LIBRARY MEETING ROOM September 17, 2015

Attending: Bonnie McGillivray (Chair), Nicole Mouner (Treasurer), Sandra Dolph, Tanya Inglis, Chris MacDevitt (Manager)

Regrets: Andrienne Gould, Gord Palmberg

Time: 7:10 pm Adjourned: 8:50pm

1. Adoption of Agenda: Motion (Nicole/Tanya) – Accepted

2. Approval of Minutes: Motion (Tanya/Sandra) – Accepted

3. Correspondence: Playgroup bottle drive – thank you for allowing the bottle drive to go, Playgroup raised $1300 and they would like to do it again. GIRR will support 2 bottle drives a year and so PAC should be offered to do one too.

Action Item: Tanya to check with PAC regarding bottle drive at school or through GIRR.

Compliments regarding Chris and the work he has done at the depot. (Elizabeth)

4. Business Arising:

SGIRC meeting – Chris

o  Meeting held at GIRR, group was impressed with the site, Chris took the time to have the site cleaned up and R.A was a huge help with that task.

o  Travelling to the other depots will provide good learning.

Contract – Chris (Action item from August) Chris will apply corporate seal to document and by way of registered mail deliver the contract to CRD (with cover letter indicating typo of GIRR’s name.)

o  Chris spoke with Tom Watkins (CRD) regarding the contract and the identified issues. Tom Watkins indicated the corporate seal is not necessary and the contract can be sent via scan and email. Tom resent contract but name was still wrong. Resigned the contract and crossed out the incorrect name and put the correct name down.

o  Redirectory Coordinator – interim plan, wage for position, plan for posting

o  Will not hire interim as volunteers are well suited and capable of running the re-directory, Chris will spend more time there to oversee and plan to hire and funding is confirmed in November.

o  Volunteers have not be recognized as of late, discussed how to value their contribution, awards/gifts etc.

o  Restructuring @GIRR

o  The Manager’s role is bigger than the 20 hours permits and if GIRR is to be sustainable an administrative position would be ideal.

Motion to add 5 hr/week for administration as a permanent position. Nicole/Sandra (accepted).

o  Currently role is being filled temporarily and Chris will see about making it permanent and will redraft a job description. Manager’s job description will also have to be revamped.

Facebook/website/online auction update – Chris –(action item)

o  Chris has visited school and teacher and they are able to create website and provide training to Chris in order to maintain the site. Students to visit the GIRR? GIRR to pay transportation? – Chris will look into.

o  On-line auctions have stopped in-store auctions remain.

o  Maintenance Schedule

o  Nicole and Chris went through the depot and determined what equipment/tools/vehicles and building maintenance was needed and created a list and highlighted current budgetary limits.

Action Items:

o  Resend contract (Chris)

o  Finalize administrative position and tasks (Chris)

o  Have Ken stop payments for current website and find out about paypal (Chris)

o  Check to see if website student can attend depot (Chris)

o  Look for local resource for maintenance of the crusher and forklift and decided how to spend the budget. (Chris)

o  Chris to look at how to create a nicer better staff room.

5. Reports:

*Treasurer – Nicole (Motion to accept – Nicole/Tanya?)

o  Ken has confirmed that CRD has been invoiced and we are awaiting a cheque for $26,783.00

o  Capital funding procedure: get quote, seek CRD approval, make purchase, submit invoice, receive cheque from CRD

*GIRR Manager - Chris (Motion to accept – Bonnie/Sandra) accepted

Education and Communication – Chris

o  Casual labour still hired on and reviewed weekly. Volunteer coordinator has been hired and will also support volunteers for the re-directory.

o  Upcoming conference October 21-23, possible Chris and Tanya to attend.

*Volunteer And Memberships – volunteer coordinator hired?

*Employee relations – personnel policy – notice of motion; Manager Review – set a date; staff dinner

Action Items:

o  Chris to organize tires for truck (Capital expenditure that has been approved)

o  Nicole to confirm where membership and donation $figures come from and $ figures in education/PR

o  Chris to determine cost and early bird deadline for conference in October.

6. New Business

o  WILD 1 for staff dinner. Will book 12 and have a small good bye for Krista and Kristina. Chris will discuss with staff and decide on date.

Motion to adjourn (Sanda/Bonnie) Accepted

Action Items from August meeting: completed

Chris will address community concerns.

Chris to decide on course of action for Website.

Bonnie and Tanya to meet and write in policy changes/corrections

Chris to meet with Re-directory Coordinator

Interview and hire Volunteer Coordinator (Chris)

Next Meeting: October 15, 2015 7PM at the Library Meeting Room