Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education
Vol. X, No. Y, Month - Month20XY


Authors I (first name , surname)1, Author II2, Author III3

1“Gr. T. Popa" U.M.Ph. - Iași, Romania, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Proshodontics

Corresponding author; e-mail: ……………, tel. +40.232…….. (the phone numberisrequired for contactingthe authorbythe editorial boardandwill not appearin the article)

Aim of the study The abstract of the paper is to be written here. Materials and methods It contains the main ideas and original contributions and conclusions of the authors’ research. Results It will be structured as shown here. ConclusionsThis is a model.
Key words:key word one, key word two


Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education
Vol. X, No. Y, Month - Month20XY

We strongly recommend this template to be used for writing the article.

The first paragraph begins here. The number of paragraphs depends on the inner structure of the paper.


Here we give some examples in order to illustrate the aspect of a printed paper.

TNR 11.5, justify, paragraph - multiple 1.15, indentation first line 0.5.

Every Figure and Table included in the paper MUST be referred to from the text.

When referring to a Figure in the text, the word "Figure" is abbreviated as "Fig.", while "Table" is not abbreviated. Both words are spelled out completely in descriptive legends.

This is an example ….… (Covelo et al., 2010).


Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education
Vol. X, No. Y, Month - Month20XY
Figure 1. TNR 11, center, spacing before 3, after 10 / Figure 2. The heights of the images must be identical and the widths must not exceed 7,2 cm.


Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education
Vol. X, No. Y, Month - Month20XY

The results of some experiments are presented in Table 1. The units of measurement should be written either near the symbol of the respective quantity, or below it.


The subtitles should be written in TNR 11.5, bold, justify, paragraph - multiple 1.15.

This is an example.


Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education
Vol. X, No. Y, Month - Month20XY
Table 1. This is an example / Table 2. This is an example

Table 3. This is an example


Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education
Vol. X, No. Y, Month - Month20XY
  1. The first conclusion.
  2. The second conclusion.
  3. The third conclusion.
  4. The forth conclusion
  5. Thefifth conclusion
  6. The sixth conclusions.


Romanian Journal of Medical and Dental Education

Vol. X, No. Y, Month - Month20XY


The authors would like to thank Prof. John Doe for the support and constructive comments and also to the staff of the XY Laboratory.


1Rosenstiel S.F., Land M.F., Fujimoto J.,Contemporary fixed prosthodontics. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book; 2005:51.

2Johnston J.F., Phillips R.W., Dykema R.W., Modern practice in crown and bridge prosthodontics. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1971:17, 18.

3Shillingburg H.T. Jr., Hobo S., Whitsett L.D., Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics. 3rd ed. Chicago: Quintessence; 1997:85.