Action Plan of KVK-Poonch
CROP PRODUCTION (10) Clientele: Farmers
S. No. / Topic / Date / Course Outline / Venue1. / Scientific Cultivation of Maize / May /
- High yielding varieties of Maize.
- Application of Inorganic & Organic fertilizers.
- Agronomic practices
2. / Scientific Cultivation of Paddy / June /
- High yielding var. of paddy.
- Nursery sowing techniques.
- Recommended dose of fertilizers.
- Application of weedicides
- Post harvest management
3. / Scientific cultivation for Kharif fodder crops (Sorghum) / July /
- Reasons of low fodder availability
- Agronomic practices.
- Seed rate.
- HY fodder varieties
4. / Weed management in kharif crops / Aug /
- Weeds of kharif crops
- Weed Management practices
- Chemical weed control
5. / High yielding varieties of oilseeds / Sept /
- Oilseed crops for Poonch.
- High oil content varieties.
- Mgmt. of Diseases.
- Seed rate etc.
6 / Seed production in wheat / Oct. /
- Importance of quality seed
- Important varieties
- Seed production techniques
- Post harvest management
7 / Seed Production of rabi fodder crops / Oct. /
- Availability of quality seed
- Agronomic practices.
- Different fodder varieties.
8 / Seed Production of rabi pulses / Nov. /
- Requirement for seed production.
- Precaution for seed production.
- Technical knowhow.
9 / Use of vermicompost in agriculture / Dec. /
- Importance of vermicompost
- Setting up of vermicompost
10 / Crop Diversification / Jan. /
- Importance of crop diversification.
- Need of crop diversification.
- Economic of crop diversification.
- Better Mgmt. of diversified crops.
PLANT PROTECTION (10) Clientele: Farmers
S. No. / Topic / Date / Course Outline / Venue1 / Insect Management in Apple / April /
- Identification of major pests
- ETL of pests.
- Physical, Mechanical & Cultural methods.
2 / Integrated management in Maize & Rajmash under mixed cropping / May /
- Identification of the pest.
- Seed treatment.
- Spray schedule.
3 / Integrated Management in Vegetable Crops / May /
- Harmful effects in vegetables
- Time of application.
- Use of pesticides having led residual effect.
4 / Insect pest & disease management in Paddy nursery / July /
- Identification of major pests
- ETL of pests.
- Physical, Mechanical & Cultural methods.
5 / Selection of Pesticides for successful management of Pests & Diseases / September /
- Concept of Insecticides, fungicides, nematicides & weedicides.
- Selection of right chemical.
6 / Seed treatment in commercial farming / June /
- Seed treatment chemicals.
- Seed treatment in vegetables.
- Seed treatment in cereals.
7 / Wilt Management in chillies / June /
- Seed Treatment.
- Method of planting seedling, treat or drenching.
8 / Insect Pest Management in Pecan nut / April /
- Identification of insect pest
- Cultural measures for management
- Selection of insecticide
- Proper application
9 / Management of Stored Grain Pests / October /
- Identification of insect pest
- Sanitation of storage structures
- Selection and application of fumigants
10 / Insect Management in Wheat Crop / Dec /
- Seed treatment.
- Use of pesticides.
HORTICULTURE (15) Clientele: Farmers
S. No. / Topic / Date / Course Outline / Venue1 / Propagation techniques (Budding) in fruit crops / June-July /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Methods of grafting
- Production of quality planting material
2 / Propagation techniques (Budding) in fruit crops / June-July /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Methods of grafting
- Production of quality planting material
3 / Healthy nursery raising technique in fruit crops / Sept.-Oct /
- Preparation of raised bed.
- Seed treatment.
- Line sowing.
4 / Healthy nursery raising technique in fruit crops / Sept.-Oct /
- Preparation of raised bed.
- Seed treatment.
- Line sowing.
5 / Canopy management (Pruning and training) of Fruit plants / Jan-Feb /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Scientific way of pruning.
6 / Canopy management (Pruning and training) of Fruit plants / Jan-Feb /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Scientific way of pruning.
7 / Canopy management (Pruning and training) of Fruit plants / Jan-Feb /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Scientific way of pruning.
8 / Canopy management (Pruning and training) of Fruit plants / Jan-Feb /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Scientific way of pruning.
9 / Canopy management (Pruning and training) of Fruit plants / Jan-Feb /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Scientific way of pruning.
- Canopy management.
8 10 / Scientific techniques of Layout and planting of an orchard / Feb- March /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Selection of location/Site
- Methods of planting
9 11 / Scientific techniques of Layout and planting of an orchard / Feb-March /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Selection of location/Site
- Methods of planting
12 / Propagation techniques (Grafting) in fruit crops / Feb-March /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Methods of grafting
13 / Propagation techniques (Grafting) in fruit crops / Feb-March /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Methods of grafting
14 / Propagation techniques (Grafting) in fruit crops / Feb-March /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Methods of grafting
15 / Propagation techniques (Grafting) in fruit crops / Feb-March /
- Importance
- Selection of right time
- Methods of grafting
EXTENSION EDUCATION (05) Clientele: Farmers
S. No. / Topic / Date / Course Outline / Venue1 / Income generating units for school dropouts/ rural youths / Aug. /
- Subsidiary enterprises
- Managing different enterprises
2. / Loan /credit facilities for agriculture. / Sept. /
- Sources of agriculture Credit.
- Facilities/Schemes like KCC etc.
3. / Centrally Sponsored schemes for Sheep & Goat for upliftment of Scheduled Tribes. / Sept. /
- Improved breeds, Loan facilities.
- Wool Quality.
- Mutton products.
4 / Marketing strategies for Horticultural crops / Oct. /
- Seeking Market information/intelligence .
- Concept of Future Trading.
- How to trade in commodity futures.
5 / Awareness for Kissan credit card (KCC) / Oct /
- Kissan credit card
- Benefits of KCC
- Requirements for KCC
ANIMAL HUSBANDRY (05) Clientele: Farmers
S. No. / Topic / Date / Course Outline / Venue1. / Income generation through backyard poultry / Aug. /
- Importance of backyard poultry.
- Different breeds etc.
2 / Clean milk production / Aug. /
- Importance of clean milk production.
- Clean milk production techniques.
- Transportation techniques of milk.
3 / Deworming in farm animals / Sept /
- Various types of endoparasites.
- Natural and economic loss by endoparasites.
- Management.
4 / Infertility in farm animals / Sept. /
- Awareness on infertility.
- Prevention of infertility.
- Treatment of infertility.
5 / Income generation through Sheep & Goat rearing / Sept. /
- Importance of meat in human diet.
- Different breeds of Goat & Sheep.
VOCATIONAL TRAININGS (06) Clientele: Rural Youth
S. No. / Topic / Date / Venue / Duration1. / Quality Seed Production of cereal and Fodder crops / March / On-farm / 2 days
2. / Propagation Techniques (budding & grafting) of fruit crops / June-July
Jan-Feb. / On-farm
On-farm / 2 days
2 days
3. / Value added products of vegetables, fruits, mushroom etc. / Sept. / On-farm / 3 days
4. / Mushroom cultivation techniques / Sept. / On –farm / 3 days
5. / Composite fish culture / Oct. / On-farm / 7 days
6. / Bee Keeping / July / On- farm / 3 days
7. / Poultry farm management / Sept. / On-farm / 2 days
INSERVICE TRAININGS (10) Clientele: Extension Officials
S. No. / Topic / Month / Course outline / Venue1 / New Insecticides : Introduction and Use / May /
- Identification of stored grain insect pests.
- Different storage structures.
- Causes of stored grain losses.
- Management strategies.
2 / Importance of micronutrients / June /
- Micronutrients
- Macronutrients
- Status of Poonch Soil
- Fertility
3 / Prevention of Soil erosion in hilly areas / July /
- Soil Erosion
- Types of soil erosion
- Causes of soil erosion
- Prevention of soil erosion
4 / Advances in millets production / July /
- Different types of millets
- Importance in human nutrition
- Quality Parameters of millets over cereals
- Promotion of millets for rural upliftment
5 / Recently released varieties recommended for mid hills and quality seed production / Aug. /
- HYV of wheat
- HYV of pulses
- HYV of oilseeds
- HYV of Fodders
6 / Use of Predators and Parasites for Insect Pest Management / Oct. /
- Effect of Pesticides on ecosystem.
- Concept of eco-friendly pest management.
- Selection of pesticides for eco-friendly insect pest management.
7 / Plant Protection measures in Organic Farming / December /
- Introduction to Organic farming
- Selection of Pesticides
- Eco-friendly pesticides
8 / Use of Pollinizers for improving fruit set / March /
- Importance of pollination
- Pollinizers
- Fruit set
9 / Use of registered quality planting material / Oct.-Nov /
- Importance and scope
- Quality planting material & yield
- Advantages
10 / Nutritional disorders and their management in fruit crops / July /
- Nutritional disorders.
- Causes
- Remedial measures.
Crops / Area (ha) / Field Days(A) Cereals
(a) Maize
(b) Paddy
(c) Wheat / 20.00
10.00 / 03
(B) Oil Seeds
(a) Mustard
(b) Gobi Sarson / 01.00
01.00 / 01
(C) Pulses
(a) Rajmash / 05.00 / 02
(D) Fodder Oats / 02.00 / 01
(E) Strawberry / 01.00 / 02
(F) Chicks (Backyard Poultry) / 1000 nos / -
Grand Total / 39.00 / 13
A. CROP PRODUCTION (Low yield in maize due to cultivation of traditional (desi) varieties in maize)
a) Evaluation of maize varieties/hybrids
Treatment I: Farmer’s practice (Kanchan 612)
Treatment II: Double Deklab
Treatment III: PMH 34
(modified as per recommendations/suggestions in the University level workshop held on 30.03.2015)
b) Evaluation of promising fodder crop/variety for temperate region
Treatment I: Oats Kent (Farmer’s practice)
Treatment I: Oats Sabazaar (Source SKUAST-K recommened)
Treatment II: oatsvariety Sabazaar 1/Palampur -1(SKUAST-K/Palampur)
Plant Protection
- Management of sheath blight in paddy
Treatment I: Farmer’s practice (No Chemical)
Treatment II: Seed treatment with Carbendazim + Spray of Carbendazim
Treatment III: Seed treatment with Thiram + Spray of Mancozeb
- Management of cutworm in Maize + Rajmash under mixed cropping
Treatment I: Farmer’s practice (No Chemical)
Treatment II: Seed treatment with Fipronil
Treatment III: Soil application of Carbofuran
a) Nutrient Management in Apple
Problem Identified: Low yield due to Imbalanced fertilizer dose
Treatment I : Farmers Practice (FYM)
Treatment II : Urea(525g/tree), DAP (325g/tree), MOP (730g/tree), + 100 kg FYM( Cacl2(0.5%), ZnSo4(0.5%), MnSo4(0.5%) and Boron(0.1% , if needed)
Treatment III : Intervention ( application of Fertilizer dose based on Soil test )
b) Nutrient management in Plum
i) Treatment I: Farmer’s practice (Urea + FYM)
ii) Treatment II: Urea (735 g/tree) + DAP (280 g/tree) + MoP(1080 g/tree)+FYM (50kg/plant)
iii) Treatment III: Intervention (Based on soil test)
Kisan Ghosties-04
Kisan Mela-02
SAC meeting-02
Field Days-Need based
Base line survey of the district for identifying
the thrust areas
Awareness Programmes/Campaigns-05
Agri-clinic/Veterinary camps-04
Radio/TV talks-Need Based