8th Grade United States History
Mrs. Roy
Welcome to 8th grade history. It’s going to be a great year! I love teaching United States history and am excited to share the story of our country with my students. This syllabus will outline the units of study for the year, my classroom expectations, and information that will help to make you successful in this class. Please ask questions and see me for help as needed.
The content of this class is determined by the California State Content Standards for eighth grade social studies. Listed below are the major units that will be assessed this year.
- The English Colonies
- The America Revolution
- Forming a Government
- The Constitution
- Launching a Nation
- The Early Republic
- Expanding West
- Reform Movements
- A Divided Nation
- The Civil War
- Reconstruction
- A Growing Nation
United States History: Independence to 1914 is used as the foundation for class learning. We will also be using primary sources as well as historical fiction, current events and multimedia images to explore United States History.
Course Policies and Grading:
Always bring required supplies with you daily –binder, pencil, pen, binder paper, colored pencils, highlighters.
Student letter grades are based on the Roseville City School District grading policy of 90% summative and 10% formative.
If you enter class after the bell rings, you are considered tardy. The school tardy policy will be enforced.
Homework is due the next day unless otherwise specified. If you are absent on the day that something is due, you will be required to turn it in on the day that you return. If you are absent and miss receiving an assignment, please see me upon your return for makeup work. Please see me regarding any extended absences. If you know in advance you will be absent please request your work in advance and I will provide all work that I can based upon where we are in a particular unit of study.
Homework will be assigned periodically in this class. Most will be during the week. Papers must contain the correct heading (Name, Date, Class Period). Late work will be accepted, however you may lose points for late work.
You will be required to write down the daily classroom work and homework in your planner. Please highlight your homework.
Organization is very important in this class. You are required to keep an organized history section with a table of contents in your binder for this class.
You will complete assessments during each unit of study. Assessments may take the forms of a test, quiz, culminating project or some other form of evaluation. Assessments for each unit will be based on state standards. Students who score below 70% may have the opportunity to re-take an assessment to earn up to 70%. Retakes must be discussed with me and retake requirements must be met.
Students are expected to be an active participant in class. You should be actively involved in class discussions, group assignments, partner work and activities.
MAJOR PROJECTS: Throughout the year, you may be assigned various projects. These projects are generally assigned over a longer period of time and may require work outside of the classroom. Assignments considered “major” include unit projects, research papers, and multi-media presentations.
Class Expectations:
In conjunction with the student responsibilities outlined in the Buljan Middle School handbook, I have expectations for classroom conduct. These are in place to ensure all students have the educational opportunities they deserve. Students will:
- Come to class with a positive attitude, ready to learn and participate.
- Be in your seat when the bell rings with your required materials out.
- Be courteous, respectful and helpful to others.
- Listen to the teacher and follow directions.
- Remain in your seat unless otherwise directed.
- Be on task at all times.
- Wait until your teacher directs you before packing up to leave the classroom.
Students are expected to have the following supplies with them at all times.
- College or wide ruled paper
- Blue or black pens
- Pencils
- Red pens for correcting
- Highlighters (at least two different colors)
- Colored pencils
Please sign to indicate you have read the syllabus and understand the class expectations. Please return the signed syllabus by Wednesday, August 24.
Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature