Minutes of Parent Council Meeting held on
Monday, 18th January 2016
Meeting of: St. Andrew’s and St. Bride’s Parent Council, East Kilbride
Location: Conference Room, St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School. Platthorn Drive,
East Kilbride
Date: Monday, 18th January 2016
Present Mrs Caroline McDonald Chair
Mrs Hilary Kirby Parent Member (Treasurer)
Mrs Julie Cannon Parent Member
Mrs Claire Cowling Parent Member
Mrs Pamela Hagan Parent Member
Mr Bernard Harkins Parent Member
Mr Philip Harris Parent Member
Mrs Fiona McLean Parent Member
Ms Jane Porter Parent Member
Mr Jim Toner Parent Member
Mr John Russell Church Representative
Mr Brian Nelson Staff Member
Mrs Fiona Mullen Head Teacher and Principal Advisor
Councillor Alice Marie Mitchell South Lanarkshire Council
1 Welcome and Apologies
Mrs McDonald welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the New Year and Mr Russell opened the meeting with a prayer.
1 Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received from Mrs Claire Perrett, Mrs Margaret White and Mr Kenny Slowey.
2 Minutes of Previous Meeting.
The Minutes from the meeting of 16th November were read and approved.
3 Matters arising from the Minutes
3.1 (7.1) Mrs McDonald asked members for their thoughts on creating an email address for
parents/carers to contact the Parent Council. After a short discussion it was agreed that Mr Nelson would put a link on the school website to the school office email address for those parents/carers wishing to contact the Parent Council. The school office would then forward any emails to the Parent Council.
4 School Business
4.1 Youth Speaks Competition
Mrs Mullen advised that 3 S1 pupils have reached the final of the Youth Speaks Competition which takes place on 31st January in the Pollock Burgh Hall.
4.2 Micro Tyco
Mrs Mullen reported that the school had come first in the Micro Tyco competition and had raised £3603. This is the second year in a row that the school has won the competition. Mrs Mullen re-iterated the importance of Micro Tyco in strengthening business links with the school.
4.3 St Bride’s Church
Mrs Mullen confirmed that St Bride’s Parish have celebrated their first Mass in the school at the weekend. The school is keeping close links with the construction company carrying out the renovations to St Bride’s Church.
4.4 Upcoming Events
Mrs Mullen advised the following upcoming events:
· Holocaust Memorial Event – 26th January.
· Catholic Education Sunday – 31st January.
· Patronal Feast Day - 1st February. Bishop Toal will celebrate Mass in the school and St Bride’s Parish will be invited to attend.
· Careers Fayre – 4th February.
· Psychological Services, East Kilbride Area. The school is to house Psychological Services for the East Kilbride area. Mrs Mullen gave a detailed report on the necessary adaptations that will be carried out in the school in the coming weeks to enable this to happen. Mrs Mullen stressed that there will be no interruption to teaching and learning during this time.
At this point in the meeting Councillor Mitchell thanked Mrs Mullen, the staff and pupils for the lovely welcome that the parishioners from St Bride’s had received at Mass in the school. Mr Toner agreed and advised that the parishioners had said how impressed they were with the school.
4.5 HGIOS 4 (How Good Is Our School)
Mrs Mullen suggested going through the new model of HGIOS at the next Parent Council meeting. After a short discussion it was decided that the Parent Forum meeting in April would be a better date to do this.
4.6 Careers Fayre
Mr Nelson advised that the Careers Fayre on 4th February is open to all S2-S5 pupils and their parents/carers. In addition to the many stands there will be presentations on different careers from various guest speakers. Parents/carers can book spaces for these presentations online through the link on the school website or through www.eventbrite.co.uk. Letters have been issued to all S2-S5 pupils detailing all the information for the Careers Fayre.
5 Fundraising
Mrs Kirby advised that the next fundraising event is ‘The Sound of Musicals’ by Studio 32 which will be held in the school on Friday, 12th February. Tea/coffee and shortbread is included in the ticket price of £5.
6 Correspondence
A newsletter was received from Scottish Catholic Education Service dated January 2016.
7 Any Other Competent Business
7.1 Fire Evacuation Procedure
A question was raised as to the fire evacuation procedure in the event of the fire alarm going off in the school at interval or lunchtime. Mrs Mullen explained that an instance of wilful fire raising had occurred in December during lunchtime. All pupils had left the building quietly and in an orderly fashion and made their way to the designated evacuation areas. A clear building policy is carried out at interval and lunchtime when pupils are not able to be registered. Mrs Mullen confirmed that the fire evacuation procedures were emphasised to all pupils at assemblies following this incident.
7.2 School Transportation
Councillor Mitchell was asked if there was any information on SPT increasing the number of buses in the Lindsayfield area in the wake of the removal of school transport by South Lanarkshire Council for pupils living between two and three miles from their school. Councillor Mitchell advised that she would contact SPT tomorrow. Councillor Mitchell also advised that arrows are to be painted in the school car park to aid the flow of traffic.
7.3 School Toilets
A concern was raised over the lack of soap and toilet paper in the boys’ toilets. Mrs Mullen confirmed that although there have been some issues in the past the toilets are equipped with both soap and toilet paper. Mrs Mullen asked to be advised if this continues to be a concern. Mrs Mullen also confirmed that metal mirrors are being put up in the toilets in response to a request by the school’s Pupil Voice committee.
This concluded the meeting. Mr Russell closed the meeting with a prayer. The next Parent Council meeting will take place on Monday, 21st March 2016 at 7pm in the Conference Room.
Signed: ..……………………………………………..
Position: .……………………………………………...
Date: ………………………………………………