Hatchell Wood Primary Academy
Plumpton Park Road
South Yorkshire
Tel: 01302 538108
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Year 6 – Crucial Crew
Monday, 16 April 2018
Trip Leader - Mr Reade
Dear Parent / Carer,
As part of our personal and social education programme South Yorkshire Police have arranged for all Year 6 to attend the annual Crucial Crew event at The Lifewise Centre, unit 1, Kea Park Close, Hellaby Industrial Estate, Rotherham S66 8LB. The children will spend the day learning how to deal with a range of personal safety issues.
The children will need a packed lunch. They are not allowed to bring; products containing nuts or any nuts (as other children may be allergic to them), chocolate, sweets, energy drinks, fizzy pop, glass bottles or cans. If your child is eligible for free school meals, and you would like school to organise a packed lunch for them, please contact the office by Thursday, 12 April 2018.
The children should wear school uniform and have a warm waterproof coat and sensible shoes.
The cost of the trip is £6.50 this includes entry, workshop, coach travel and insurance and can be paid via Parent Pay by Friday, 13 April 2018.If you pay at a Pay Point please ensure you collect a barcode from the office in advance, to enable you to make payment by the deadline.
Plan for the day:
8:45am / Pupils Arrive at school as normal8:50 prompt / Pupils leave school
9:30am / Arrive at The Lifewise Centre
9:40am / Activities
12 to 12:25 / Lunch
12:30pm / Activities
2:30pm / Depart
3:15pm / Arrive back at school (traffic permitting)
Transport will be provided by Wilfreda Beehive.
Mr Readewill contact you if we believe that the coach will arrive at a different time. Please provide the telephone number you may be contacted on, if required.
The slip below must be returned by Friday, 13 April 2018.
Yours sincerely
Mr Reade
Y6 Teacher
Crucial Crew -16/04/2018
Childs Full Name ______Class ______
I confirm that:
- I have received the information about the trip & give permission for my son / daughter to visit Crucial Crew on Monday 16th April and I understand that the children will be taking part in the activities specified in the letter.
- I understand that my child must arrive at school by08.45am and will not arrive back until 3.15pm.
- I have paid the £6.50via Parent Pay.
- There are no changes to the School visits parental consent form filled in in September 2017 (unless detailed below)
- I have spoken to my son / daughter about behaving responsibly on the trip and confirm that they will.
Print Name______Relationship to child______
Signed ______Date ______
Contact Telephone number ______
Medical Conditions - Please complete if your child has a medical condition
My son / daughter suffers fromMedicine required / Side effects
Additional information you feel we need to know
Print Name______Relationship to child______
Signed ______Date ______
Parental Consent Form – Update
Please only complete if there have been any changes that we have not been informed about.
Childs Name / ClassYour Name / Relationship to Child
New Mobile Number / New Home Number
New Work Number / Any other new numbers