Nominee Information for the 2012MN APSE Governing Board

Completed ballots must be received by3/19/2012

MN APSE Governing Board members should embody the following characteristics, in line with the mission of the national parent organization, APSE-The Network on Employment:

  • Demonstrate interest or involvement in the activity of supported employment
  • Uphold the APSE Mission, Values, Goals and Ethical Guidelines, governing both practice and training/education
  • Uphold supported employment values and principles and demonstrate these in their respective occupations
  • Represent APSE in a positive and professional manner

Please review the information provided by each nominee below (listed in alphabetical order) to assist in your assessment of the above characteristics.

Nominee Information

Nominee: Alison Campbell

While supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities for more than a decade providing residential services, I realize that meaningful work is an integral piece to living successfully in our communities. Our current service design system can sometimes become siloed and in 2009 I began to take a new “life coach” approach that was inclusive of both housing and employment using personal centered philosophies.

In a world based on networking, careers are built more on social capital than traditional job development approaches. Our purpose as advocates for the individuals we serve is also changing and requires flexibility and creativity within the current system and economy. As a director of an organization with a commitment to Discovering Personal Genius and as an active community member and leader, I believe my experience and connections can strengthen APSE’s core beliefs and values by shaping best practices at CCP as well as broadening our influence within communities outside of our field.

Nominee: Beth Howard

Beth has been a direct support staff, been responsible for ongoing Support of jobs, done the Discovery Process with multiple people, managed employment consultants, been the Chief Operations Manager of a DTH and Supported Employment program, and trained the Discovery Process. She has consulted with MNTAT and has participated in the MN APSE training committee. She also has conducted breakout sessions of Discovery 101 at the MN APSE conference.

Beth already serves on the APSE training committee and attends open Board meetings when possible. While she has experience in the field she is still relatively new so offers a different perspective of what is possible and how to get there.

Nominee: Heidi Maghan

For the past 16 years I have pushed for the employment of individuals that others see as unable to work. I may not be as outspoken as some; however, I do have a way of reaching out to others and finding success. For the past five years I have served on the MN APSE board, as the President, Vice President and Treasurer. I serve on the Employment First Minnesota Coalition as well. Employment, real jobs with real wages, must to be available for all

I have worked with individuals with disabilities for the past 29 years. I have worked in residential, sheltered workshop, and community employment. This allows me to have an understanding of where others are coming from and work with them to make positive changes. My dedication is demonstrated through my relentless question, “Why not?” I have worked with many individuals that others have given up on or think are too difficult. I have never viewed my customers that way. I view them as people who need opportunities to shine and see my job as being the one to figure out a way for others to see what I see. Through my leadership and example, people who others said couldn’t work or participate in their communities are now doing so.

I relate to people well and have the ability to find a happy medium which can bridge the gap when people find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. I believe that this skill along with my years of experience will assist MN APSE in continuing to work with the Employment First Coalition and be able to improve what MN APSE will be doing in the future. More than ever before, we need to focus on employment, real jobs, with real wages for ALL people with disabilities.

Nominee: Derek Nord

Derek has been involved in customized and supported employment in a number of capacities since entering the field. He began providing such support over a decade ago and continues to provide supports today. He also has extensive experience managing and training on employment for people with disabilities. In the last five years, Derek has been leading, publishing, and presenting on a number of research and evaluation studies that assess training of employment consultants and innovative employment support models.

As an active APSE member, I can continue to bring the perspective of MN’s University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities as a researcher, evaluator and trainer to the MN APSE board. I can also continue my grant writing responsibilities and find new ways to incorporate MN APSE.

Nominee: Steve Piekarski

I have been a member of the Minnesota APSE board for the past six years. During that time I have been involved in the Employment First Coalition, which has been the driving force behind the Employment First Summits and the Manifesto. I have also participated on the conference planning and public policy subcommittees. Throughout my career I have been involved in increasing real employment opportunities for all people with disabilities. I believe that no matter the disability everyone has the right to work in the community, with natural supports and making wages comparable to non-disabled employees.

MN APSE assists in the developing the community resources and expertise to creating lasting impacts on the way people perceive people with disabilities. I am committed to Supported Employment and the impact that meaningful employment has on people with disabilities and the community in which they live in.

I strongly believe in the Mission of Minnesota APSE and believe as a board member I can contribute to the growth and improvement of MN APSE. I believe that people work for many reasons but the key is making sure that employment is option for all people with disabilities. Supported employment is made available to all people with disabilities, no matter what their disability. I believe by focusing on a person’s ability and providing appropriate supports that all people with disabilities can successfully be employed.

Nominee: Jolene Thibedeau Boyd

I currently work as the Director of Employment and Community Supports at Community Involvement Programs, having been instrumental in facilitating a conversion from center-based services to community-based employment during my tenure. I have worked with people with disabilities for over two decades, most of those years in mid- and senior-level management positions. I believe the future and growth of supported employment is dependent, as it always has been, on the people who are not afraid to take a stand on issues such as fair wages, community inclusion, and one job for one person. I have had the privilege of learning about supported employment from people who are passionate about it and intend to be one of the people who will take up and carry the torch as these “evangelists” move onward, upward or to the golf course (i.e. retirement)! I have been actively involved in developing community partnerships at many levels, with businesses, schools, and organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce. I am not afraid to step out and take the risks that are sometimes required to make supported employment work and I am committed to the belief that anyone who wants to work can—and should—work! I have served on the MN APSE Governing Board since 2006 and have served as both president (2007-2009) and vice president (2009-present).

As the information above supports, I have chosen to be an active player and planner in making employment the first and preferred option for ALL people with disabilities in MN…and throughout the country! My commitment to this endeavor has only strengthened in the past 6 years as I have served on the MN ASPE Board. I believe we have accomplished great things during this period but there is still so much more that needs to be done to achieve our goals and I fully intend to be a part of this continued quest. I hope I will be able to do this in part by continuing to serve on the MN APSE Governing Board!

Nominee: Elizabeth Turk

I work for H.O.M.E.S., Inc and Access To Employment Too in Grand Rapids, MN. I am the Program Manager in the Grand Rapids location. I provide direction and support to other leaders in my area as well as direct support staff. I have worked with people with developmental disabilities and other barriers for nearly thirteen years. My introduction to supported employment came when I came to be in my current position. Once I “got” what supported employment was, I was excited. I was excited to be a part of an organization that helped individuals succeed in reaching their goals, having a sense of financial independence and being a part of their community. I have continued to learn about supported employment, community integration from an employment perspective and what APSE and MN APSE has been doing on various levels. I am currently a board member and have been for the last few months. I have been on the training committee with MN APSE for nearly two years now. I believe that my attendance at the National Conference in Atlanta was what really propelled me to want to do what I could to be a part of this movement and work with the many different people that make up MN APSE.

As a leader in my organization, I work towards the goal of community employment and inclusion in different ways. I am a Chamber Member and have helped host various Chamber events. I am also part of a local group of providers whose goal is to educate the community about supported employment and inclusion. I will continue to work with MN APSE and do what needs to be done to continue to get the word out about employment as a choice for everyone. It is my hope to continue to be a part of the MN APSE board.

Ballot for the 2012 MN APSE Governing Board

To be eligible to vote, you must currently be a member of APSE (individual or organizational membership).

MN APSE Governing Board members should embody the following characteristics, in line with the Mission of national parent organization APSE-The Network on Employment:

  • Demonstrate interest or involvement in the activity of supported employment
  • Uphold the APSE Mission, Values, Goals and Ethical Guidelines, governing both practice and training/education
  • Uphold supported employment values and principles and demonstrate these in their respective occupations
  • Represent APSE in a positive and professional manner

Please review the attached information, provided (in alphabetical order) by each nominee, to assist in your assessment of the above characteristics.

Please indicate your vote for up toseven (7) of nominees below to represent the membership of MN APSE (listed in alphabetical order) by marking an X on the box next to the nominees you are selecting:

Alison Campbell

Beth Howard

Heidi Maghan

Derek Nord

Steve Piekarski

Jolene Thibedeau Boyd

Elizabeth Turk

Ballots must be received byMonday, 3/19/2012via e-mail or mail:

MN APSE, PO Box 23087, Richfield, MN 55423-0087

Ballots must be received by Monday, 3/19/2012 to be counted.

Elected Governing Board members will be notified by phone or e-mail by Friday, 3/30/2012, and will be announced at the regularly scheduled MN APSE Governing Board Meeting on Wednesday, 4/4/2012.