April Term 1844
April Term 1844

Personally appeared in open Court Amos Bruce Trustee and together with him Nicholas Brewer, Wilie Arnold and James M. Camp his securities who appeared in open Court and entered into and Acknowledged their bond in the penal sum of five thousand dollars payable to the Chairman of the County Court for Benton County Conditioned as the law directs whereupon the said Amos Bruce appeared in open court and took oath to support the Constitution of the United States & State of Tennessee an oath against dueling and also oath of office.

On Motion of James M. Camp the Court considered of an appropriation Made to George Camp one of the first Commissioners of the Town of Camden which said appropriation had been suspended by a subsequent order of this court and it is ordered by the Court that the Trustee pay the original appropriation without regard to the subsequent order suspending the same and that the Clerk of this Court certify the same to the Trustee of Benton county.

The Court then considered of an appropriation to Thos. L. Floyd & Geo. W. Farmer revenue Commissioners for said County for Making settlement with the Trustee and the vote being taken, those who voted in the Affirmative one Esqr. D.P. Hudson, J.R. Mathews, S.H. Davidson, Wm.Barnes, B. Beard, J.G. Sims, Nathan Williams, John D. Rushing, H. Greer & Thos. L. Floyd, No Negative votes. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said commissioners be allowed & paid the sum of two dollars & fifty cents each for two days each and that the Trustee pay the same out of any Money in the Treasury for GeneralCounty purposes Not otherwise appropriated.

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April Term 1844

Personally appeared in open Court Willis C. Thompson, register and together with him John W. Utley, Moulton Merrick and James S. Sayles his securities who appeared in open court and entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penal sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars Whereupon the said Willis C. Thompson appeared in open court and took an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and also of the State of Tennessee and also the oath of office.

On Motion of Nathan Williams who Made oath according to law and together with him Burrel Beard his security, appeared in open Court and entered into and acknowledged their bond in the sum of fifty dollars Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that he have letters of Administration on the estate of Dennis Messer deceased to be Made out in due form of law when required.

The Court then proceeded to Elect a Coroner for BentonCounty for the next ensuing two years and the votes being counted it appears that Edward W. Lynch Esqr. received all the votes polled in said election and was declared duly & constitutionally Whereupon the said Edward W. Lynch appeared elected in open court and together with him, Pleasant Mullinix, James S. Sayles and William R. Perkins his securities who entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penal sum of two thousand five hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs whereupon the said E.W. Lynch appeared in open court and took an oath to support the constitution of the United States and also of the State of Tennessee an oath against dueling and the oath of office.

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April Term 1844

Hezekiah Greer revenue Commissioner for the 6th District and Elijah Alsop R. Commissioner for 8th Civil District returned their list of Taxable property & polls in their district and oath being Made here it is ordered by the Court to be recorded.

On Motion it is ordered by the Court that Nathaniel Nunnery, Thomas Cravens and Amos Roland be appointed Commissioners to lay off and set apart a years provisions for the widow & family of Dennis Messer Dec. and Make report to the Next term of Court.

Issued April 6th

Personally appeared in open Court David Brewer and produced his certificate of election to the office of Sheriff of this County and together with him W.P. Morris, David Morris, Nicholas Brewer, Amos Bruce and John W. Utley his securities who entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penal sum of fourteen thousand five hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs whereupon the said David Brewer appeared in open Court and took an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Tennessee, an oath against dueling and also the oath of office which said Bonds are in words & figures are as follows (viz)

Know all Men by these presents that we - David Brewer, W.P. Morris, David Morris, Nicholas Brewer Amos Bruce and John W. Utley all of the County of Benton and State of Tennessee are held and firmly bound unto James C. Jones Governor of said State for the time being and his successors in office in the penal sum of Twelve thousand five hundred dollars which payment well and truly to be Made we bind ourselves and legal representatives jointly, severally & firmly by these presents given under our hands and seals this first day of April 1844.

The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound David Brewer hath been duly and constitutionally elected Sheriff of the County of Benton as appears by and from the Certificate of the proper officer as directed by law, which certificate bears date the 4th of March 1844. Now if the said David Brewer

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April Term 1844

shall well and truly execute and in return Make of all process and precepts to him directed and pay and satisfy all fees and sums of Money by him received by virtue of any process into the proper office as directed by law or by which the same ought by that Tenor thereof to be paid or the person or persons which the same shall be due his, her or their executors administrators, Attorneys or agents and in all other things well truly and faithfully execute the said office of sheriff during his continuance in office then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect.

David Brewer (S)
Wm. P. Morris (S)
David Morris (S)
Nicholas Brewer (S)
Amos Bruce (S)
John W. Utley (S)

Know all Men by these presents that we David Brewer, W.P. Morris, David Morris, Nicholas Brewer, Amos Bruce and John W. Utley, all of the County of Benton and State of Tennessee are held and firmly bound unto James C. Jones Governor of said State for the time being and his successors in office in the penal sum of five hundred dollars for the payment of which well and truly to be Made we bind ourselves, our heirs, Executors and administrators jointly, severly and firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this the first day of April 1844.

The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound David Brewer has been duly and constitutionally elected Sheriff and Collector of the public taxes of said county of Benton for two years from the first Saturday in March 1844. Now if the said David Brewer shall well and truly collect all state taxes and also all taxes on school lands within said county which by law he ought to collect and well and truly account for and pay over all taxes by him collected or which ought to be collected on the first day of December each year during his continuance in office, then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect.


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April Term 1844

David Brewer (S)
W.P. Morris (S)
David Morris (S)
Nicholas Brewer (S)
Amos Bruce (S)
John Utley (S)

Know all men by these presents that we David Brewer, W.P. Morris, David Morris, Nicholas Brewer, Amos Bruce and John W. Utley, all of the County of Benton and State of Tennessee are held and firmly bound unto Dancy P. Hudson Chairman of the County Court of Benton County and his successors in office in the penal sum of fifteen hundred dollars for the payment of which well and truly to be Made we bind ourselves, our heirs, our executors and administrators jointly, severly & firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this the first day of April A.D. 1844.

The condition of the obligation is such that whereas the above bound David Brewer has been duly and constitutionally elected sheriff & collector of the public & county taxes for said County of Benton. Now if the said David Brewer shall well and truly collect and pay over into the hands of the Trustee of Benton County all the Taxes which May be due and owing to the County of Benton for the year 1844 for the payment of County contingencies for the payment of Jurors and for the payment of paupers and all other taxes in such case accruing in said County then the above obligation be void otherwise remain in full force and effect.

David Brewer (S)
W.P. Morris (S)
David Morris (S)
Nicholas Brewer (S)
Amos Bruce (S)
John W. Utley (S)

I David Brewer do solemly swear that I will faithfully collect and account for all taxes for My county or Cause the same to be done according to law and the best of My judgement and that I will use all lawful means in my power to find out such property as May not have been listed for taxation in My County and that I will return a list of property to the Clerk of the County Court, so help me God.

D. Brewer Sheriff (S)

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April Term 1844

Personally appeared in open Court W.P. Morris Clerk and produced a certificate of his election as clerk of the County Court together with him D.P. Hudson, J.G. Sims, William Barnes, John Pafford, Robert Holmes and David Brewer his securities who appeared in open Court and entered into and acknowledged their bonds in the penal sum of six thousand five hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs whereupon the said W.P. Morris took an oath to support the constitution of the United States and of the State of Tennessee an oath against dueling and also the oath of office which said bonds are in words & figures the following (viz)

Know all men by these presents that we W.P. Morris, D.P. Hudson, J.G. Sims, William Barnes, John Pafford, Robert Holmes and David Brewer all of the County of Benton and State of Tennessee are held and firmly bound unto his Excellency James C. Jones Governor of said State for the time being and his successors in office in the penal sum of five thousand dollars which payment well and truly to be Made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and Administrators jointly and severly firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this the first day of April A.D. 1844.

The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound W.P. Morris hath been duly and constitutionally elected Clerk of the County court for BentonCounty as appears by and from the certificate of the proper officer for the next four years from the date of said certificate which bears date the 4th day of March 1844. Now should the said W.P. Morris well and faithfully keep all the records belonging to the County Court of said County of which he has been elected Clerk and well truly and faithfully discharge all other duties as clerk of said County during his continuance in said office then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect.

Wm.P. Morris (S)
D.P. Hudson (S)
J.G. Sims (S)
William Barnes (S)
John Pafford (S)
Robert Holmes (S)
David Brewer (S)

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April Term 1844

Know all men by these presents that we W.P. Morris, D.P. Hudson, J.G. Sims, William Barnes, John Pafford, Robert Holmes and David Brewer all of the County of Benton and State of Tennessee are held and firmly bound unto his Excellency James C. Jones, Governor of said State for the time being and successors in office in the penal sum of one thousand dollars which payment well and truly to be Made we bind ourselves, & each of our heirs, executors & administrators jointly, severly & firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this the first day of April A.D. 1844.

