Informative Speech Guidelines

  1. Objective:educate audience on one self-selected topic (that has been approved)
  2. Select a topic that:
  3. You are interested in
  4. Would likely appeal to an audience of teenagers of varied backgrounds and experiences
  5. Can be supported with research from at least 3 credible sources
  6. 6-8 minutes (points deducted if students go under or over time)
  7. Narrow topic and divide it into 3 or 4 categories/subdivisions
  8. The nature of the topic must determine the subdivisions. Hence, I can’t say you must address 1.) family life 2.) accomplishments 3.) failures 4.) legacy
  9. Once you have determined your topic and subdivisions, you are to conference with me over those choices.
  10. Continue research
  11. Document your research: for THIS class, that means citing any sources on a Bibliography page.
  12. Including a parenthetical citation in the outline (you will begin to formally outline soon). Today, you will simply break topic into subdivisions and brainstorm ideas/facts under the subdivisions:

Topic: Henry VIII

  1. Personality




  1. Love Life





  1. Accomplishments




Topic: The American Suffragette

I. History and Origin

A. “The Woman Question”

B. The term “suffragette”

C. The typical suffragette’s background

II. Acts of dissidence

A. Setting fires to mailboxes

B. Picketing the White House during War

C. Noisy protests

D. Hunger strikes

III. Unjust Punishments

A. Arrests

B. Violent attacks

C. Force Feeding

IV. Accomplishments

A. suffrage

B. Attention to other women’s issues/concerns

1. Right to property

2. Right to quality education

3. Employment opportunity/equal pay

Comparing an outline that needs focused to one properly focused

Informative Speech Topic: Henry VIII

I. Introduction

II. Personality

A. As a young man

1. Charming

2. Attractive

3. Romantic

B. As an adult

1. Tyrannical

2. Obese

3. Womanizer

III. Henry’s Love Life (the wives)

A. Catherine of Aragon

1. Was married to Henry’s brother first

2. Spanish Princess

3. Loved by the citizens of England

4. Devout Catholic

5. Kind, compassionate, loyal, and intelligent

6. Had one child with Henry – Mary

7. Fought Henry on a divorce . . . but lost

B. Anne Boleyn

1. Lived in France for awhile

2. Disliked by the citizens of England

3. Protestant

4. Arrogant, strong-willed, intelligent, and sometimes cruel

a. Plotted to poison Princess Mary

5. Beheaded by Henry

C. Jane Seymour

1. Married Henry the day after Anne’s execution

2. Sweet and relatively unremarkable

3. Protestant

4. Produced a male heir, Edward

5. Died after complications in child birth

D. Anne of Cleves

1. German princess

2. Could not speak English

3. Henry found her unattractive

4. Had no children

5. Gladly annulled her marriage to Henry

E. Catherine Howard

1. English

2. Young and foolish

3. Had an affair

4. Beheaded

E. Katherine Parr

1. English

2. Intelligent, mild-mannered, independent

3. Married four times

4. Outlived Henry

5. It is believed that Henry was making arrangements to rid himself of her at the time of

his death.

IV. Political Accomplishments

A. Unified England

B. Made England a European Power

V. Conclusion

Informative Speech Topic: Henry VIII

I. Introduction

II. Personality

A. As a young man

1. Charming

a. example

2. Romantic

a. example

B. As an adult

1. Tyrannical

a. example

2. Womanizer

a. example

III. Henry’s Love Life (the wives)

A. His arrogance, selfishness, and womanizing resulted in many terminated marriages

1. Desired male heir and tired of wife – Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn

3. Found Anne of Cleves unattractive

4. Hypocritically, wouldn’t tolerate infidelity – Catherine Howard

B. Two marriages were less scandalous

1. Jane Seymour died from complications in childbirth

2. Katherine Parr outlived Henry

IV. Political Accomplishments

A. Unified England



B. Made England a European Power



V. Conclusion

Content/Prep Part I (50)

Overall Understanding/Preparedness
9-10You were organized, prepared, and informed on the topic. PowerPoint and outline was accurate/appropriate.
5-8 You were mostly organized, prepared, and informed, though the following problems existed: ______.
0-4 There were significant problems with your organization, preparedness, and/or grasp of topic and protocol.
Arguments (General Ideas)
9-10 You clearly communicated a sufficient number of strong arguments. There were no illogical gaps or unnecessary points.
5-8 Overall, your arguments were sound, but there were some problems with their clarity or quality, or an essential main idea was missing. ______
0-4 You need to work on ______
Use of Facts and Statistics (Specific Development)
9-10Every major point was well supported with relevant facts, statistics, and/or examples. Information was thorough but well selected. Development was superior.
5-8 Every major point was adequately with relevant facts/statistics/examples. Development was quality. ______
0-4Support of argument(s) was weak: either the accuracy or relevance was questionable, the material was “thin” or otherwise weak, or arguments were not supported at all.
9-10 All points/arguments were clearly tied to a main idea, which were organized in a clear, logical fashion. Transitional hooks/phrases/sentences moved audience from one main idea to the next.
5-8 All arguments were clearly tied to an idea (premise), but the organization was not always clear or logical. Transitions (and transitional “topic sentences” were flawed or 1 was missing).
0-4 Arguments were not tied to an idea or were organized in a totally flawed way. Transitions were weak, missing (includes “topic sentences”) and/or student’s organization was fashioned as timeline.
9-10 Both the intro and conclusion were fully developed (i. e. reviewed main ideas), at least one slide was clearly devoted to each, and they were engaging and relevant. (It was NOT “Are they any questions?”)
5-8 Intro and conclusion were adequate though somewhat flawed (i.e. started saying something along the lines of “I’m going to tell you about,” were too brief, were “flat,” etc.)
0-4 Intro and conclusion were significantly flawed.

Delivery Part II(50)

Eye Contact
9-10You used your notes as cues, not crutches, which added to your credibility and the audience’s involvement. Your eye contact was excellent in all areas of the room.
5-8 You need to rely less on your notes and/or make better use of eye contact to enhance your message and stay connected with your audience.
0-4 You appeared to be reading to the audience for a significant part of the time and/or had little eye contact.
Vocal Rateand Volume (How well did I hear you?)
9-10 Your voice was loud enough to hear easily; you used your rate/volume effectively to enhance the message.
5-8 Your vocal rate and volume were effective overall, but somewhat flawed:
0-4 You need to work on ______.
Vocal Quality: Pitch (inflection), Dramatic Pauses, Articulation and Pronunciation (How well did you SAY it?)
9-10Your voice was conversational, pleasant, and powerful, which helped engage the audience in your message; articulation and pronunciation were clear and pauses and pitch enhances your message. There were NO verbal pauses.
5-8 You need to put more life in your voice and/or use a more conversational tone; continue to work on pitch/dramatic pauses/articulation/pronunciation, and /or there were very FEW verbal pauses.
0-4You need to put a great deal more life in your voice in order to maintain the audience’s attention. There were significant verbal pauses and/or you sounded “flat”.
9-10You looked comfortable and used your hands, body, and facial expressions naturally, effectively, and without distractions.
5-8Your body language worked well overall, although you could work more on ______.
0-4 You had very few gestures, body motions, or facial expressions; you need to be more animated; your posture and gestures were distracting and/or unnatural.
9-10 You were consistent, showed charisma, assertive (balance respect with an aggressive approach, respected the timeframe, and generated enthusiasm through your demeanor. You were passionate about the issue.
5-8 You were consistent and effectiveness, but your style and approach (charisma/enthusiasm/passion/assertiveness/respect for opponent) weresomewhat lackluster.
0-4 Your style and effectiveness were quite flawed: you fell flat as a speaker and/or were disrespectful.