Data Analysis Report [Number]
Response title: [Response title]
Date: [Date drafted]
Document control
Response Strategic Leadership: [Names]
Response Manager: [Name]
Author: [Name][Role]
Version: [Version control number]
Status: [Draft or final]
Permissions: [Confidential, commercially sensitive, general release]
Data Analysis Report
Table of contents
1.1Purpose of the analysis
1.3Key documents
3.1Quality of data
3.2Rate of spread
3.3Old and new distributions
3.4New hosts
3.5New conveyors or vectors
3.6Response efficiency and effectiveness
3.7Undetected spread
3.8Predicted spread
This report outlines the findings of [provide description of data analysis] data analysis that has been performed as part of the [name of response] response.
1.1Purpose of the analysis
[Describe why the analysis has been undertaken. It may be regular data analysis for the response or ad-hoc data analysis for a specific purpose.]
[If relevant, describe the hypothesis to be tested.]
1.3Key documents
[List key documents and reports related to this response.]
[Describe the methods used: data source/date, assessment of data quality (e.g. missing values, outliers and correlations in these), analysis approach and methodology.]
[Complete the heading below and/or provide other headings relevant to the purpose of the data analysis.]
3.1Quality of data
[Describe the quality of the data used in the analysis. Were there any issues with it that should be taken into consideration when looking at the findings?]
3.2Rate of spread
[Describe what the findings of the data analysis indicate regarding rate of spread of the risk organism spatially, temporally and by other relevant property or animal classes. Use epidemic curve, estimated dissemination rate and generation interval.]
3.3Old and new distributions
[Describe old and new distributions of the risk organism spatially, temporally and according to other relevant property or animal classes, e.g. farm type, industry sectors, managed vs wild populations. Use maps, kernel-smoothe and network analysis techniques, as appropriate.]
3.4New hosts
[Describe what the findings of the data analysis indicate regarding current and new hosts for the risk organism.]
3.5New conveyors or vectors
[Describe what the findings of the data analysis indicate regarding current and new conveyors or vectors for the risk organism.]
3.6Response efficiency and effectiveness
[Describe the progress of the response according to operational tasks: organism management, surveillance and movement control.]
3.7Undetected spread
[Assess surveillance methods and reliability for their detection of the organism. Describe magnitude of potential undetected cases.]
3.8Predicted spread
[Describe spatial and temporal magnitude of predicted epidemic using appropriate models.]
[Report other finding of the data analysis, as required.]
[Summarise findings outlined in subheadings above, focussing on:
- data quality and the effect this may have on drawingconclusions
- spread
- response effectiveness and efficiency and estimates of undetectedspread
- predictions.
Discuss the implications of findings for the response effort and the need for further resource.]
[Summarise recommended actions for the response team arising out of the analysis.]
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