The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound W.P. Morris hath been duly and constitutionally elected Clerk of the CountyCoury for BentonCounty as appears by and from the certificate of the proper officer which said certificate bears date the 4th of March 1844 for four years from the date of said certificate. Now should the said William P. Morris faithfully collect and pay over to the Treasurer of the State all such tax and sums of Money which may come into his hands by virtue of his office and his continuance in office then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect.

William P. Morris (S)
D.P. Hudson (S)
J.G. Sims (S)
William Barnes (S)
John Pafford (S)
Robert Holmes (S)
David Brewer (S)

Know all men by these presents that we William P. Morris, D.P. Hudson, J.G. Sims, William Barnes, John Pafford, Robert Holmes & David Brewer, all of the County of Benton and State of Tennessee are held and firmly bound unto his Excellency James C. Jones Governor of said State for the time being and his successors in office in the sum of five hundred dollars which payment well and truly to be Made we bind ourselves, & each of our heirs, Executors and Administrators jointly, severly & firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this the first day of April A.D. 1844.

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April Term 1844

The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound W.P. Morris has been truly and constitutionally elected Clerk of the County court of Benton County for the Next ensuing four years as appears by and from a certificate of the proper officer which certificate bears oath the fourth day of March 1844. Now should the said W.P. Morris well and truly and faithfully collect and pay over to the Trustee of said county all such Tax and sums of money which may come into his hands by virtue of his office during his continuance therein then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect.

W.P. Morris (S)
D.P. Hudson (S)
J.G. Sims (S)
William Barnes (S)
John Pafford (S)
Robert Holmes (S)
David Brewer (S)

The Court then proceded to Make an appropriation to William McGee a pauper of this County and the sum of Twenty dollars having been nominated those who voted in the affirmative are Esqrs. D.P. Hudson, Thomas L. Floyd, William Barnes, B. Beard, D.W. Benton, Wm. M. McAuley, Samuel H. Davidson, Geo. W. Farmer, Nathan Williams, J.R. Mathews, Elijah Alsop and J. G. Sims. 12- John D. Rushing and Hezekiah Greer refused to vote. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the sum of Twenty dollars be allowed and paid over into the hands of Robert Rushing for the use of said McGee by the Trustee of Benton County out of any money in the Treasury for the payment of paupers Not otherwise appropriated.

Issued April 2- to McGee.

The Court then proceeded to Make an appropriation to A.C. Presson former sheriff for Ex officio Services and the sum of thirty dollars being Nominated those who voted in the affirmative are Esqrs. D.P. Hudson, N. Williams, B. Beard, Wm. Barnes, S.H. Davidson, Wm. M. McAuley, H. Greer, J.O. Rushing, G.W. Farmer, D.W. Benton, E. Alsop, T.L. Floyd and J.G. Sims 13 None in the Negative. It is therefore ordered by the Courty that the sum of Thirty dollars be allowed & paid by the Trustee of Benton County out of any Money in the Treasury for general County purposes Not otherwise appropriated.

Issued April 1844

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April Term 1844

The Court then proceeded to consider of an appropriation to the Revenue Commission for taking in a list of Taxable property & polls in said County and there were 2 sums put in Nomination (Viz) Three and Two dollars. Those who voted for the sum of two dollars are Esqrs. S.H. Davidson, Wm. M. McAuley, H. Greer, J.D. Rushing, G.W. Farmer and D.W. Benton 6 - And those voted for the sum of three dollars are Esqrs. D.P. Hudson, Nathan Williams, B. Beard, Wm. Barnes, E. Alsop, Thos. L. Floyd and J.S. Sims 7. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the sum of three be allowed & paid as follows, Jesse Hammonds, Nathan Williams, William Barnes, Wm. McAuley, D.P. Hudson, H. Greer, Geo. W. Farmer, E. Alsop and John Buchanan and that the Trustee pay the same out of any money in the Treasury for general County purposes Not otherwise appropriated.

$3.00 Issued to G.W. Farmer, Issued to H. Greer, Issued to Jesse Hammonds, Issued to J. Buchanan, Issued to W. Barnes, Issued to N. Williams, Issued to Wm. McAuley, Issued to E. Alsop, Issued to D.H. Hudson.