Samerah Ul-Hassan, Solicitor, Legal and Administrative Services

Waverley Court, Level 3.1, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel: 0131 529 4494

Fax: 0131 529 3603 e-mail:

Ms Irene Allan
By e-mail only: / Date
Your Ref / 22 May 2012
358976 / Date
Our Ref
Your Ref / «Systemdate»

Dear Ms Allan


I refer to previous correspondence regarding the above matter and attach herewith some further information in respect of phase 2 works.

You have requested the following information in respect of statutory notice references N/36453/RO/R and 08/03225/24_E

  1. Please advise under what contractual agreement/arrangement were works awarded to G Griggs & Sons, Inveresk Mills Industrial Park, Musselburgh, EH21 7UQ by the PC Dept for Statutory Notice works, N/36453/RO/R and 08/03225/24_E carried out at 35, 36 and 37 Hillside Crescent;
  2. Please provide a copy of the Tender Report List for the above works;
  3. Please provide a breakdown of the items and quantities used for producing the Probable Cost/Tender Document;
  4. Please provide the date of order to the above named contractor.

Using the same numbering as above, please find the requested information below:

1.  Property Conservation Contractor Panel Framework Agreements (2004-2007) for Major Works is the contractual agreement under which works were awarded to G Griggs & Sons;

2.  Please find attached a letter dated 20 October 2008 from Hypostyle which explains the emergency nature of the repairs contained within Phase 1 and also a copy of the analysis of tender amount from Alan A Haxton dated 15 November 2008;

3.  Please find attached a copy of the estimate major works contract for Phase 1;

4.  The date of order to G Griggs & Sons for phase 1 was 20 October 2008.

Please also find attached an unredacted copy of the Term Contract Document for Phase 2 of the project.

Please note, however, that third party personal information has been redacted from the information sent to you. Under Regulation 11(1) (2) of the EIRS, personal data can be redacted if its release would breach any of the principles detailed in the Data Protection Act 1998. I consider that disclosing such information would breach the first data protection principle, that of fair processing, as it would not be fair, orexpected, for information which could identify these individuals to be released into the public domain. Furthermore, I consider that the public interest in disclosing any personal information is outweighed by ensuring that the first data protection principle is not breached. Please note that this letter constitutes a formal refusal notice under regulation 10(1) (a) of the EIRS concerning any personal information which we have not disclosed.

On the basis of the above, I am satisfied that all information relating to your request dated 30 September 2011 has now been released to you and that the Department has carried out a thorough search of its records to ensure that this is the case. I understand that Mr Kelly will be in touch with you regarding your appeal to the Commissioner.

Yours sincerely,

Samerah Ul-Hassan


For Head of Legal & Administrative Services

Samerah Ul-Hassan, Solicitor, Legal and Administrative Services

Waverley Court, Level 3.1, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel: 0131 529 4494

Fax: 0131 529 3603 e-mail:

Samerah Ul-Hassan, Solicitor, Legal and Administrative Services

Waverley Court, Level 3.1, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel: 0131 529 4494

Fax: 0131 529 3603 e-mail:

Samerah Ul-Hassan, Solicitor, Legal and Administrative Services

Waverley Court, Level 3.1, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel: 0131 529 4494

Fax: 0131 529 3603 e-mail: