Email from Kamlesh (AshaPune) after the Children’s Day Celebration at Asha Community Center in Pune, Nov 2009

Dear All,

First of all, I thank all the volunteers for supporting this event. My Special thanks to Mahesh, Ashok and Premjit who have conducted the entire event and participated enthusiastically.

Mrs. Sarangpani who is in charge of this community center from “Swadhar” has supervised the entire event and had also taken photographs for event. I will be sending the link to all once I receive the same.

Event was a great success with total 5 volunteers attending it (Premjit, Ashok, Mahesh, Bhaskar and Ayaz) along with me. As scheduled we all got together at 9 AM near upper IndiranagarBusStop and around 10.00 AM we have reached the Asha Community Centre. We were welcomed there by Mrs. Palleli (SW and in charge) and Teachers and of course children. Sequence of activities is as given below -

- Event started with prayer by all children . The children included from both Abhyashika (Children going to school and supported by Swadhar)and NFE (drop out children who do not go to school)project of Swadhar. There were total 40-45 children attending the event

- It was followed by competition which were arranged sequentially for different Age groups – Children of 1st and 2nd Std, Children of 3rd and 4th Standard and Children of 5th to 10th Standard. The competitions included Rabbit race (Sasa race), Frog Jump (Beduk race), Lemon and Spoon Race, Potato picking race, Running etc.

- First all the events of children of 1st and 2nd standard completed. After that events for children of 3rd and 4th standard done. Event for children from 3rd and 4th standard included Lemon and Spoon race, running etc. Thanks to Mahesh for recording all events and winner in all competition

-After completion of competition for Std 3rd and 4th Children, we had competition for children of Std 5 and above. This included musical chair which was great fun. Thanks to Ayaz for handling the music part.

- Next was Drawing Competition wherein we have made two groups - one for small children for Std 3 and 4 who has been given topic of National Flag. Another group of Std 5 and above were to draw animal picture themselves and color it. The event started at 12.00 PM. Thanks to Ashok and Mahesh for co-ordinating the entire event of Drawing.

-There were some delicious dishes were prepared by “Fulora” (Adolescent) group which was icing on the cake for the entire event……..

Children had lot of fun in drawing competition. This was followed bychildren having snacks and cold drink (provided by MphasiS volunteers)

Last not but the least all children were given Children’s day gift of set of pencil, sharpener, eraser and scale.

Once again thanks to all
