Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on ThursdayDecember 8th 2016

the Town Hall, Ilchester at 7.30pm.

Present:Mrs. H. Panter,Chairman, Mr. J. Edmondson,Mr. S. Marsh,Mr. A. MacGregor,Mr. G. Pope,

Miss J. Stapleton,Mr. C. Williams,Mr. H. Williams,Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor, Pc. Stefan Edwards,

PCSO John Winfield,Rev. B. Faulkner, Mrs. F. Goodliffe, Chair of IDCA, and Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.

Eleven members of the public attended.

152. Apologies

Apologies were received from,Mr. S. McAllisterMr. J. Bailey, County Councillor.

153. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.

154. Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

155. Open Session

It was agreed that Police issues should be considered at this point, to enable the Police to carry on with their duties.

PCSO. Winfield introduced Pc. Stefan Edwards, the Beat Manager covering the Ilchester area.

Pc. Edwards informed the meeting that the Yeovil Police Station will be closing, and in future, the Officers will be based & sharing the Fire Station facilities. A matter of concern for the Police Officers, is that the Custody cell will be closed in Yeovil, and offenders will be taken to Bridgwater for processing. Pc. Edwards stated that there had been no review of this impact, as there is the matter of time & distance involved.

PCSO Winfield stated that anyone, if any person is seen to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, can text DRUNK with the registration number of the vehicle, and this information will be automatically passed the Police Headquarters at Portishead. Mrs. Panter asked for some feedback from the recent Police speed checks taken

at Northover. PCSO Winfield stated that he is looking at the parking issues by the Schools and also at Tall trees area. An issue with a vehicle parking at Friars Close was noted. Mrs. Panter thanked both Officers for attending.

Mrs. Andrews stated that she had read in the Newsletter of the Council's decision not to adopt the Telephone kiosk at Great Orchard, and felt that this would be a loss to the Community. Mrs. Andrews offered to canvas opinion for support to retain the kiosk. It was pointed out that any future ownership has to be a Community charity, and not individuals as such. It cannot be moved or sold on for profit at this point. It was agreed to consider this offer later in the meeting, as the Parish Council had already informed SSDC of its decision, made at the previous meeting.

Miss Shedden highlighted an issue of Dog litter being thrown over the wall from Castle Farm lane. It was recommended that the SSDC Dog Warden is informed of times and dates.

Mr. Graham Hill stated that he would not be sending his flood information to the Environment Agency, until a meeting date has been arranged. This was noted. Mr. Hill stated that he has asked the Environment Agency for the detailed gauge readings taken at Pen Mill, Yeovil.

Mr. Westlake stated that there had been a parking issue at the turning area by the Scout hut, with a resident being unable to get his vehicle out, due to parked cars. This was noted.

156. County & District Councillors’ reports.

In the absence of Mr. Bailey, County Councillor, his report which had been circulated, was noted.

Mr. Capozzoli, District Councillor read an Email from the SSDC planning Officer which stated that to date there was nothing to reporton the works carried out at the Biogas site, reference any application, and confirmed that there is a continuing dialogue with SSDC and the agent.

Mr. Capozzoli highlighted that residents need to be aware that they are responsible for any of their waste, which is found to have been dumped, as a result of flytipping.

Mr. Capozzoli informed the meeting that he & his wife were offering Christmas lunch to any resident who would be on their own at Christmas.

157. Youth Parish Councils

Miss Stapleton reported that the Youth Parish Councils will be judging the 'Village in Lights' competition for businesses on December 13th and will making homemade sweets for Diners Christmas lunch. Two new members have joined the Youth Parish Councils and Miss Stapleton thanked the Parish Council for all its help and support.

158. Police & Community issues

The Council noted the newsletter received from the Police & Crime Commissioner.

It was agreed to put the Parish Ranger offer from SSDC on the agenda of the next meeting for discussion.

The Council considered the offer from SSDC of a recycling collection of Christmas trees and agreed to accept the offer. The Clerk is to get further details from SSDC StreetScene.

The Council discussed the request asking to retain the telephone kiosk at Great Orchard, and the Council agreed to ask SSDC for a delay for one month, the next meeting, to see if Mrs. Andrews is able to get sufficient support via a Community charity, to keep the kiosk. The Council agreed that they were supportive, but did not wish to adopt themselves.

159. Planning matters

The Council noted that application 16/03861/LBC for Mr. David Jenkins at the Old Rectory, Church Street for removal of modern secondary glazingand replacement with secondary double glazing units had been granted.

The Council noted that application 16/04378/FUL for Mr. & Mrs. P. Bailey at 27, Abbots road for a two storey and garage side extension to property - amended plan- had been granted.

The Council discussed and supported application 16/04758/FUL for Mr. S. Jagatheepan at Hot Food Takeaway, Ilchester Garage, Northover forreplacement of existing flue vent pipe to rear elevation.

160. Financial matters

The account balances were reported at30/11/16being in the C/A/c £233 & B/R A/c £39.158.40p.

Receipts -Bank interest £0.64p, £68 Trinity College, £115.20p SSDC

Payments made -

08/12/162215£90Trinity College allotment rent

08/12/162216£539.75pPTH salary & expenses

08/12/162217£23.24pJ. Stapleton refreshments

08/12/162218£78.50pITT room hire

The above cheques were authorised and signed.

It was agreed to consider donations at the next meeting, discuss and agree the budget, and to formally approve the precept for 2017/18.

161. Remembrance Sunday & Armistice Services

Mrs. Panter reported that both the Remembrance Sunday service and the Armistice Day Service on November 11th involving the Schools had been a great success and extremely well supported. Mrs. Panter thanked Rev. Faulkner and all who had been involved. Thanks were recorded to PCSO Winfield & PCSO Jan Sparkes for their off duty attendance.

162. Website

Mr. C. Williams reported that there were no issues to report.

163. Highway matters

Mr. MacGregor stated that he had collected 14 salt bags from SCC Highways, Mead Avenue, Yeovil, on December 3rd and gave a list of where these had been delivered.

The Council thanked Mr. Pope for repairing the damaged sign on the Bus shelter at Lyster Close.

It was noted that the pothole at the entrance to Old Spittles farm along the access to the Mead and a heavy duty manhole cover in the same area had been marked for repair.

The Council were informed that Mr. P. Biggenden, SSDC had agreed to draw up some plans showing individual parking bays on the Market Place car parking area.

Mrs. Panter reported that the agreed seventeen gullies to be cleared in the High Street, West Street including the two at the Northover layby at the Council's expense, by SCC Highways, will be cleared in January.

The Council noted that Bidwells, Cambridge were looking into the issue of the ownership of a small area of land in Pillbridge lane.

The Council noted that the SID will be put in Ilchester during March and September.

164. Flooding issues

The Council noted the report made earlier by Mr. G. Hill.

The Council agreed that the works carried by the Environment Agency at the Town bridge had been a great improvement.

Mr. C. Williams reported that he had seen a lady, who was from the EnvironmentAgency, taking water samples from the river Yeo in the area below the Town bridge.

165. Allotments

Mr. H. Williams reported the sad death of one of the tenants, Mr. D. Greg Grainger.

It was agreed to have the road side hedges trimmed.

166. Cemetery

Mr. C. Williams reported that Cemetery was in good order.

167. Mead Play area.

Mrs. Panter stated that the SSDC inspection report had highlighted no issues that needed to be addressed.

As Mr. McAllister was not present, it was agreed to leave the issue of potential new equipment for the Mead play area, until the next meeting. It was agreed to make a decision at the next meeting.

The Council were informed that the Town Trustwere quite content, to have an outdoor table tennis facility on the Sports field adjacent to the Gym equipment. Details to be discussed.

168. Skate Park

Mrs. Panter stated that the SSDC inspection report had highlighted no issues that needed to be addressed by the Council. The Council were informed that Miss Sophie Pack may be interested in clearing the Skate park

It was noted that a letter of thanks had been sent to Miss Amy Band. Miss Stapleton and Mrs. Panter stated that they will discuss this with Miss Pack, and report back to the Council.

169. Rights of Way

There were no issues raised.

170. TreeMatters

Miss Stapleton highlighted a low hanging bough at the entrance to the Northover Triangle area.

There were no other issues raised.

171. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC

The Council considered the nomination to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. MacGregor resigning from the Town Trust Charity, again there were no nominations put forward, and it was agreed that this is left on the agenda.

Mrs. Felicity Goodliffe, Chair of IDCA,reported that she had approached the Doctors surgery reference the siting of a Heart Defibulator. The Christmas fair is to take place on September 10th and there is to be a Lantern procession on December 18th.

There were no matters reported from IRINEC.

172. Correspondence

The Council noted Clerks Directthe Somerset Waste newsletter.

173. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting

Mr. Marsh asked about the status of the Ilchester draft Conservation document. Mr. Edmondson stated that he believed that it had not been adopted by SSDC.

It was agreed to add Enforcement Notice on the next agenda.

Mrs. Panter reported informed the meeting that she had met with Ms. Julia Wilde, CRO, RNAS Yeovilton, and discussed the parking issues at Taranto Hill.

The date of the next meeting of the Council wasconfirmed for ThursdayJanuary 12th 2017 at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, for attending, and declared the meeting closed at9.06pm.

Signed: Date: