weather Roofing Company to remove the old roof and install a new roof on the Christian Education Building. The cost of the project to be charged to the Capital Fund account is $64,156, which includes a 20-year warranty.
The Finance Committee and the Vestry have also approved this project. The project is in the process of being scheduled for completion this fall.
Fr. Tom’s Office HoursJust to remind our community that Father Tom
is scheduled in the office the following days:
MONDAY: 9 – 3
TUESDAY: 9 – 3
Submitted by Amanda Norman /
Richard was chosen to be one of the hockey ensemble of actors for the Children’s Theater world premier of The Abominable's! This musical has created lots of buzz across the nation as the first ever hockey musical!
The stage is set on a hockey rink … its amazingly realistic. I won't give it away, but you can think of it a little like "Minnesota Nice" meets hockey family competitiveness. Canadian rivals are also mentioned! Look for Richard who plays several characters in the play, and begins the second act in Canadian hockey gear and a moustache. It is hilarious!!!
There are group tickets available if groups of parishioners (and their families) are interested in attending. It’s really something that every Minnesotan should see! Hockey team jerseys are welcome at the show! For more info and tickets here:
(Richard is the son of Amanda and Ravi Norman.)
Ron Ottsen
3663 Park Center Blvd. #1105
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Juanita Lussenhop
6051 Laurel Ave., #202
Golden Valley, MN 55416
St. George’s Newsletter October 2017 Page 1
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday1
8:00 am – HE, Rite I
9:00 am – Choir
9:15 am – Adult Forum
10:30 am – HE, Rite II
11:30 am – Education Committee / 2 / 3 / 4
11 am - 12 noon: Scripture Study (PH) / 5
6:30 pm – AA(LL) / 6 / 7
Capital Campaign celebration
One service
at 9:30 am
HE, Rite II
2nd Sunday/2nd Offering / 9
2 pm: Staff Meeting / 10
2-4 pm – Grief Support Group (CEB)
7 pm - Finance / 11
11 am - 12 noon: Scripture Study (PH) / 12
6:30 pm – AA(LL) / 13
6:30 pm: Supper Club
Bruce & Nancy Becker’s / 14
9 am – 12 noon : Clean-up Day
8:00 am – HE, Rite I
9:00 am – Choir
9:15 am – Adult Forum
10:30 am – HE, Rite II / 16 *
12 noon – St. Mary’s Circle – Parish Hall
7 pm - Vestry / 17* / 18*
11 am - 12 noon: Scripture Study (PH) / 19*
6:30 pm – AA (LL) / 20*
DAYD / 21
8:00 am – HE, Rite I
9:00 am – Choir
9:15 a m – Community Coffee
10:30 am – HE, Rite II
11:30 am – Caregivers Support Group / 23
3:30-5:30 pm - Kid’s Café at Perspectives / 24
2-4 pm – Grief Support Group (CEB) / 25
11 am - 12 noon: Scripture Study (PH) / 26
6:30 pm – AA (LL) / 27 / 28
8:00 am – HE, Rite I
9:00 am – Choir
9:15 a m – Community Coffee
10:30 am – HE, Rite II / 30 / 31
Key: HE – Holy Eucharist
CEB – Christian Education Building
LL – Library Lounge
PH – Parish Hall
DAYD –Dinner at Your Door
*Patty Dittrich on vacation / SECOND SUNDAY/
October 8. The second offering is donated to the St. Louis Park Emergency Program (STEP). /
Ministers of the Eucharistic Assembly
October 2017
October 1Seventeenth Sunday
After Pentecost / October 8
Eighteenth Sunday
After Pentecost
One service
at 9:30 am / October 15
Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost / October 22
Twentieth Sunday
After Pentecost / October 29
Twenty-first Sunday
After Pentecost
Readings / Exodus 17:1-7
Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16
Philippians 2:1-13
Matthew 21:23-32 / Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20
Psalm 19
Philippians 3:4b-14
Matthew 21:33-46 / Exodus 32:1-14
Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23
Philippians 4:1-9
Matthew 22:1-14 / Exodus 33:12-23
Psalm 99
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22 / Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46
Lectors / Mary Kuhfeld
Mark Shulte
Darlynn Benjamin / 9:30 am (One service)
Carole Leonard
John Rash / Maraline Keeling
Lindsay Benjamin
Devin Snyders / Karen Hurlbert
Cyprian Troyer
Sarah Schulte / Marilyn Clark
Ron Ottsen
Caryl Eschweiler
Chalice / Mary Kuhfeld
Leslie O’Donnell
Kris Kelley
/ 9:30 am (One service)
Marilyn Clark
Alan Poulsen / Maraline Keeling
Jessica Olson
Amanda Turgeant / Karen Hurlbert
Kris Kelley
Cyprian Troyer / Laura Harmon
Amanda Norman
Kathie Brown
8 a.m.
10:30 a.m. / Ron Erickson
Ron Holbach
Tom Zaun
Don Janke / 9:30 am (One service)
Scott Clark
Lou Michelich / Bruce Becker
Scott Clark
Jane Jacobson
Bob Jones / Bruce Becker
Ron Erickson
Tom Zaun
Lindsay Benjamin / Ron Holbach
Ron Erikson
Don Janke
Bill Stromberg
Acolytes: / Calista Snyders
Nolyn Snyders / 9:30 a.m. (One service)
Ian Rash / Brendon Snyders
Calista Snyders, Nolyn Snyders / Harper Malone
Lilly Schulte / Richard Norman
Ian Rash
Coffee Hour:
8 a.m.
10:30 a.m. / Karen Hurlbert
Ron Holbach
John Carlson
Jane Carlson /
9:30 am (One service)
Alan Poulsen
Mary Poulsen / Betty Bauer
Bob Jones
Bonnie Jones / Carole Leonard
Geri Alberg
Gloria Monroe Johnson / Carole Leonard
Geri Alberg
Don Janke
Patricia Janke
/ Big Success calls for Big Pizza! /
Please join us as we celebrate together the success of our ongoing “Renew the Dragon” Capital Campaign.
Who: The entire parish of St. George’s
When: Sunday, October 8, following a 9:30 a.m. combined service
Where: St. George’s Parish Hall
You won't want to miss this event! Roger and Michelle Hammers of Party Pizza will bring their large portable oven and will assemble and bake a couple of 48" pizzas in our alley parking area. Several varieties of pizza will be available. They always receive rave reviews.
There will be a short program following the service and then the pizza lunch. We hope you will join us for this fun celebration!
P.S. There will be a large 36" chocolate chip cookie for dessert, too!
St. George’s Newsletter October 2017 Page 5
About St. George’s
5224 Minnetonka Boulevard
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Office hours Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Parish staff:
The Rev. Thomas J. Gehlsen, Ph.D., Rector
The Rev. Diane McGowan, Deacon
Patty Dittrich, Parish Administrator
Heather Whitesell, Children and Youth Coordinator
Randy Egan, Organist/Choirmaster
The Rev. Dr. Mildred L. Cox
Dorothy Benham, soprano; Philip Eschweiler, tenor; Stephen Houtz, baritone; Don Moyer, bass; Elizabeth Woolner, emerita.