Welcome to English III

English III focuses on 20th century American Literature. We will read a wide range of plays, novels, short stories, essays, and poems that represent America since World War I. The famous characters, desperate circumstances and unforgettable images of these works are the best part of our curriculum.

Students’ ability to read effectively and think for oneself is most important. Put in the time and effort to read well! Participation in class discussion and activities, based on individual reading and original thinking, is a basic expectation. Everyone contributes to the class.

In addition, great emphasis will be placed throughout the course on writing. Students will write – frequently. Whether it is writing responses to literature or writing responses to creative prompts, we will work hard to strengthen writing skills, develop effective process and express intelligent, interesting ideas. Various genres of writing, including narrative, descriptive, analytical, expository and persuasive will be explored. Using sources and citing from them will be an additional focus, along with effective sentence structure, word choice, and organizational techniques to improve writing.

Course Goals:

  • To experience and enjoy a respectful environment in which thinking, discussion and self-discovery take place.
  • To increase confidence, knowledge and ability as readers and writers.
  • To express interpretations and opinions fearlessly and articulately.
  • To create entertaining stories based on extensions of literature, personal experience and pure imagination.
  • To prepare for anxiety-free success on standardized tests.
  • To learn and have fun!

Expectations and Suggestions for Success:

  • Be consistent
  • Ask questions
  • Use your imagination
  • Take risks
  • Voice ideas and opinions
  • Be yourself
  • Work hard
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Believe in yourself!
  • Respect yourself
  • Make good decisions
  • Listen – to both classmates and teacher
  • Be responsible
  • Read assigned material closely and thoroughly
  • Push yourself to think!
  • Push yourself to write!
  • Do homework
  • Be a positive influence
  • Let yourself laugh!
  • Trust me

Class Rules: These should be no problem!

  • Be on time and be prepared – Arrive with materials for class, including books, notebooks, homework, pencil/pen, charged tablet… without a pass you are late, no exceptions. Remember: three lates are an absence.
  • Be polite – Nastiness, personal attacks, taunting or teasing will not be tolerated. We learn together, the classroom is our community. Respect it.
  • Be honest – Liars, cheats, and thieves lose respect, trust, privileges, grades and status. See below for additional information.
  • No food or drink in class (except water).
  • No hats or hoods. No backpacks.
  • No head phones on/ earbuds in in class.
  • No sleeping or slumping.
  • Keep the classroom clean. Pick up after yourself.
  • Ask for permission to open windows or blinds, use computers or printers, etc.

Course Grades: Marking period grades will be calculated by dividing total points earned by total points allotted. Grade updates will be available on the MHS website through the Genesis portal. Typically, and approximately, homework and participation comprise 10-20%; tests & quizzes 30-45%; written assignments (essays) & projects 30-45%.

Academic Dishonesty: Otherwise known as cheating, you will pay a heavy price if you choose to take the dishonest route. Cheating comes in many forms, ranging from copying another student’s homework to copying and pasting ideas from the Internet and passing them off as your own. Your best bet is to trust yourself, think for yourself and do your own work (see suggestions on side one). If you cheat, teacher detention will be issued, a referral slip will be written, your parents and the administration will be notified, and you will lose credit on that assignment, putting your grade at terrible risk. Be honest.

Homework: is critical for any student who expects to succeed in class. It should be done completely and thoughtfully before you enter class. Not copied, not scribbled while sitting in the hall, not emailed. It should be in your possession. You will be informed when HW will be collected, when it should be typed, or when it will be checked but remain in your binder. Follow instructions accordingly.

Homework grades will be assigned as follows: 5 -10 points, depending on the assignment. Your thoroughly completed and accurate work will earn full credit. I reserve the right to give partial credit if work is insufficiently done.

Assignments will be clearly explained in class. Students are instructed to write homework assignments at that time. Assignments will also be posted on my webpage. Select teacher homepages tab, then select my name. Some assignments will be placed in OneNote for students to access.

Participation: is an important component of a high-achieving class. Effective participation means more than answering questions in class; it includes thinking for oneself, expressing personal opinions, sharing interpretations of texts, volunteering to read aloud, reading one’s original writings, working independently in class, working efficiently with classmates, and, in general, making the classroom a vibrant, thoughtful environment.

Participation grades of 5 points will be issued on a random basis. Students who engage in those habits listed above will earn the “Fantastic Five”.Partial credit will be issued according to my discretion, to students whose participation is limited.

Overall, participation will comprise 5-10% of your marking period grade.

Materials: 3-ring binder with composition paper; sturdy folder; pencils, pens, and anything else that makes you happy, organized and successful!

Attendance: you must be in class in order to be consistent, stay organized and succeed. If you are absent, get notes, handouts and assignments from a classmate. Plus, you can check the school website for HW assignments when you are out, and, if possible, arrive prepared the very next day! Regardless, it is your responsibility to make up missed assignments promptly. Typically, 1-2 days is sufficient, but see me to arrange additional time if necessary.

Remember, too, the MHS attendance policy: more than 8 absences means automatic loss of credit for the class. Avoid course failure by bringing notes for excused absences to the office on a timely basis.

Extra Help: will be available on Mondays after school in room 112 from 2:30 – 3:15. Most other days I am available at that time as well. **Do not allow yourself to get confused, frustrated or overwhelmed! Ask for help when you need it.

Dear Parents: Thanks for taking the time to glance over these pages. Your supportive involvement is helpful to your child’s learning! Please contact me via email: anytime you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress.

Of course, you can keep track of grades through the MHS website ( Simply select Parents & Community on the homepage, followed by Genesis Parent Portal on the dropdown screen. Ask your child about his/her work in class, missing assignments, and opinions of current readings.

Hope to see you at Back to School Night!


Jamie Mawn

Please sign below, and return. Feel free to chime in on your child’s homework assignment, to write two questions about class.

Parent Signature ______

**Question 1

**Question 2