Members in attendance: George Hart (ENGL), William Johnson (PHIL), Brett Mizelle (HIST), Alosi Moloi (AFRS), Sophia Pandya (RST), Jennifer Reed (WST), Heloiza Herscovitz (JOUR), Marcus Young Owl (ANTH), Mark Wiley (CLA, and Cherie Dougan (CLA).
Guests: Nele Hempel-Lamer (RGRLL), Wendy Griffin (WST), Chris Lee (GEOG).
1. September 23, 2008 minutes approval postponed until next meeting.
2. Announcements
A. Proposed name change: Department of Women’s Studies to the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.
· Friendly suggestion: Consult the Health Sciences Dept. since the word “sexuality” is central to its curriculum. Committee favors the proposal.
B. Type 2 Topics: Syllabi or SCO?
· Type 2 has a three-year life.
· The Committee agreed that since the course, by definition, is not meant to have a long life, an SCO does not seem to be necessary.
C. Discuss implementing a CLA Proposal Approval Sheet
· The form will originate in the department and follow the course as it goes through the process to create clearer accountability.
· The question is whether it is necessary and/or cumbersome.
· The Committee did not decide yet whether the form is necessary. Will ponder over the course of the semester.
3. Curriculum Reviews
A. German Program (Time Certain: 3:30 p.m. – Nele Hempel-Lamer to attend)
1) Program Change to B.A. in German (program code RGR BA02)
Request to change Upper division requirements.
· Committee suggest clarification of language for additional courses. Take out “Also required,” and replace with “and.”
· Approved with corrections noted above.
B. Geography Department
1) Program Change: GEOGMA01.
Request to add GRE requirement, and change requirements.
· No numerical score set for admission, just want to make sure they take it to make sure applicants are serious. Scores will then not be used as a criteria for admission.
· Need a B or better in GEOG 596 and 696.
· Both changes approved.
· Friendly suggestions: Strike “undergraduate” modifying the advisor under the “Grouping of Geography Courses,” for clarity. Under “Requirements” clarify the language stipulating the number and kinds of courses. May result in a program change.
C. American Studies Program
1) Program Change: AMSTBA01
Request to add new courses to the core, modernized elective patterns.
2) Program Change: AMSTUM01
Request to add AMST 350I, and choice of Amer. Cultural History courses.
· All of the major courses function as GE courses, which is understandable for a small program, and not unprecedented. In the effort to grow the program it seems necessary, but will be watched.
· Program change approved. A Road Map in the new format will be submitted.
3) New Course: AMST 351, Celebrity in American Culture, 3 @ C4.
· Friendly suggestion: the language justifying the course is not needed in SCO.
· Course approved.
4) New Course: AMST 421, Animals in American Culture, 3 @ C4.
· The GE paragraph will be edited.
· Course approved.
5) New Course: AMST 498, Senior Seminar in American Studies, 3 @ C4
· Course approved.
4. Meeting adjourned at 4:40.
These minutes are not approved.
Submitted by Jennifer Reed