Name: ______Date: ______Period:_____
Energy Webquest
Click on the Energy Story. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the definition of energy? ______
2. List the 9 types of energy:
3. Chapter 1: List the 6 forms of energy.
4. Chapter 1: Stored energy is called ______and moving energy is called______.
5. Chapter 1: Btu stands for ______and is the amount of heat energy it takes to raise the temperature of one pound of water by ______.
6. Chapter 1: 1,000 joules = _____ Btu
7. Chapter 1: The term "joule" is named after an English scientist ______who lived from 1818 to 1889. He discovered that heat is a type of energy.
8. Chapter 1: Energy can be transformed into another sort of energy. But it cannot be ______AND it cannot be ______. Energy has always existed in one form or another.
9. Chapter 1: Heat energy moves in three ways: Conduction, convection, and ______.
10. Chapter 1: Metals are excellent ______of heat energy. Wood or plastics are not. These "bad" conductors are called ______. That's why a pan is usually made of metal while the handle is made of a strong plastic.
11. Chapter 2: When electrons move among the atoms of matter, a current of ______is created.
12. Chapter 3: Electricity "flows" or moves through some things better than others do. The measurement of how well something conducts electricity is called its ______.
13. Chapter 3: ______is used in many wires because it has a lower resistance than many other metals.
14. Chapter 3: Another type of electrical energy is static electricity. Unlike current electricity that moves static electricity ______.
15. Chapter 5: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be saved in various forms. One way to store it is in the form of chemical energy in a ______. When connected in a circuit, a battery can produce ______.
16. Chapter 5: The ______battery is used in automobiles.
17. Chapter 5: The ______battery is used in cameras for a flash bulb
18. Chapter 5: The ______battery is used in lap top computers, cell phones, and other high use portable equipment.
19. Chapter 5: Plants, like grass in a meadow, convert the sun's energy through ______into stored chemical energy. This energy is stored in the plant cells are used by the plant to grow, repair it and reproduce itself.
20. Chapter 5: Cows and other animals eat the energy stored in the grass or grain and convert that energy into stored energy in their bodies. When we eat meat and other animal products, we in turn, store that ______in our own bodies. We use the stored energy to walk, run, ride a bike or even read a page on the Internet.
21. Chapter 7: A ______is a measurement of electromotive force in electricity. This is the electric force that ______electrons around a circuit.
22. Chapter 7: "Volt" is named after ______, an Italian physicist who invented the first battery.
23. Chapter 7: When electricity enters your home, it must pass through a ______.
24. Chapter 7: After being metered, the electricity goes through a ______into your home. The fuse box protects the house in case of problems. When a fuse (or a circuit breaker) ______or ______something is wrong with an appliance or something was short- circuited.
25. Chapter 8: The three major forms of fossil fuels are:
26. Chapter 8: ______is a hard, black colored rock-like substance. It is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and varying amounts of sulphur.
27. Chapter 8: Some scientists say that tiny diatoms are the source of ______. Diatoms are sea creatures the size of a pin head. They do one thing just like plants; they can convert sunlight directly into stored ______.
28. Chapter 8: List 4 products made from oil:
29. Chapter 8: Natural gas is lighter than ______and made up of a gas called ______.
30. Chapter 8: Natural gas usually has no odor and you can't see it. Before it is sent to the pipelines and storage tanks, it is mixed with a chemical that gives a strong odor. The odor smells almost like ______. The odor makes it easy to smell if there is a ______.
31. Chapter 8: Fossil fuels are not ______which means they can't really be made again.
32. Chapter 12: Hydro means ______. Hydro-electric means taking electricity from ______power.
33. Chapter 13: Albert Einstein created the mathematical formula ______=______.
34. Chapter 14: There are three basic ways to tap the ocean for its energy. We can use the ocean's ______, we can use the ocean's ______and ______tides, or we can use ______differences in the water.
35. Chapter 15: the sun is simply our nearest ______. Without it, life ______.
36. Chapter 16: Blowing wind spins the blades on a wind ______-- just like a large toy pinwheel.
37. Chapter 17: The world's supply of fossil fuels -- ______, ______, and ______are being depleted slowly because of constant use. Fossil fuels are ______, they can't be made again. Once they are gone, they're ______.
38. Chapter 17: There is no shortage of ______energy from the sun, wind and water and even stuff usually thought of as garbage -- dead trees, tree branches, yard clippings, left-over crops, sawdust, even livestock manure, can produce electricity and fuels -- resources collectively called "biomass."
39. Chapter 17: Emissions from cars fueled by gasoline and factories and other facilities that burn oil affect the ______. Foul air results in so-called greenhouse gases. About -______% of all U.S. greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide emissions from energy-related sources.
40. Chapter 19: Some of the energy we can use is called renewable energy. These include ______, ______, ______, and ______. These types of energy are constantly being renewed or ______.
41. Chapter 19: And there are finite or ______amounts of these non-renewable energy sources. That means they cannot be renewed or ______.
42. Chapter 19: List 3 ways you can conserve energy:
List as many words (3 or more letters) that you can make from the following phrase: