International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine
announces tender for survey conducting
“Behavior monitoring of bridge-group as the second generation surveillance component”
The tender is carried out within the framework of “Overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemics in Ukraine” program, implemented by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance within the grant of the Global Fund to fight AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine (further – Tender Organizer) is an international charitable foundation, supporting communities and community activities, playing valuable and effective part in the response to HIV/AIDS epidemic.
The Alliance’s priorities are to support public initiative, aimed at reducing HIV prevalence in the most vulnerable communities, development of social support of HIV positive people and their relatives, reduction of stigmatization and improvement of services for HIV positive people and most vulnerable to HIV groups, determination, exchanging and following examples of the most effective public response to the epidemic.
Background information
Behavioral survey among bridge-group was realized in Ukraine during 2002 in the framework of pilot project on modern epidemiological surveillance implementing, that was financed by UNAIDS and UNFPA. The probe survey was conducted among women involved in sex business, workers of entertainment sphere, long-range drivers, and labor migrants.
According to the monitoring data on behavior of women, which provide sexual service for money, and taking into account characteristics mentioned by them more frequently, the portrait of typical sex service user is the following. It is a man of 25-50 years old. He is a businessman looking for entertainment and novelty in sexual life first of all. Traditional clients are also the transport workers, especially long-range drivers and taxi drivers. Workers of law machinery also use FSW service. Behavior survey of law machinery representatives needs additional investigation, and it will not be considered in this survey as a bridge group.
Tender objectives and subject
In the result of tender Alliance will choose organisation for conducting the survey on behaviour monitoring of bridge group as the second generation HIV surveillance component using Method guidance for the survey.
Tender proposal is the subject of the tender. Its form and contents has to meet the conditions, stated in this tender announcement.
Main tasks:
1. Data collection for analysis of HIV transmission risk factors among bridge group.
2. Track of tendencies on knowledge, attitudes, practices, and behavior model among bridge group.
3. Definition and analysis of links between bridge group and other groups of population with different levels of behavioral risk of HIV transmission.
4. Evaluation of prevention programs effectiveness among different bridge sub-groups.
5. Development of strategic data for planning of further prevention and information activities among the main target bridge groups.
6. Development and probation of the Methodic recommendations on behavior monitoring among bridge group as the second generation HIV surveillance component and of the recommended toolkits for the surveys.
Main activities:
1. Substantiation and calculation of sample of target groups and sub-groups.
2. Development and probation of the toolkits on behavior monitoring among bridge groups based on recommended toolkits and Method guidance on behavior monitoring of HIV vulnerable groups as the second generation surveillance component.
3. Training of interviewers for conducting behavior survey among different bridge groups;
4. Field stage of the survey;
5. Coding and processing of data.
6. Preparation of analytical report.
7. Development of recommendations and strategic information on HIV prevention and awareness among different bridge groups.
8. Development of Methodic recommendations taking into account conducted survey experience.
Results of every working stage are the subjects for evaluation and agreement with the tender Organizer and expert group of sociologists, coordinated by UNAIDS.
The requirement to bridge group sampling is its representativeness for the main target groups, namely:
· For clients of women involved in sex business;
· For workers of entertainment sphere;
· For workers of railway transport (conductors);
· For long-range drivers;
· For labor migrants.
While forming sampling it is necessary to take into account representation of the main regions for the level of HIV prevalence. Size of sampling should contain no less than 400 persons from each sub-group.
Time frames: July – September 2005.
Project results:
· Analytical report should contain results of the data analysis accordingly to all main tasks. The report has to be submitted in both languages (English and Ukrainian), in hard and electronic copies with data files. Basic report findings should be arranged in a summary presentation.
· Technical report of the survey
· Methodic recommendations and recommended toolkits on behavior monitoring among bridge group as the second generation HIV surveillance component taking into account conducted survey.
Requirements to tender proposals:
Tender proposals and their annexes should correspond to the following criteria:
· Correspondence to the tender tasks and conditions;
· Tender proposals should be realistic and achievable;
· Presence of its own/or involved sufficient recourses for proposed activities executing and tender proposal realization.
Tender proposal consists of the proposal (offer) itself, proposal project with step-by-step survey description, structure, and detailed budget.
To participate in the tender the candidate should submit the offer, which meets all the requirements. The tender Organizer will decide by himself whether tender offers correspond to tender conditions.
Tender participants agree that Tender Organizer does not return materials submitted during any stage of tender procedure without special participant’s request given in written form and sent to the Tender Organizer accordingly. If tender participants didn’t ask for tender documents return within the month period (starting from the day of results announcement), it is considered that these documents belong to the Tender Organizer.
Executing agency selection criteria:
- Previous experience with surveys/researches with similar topics and methods;
- Familiarity with research objectives and problems;
- Availability of field workers network or possibility to contract it;
- Participation of highly qualified professionals: sociologists, trainers, managers;
- Ability to meet intermediate terms and deadlines, coordinate its activities with partners and, particularly, with NGOs and state organizations;
- Competitive and realistic budget.
Decision on tender winner and reward:
As a result of project proposals evaluation Tender Review Committee will recommend the winner of the tender. Tender Review Committee will evaluate project proposals, reasoning from their own perception of the goal, objectives and tasks of the tender. Tender Review Committee can also recommend the winner on certain conditions. Tender Organizer rests the right to make final decision on selection of the winner.
Reward for the tender winning is completed agreement with tender Organizer to conduct the survey “Behaviour monitoring of bridge groups as second generation HIV surveillance component”, based on project proposal of the winner, including recommendations of Tender Review Committee.
Responsibility of the Organizer is not beyond the scope of the reward, defined by the tender conditions.
Deadline for proposals submissions: 30th of June, 2005 by 18:00
To participate in the tender the candidate should submit a proposal with stage-by-stage survey description, structure, detailed budget, and reference list of the candidate’s previous surveys in this field. The proposal should not exceed 5 pages.
Project proposal is submitted in Ukrainian (or Russian) and English in hard and electronic copies (on floppy disc) at following addresses:
Mailing address: International Charitable Foundation
“International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine”
Dymytrova str. 5, building 10A, 6-th floor
Kyiv 03680
E-mail address:
For additional information, please contact the International Charitable Foundation “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine” by telephone numbers: (044) 490-54-85,490-54-86,490-54-87,490-54-88, contact person: Anna Dovbakh (ext.142)
Tender announcement and is available at the International charitable foundation “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine” web-site
Tender Organizer is not responsible for the work of Ukrainian post-office and any other postal mistakes, which caused the loss of tender documents (tender proposal, budget, or any other documents necessary for the tender) or late submission, or damage. Tender Organizer is also not responsible for the work of communication statement and in case of force majeure. Tender Organizer is not accounting for impossibility to contact tender participants if wrong information about tender participants is given. Tender participant is accounting personally for authenticity of presented information.
Taking part in the procedure tender participant agrees with all the tender conditions and takes obligations to follow them.
The Tender Organizer will solve any dispute between the Parties that may arise during the performance of this tender and that it has not been possible to settle. The decision of a Tender Organizer is final and cannot be appealed.
Please, note:
· Tender applications, submitted to the ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine” after the expiration term, stated herein, will not be considered.
· Presented tender materials will not be reviewed.
· Reasons for refusal to support tender proposal will not be reported.
· The winner will be informed about the tender results not later than 22 July 2005 in written form.
· Tender results will be available at the International charitable foundation “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine” web-site
Good luck!