To/Cathaoirleach and
Each Member of Trim Town Council 31st March 2014
Dear Member
Notice is hereby given that the April 2014 Meeting of Trim Town Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim on 7th April 2014 at 7.00 pm for the transaction of business as set out hereunder on the agenda.
You are requested to attend.
1.0Confirmation of Minutes of meeting held 11th March 2014
2.0Matters Arising from the Minutes
3.0Expressions of Congratulations and Sympathy
4.0Correspondence and matters raised by the Manager and Town Clerk
5.0Statutory Business
5.1To consider the proposed amendments to the Draft Trim Development Plan 2014-2020 together with the managers report on submissions and the recommendations of the Trim town and area members and if thought fit to make the Trim Development plan 2014-2020 with or without further modification , pursuant to section 12 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2014
5.2To receive Audited Report on Annual Financial Statement and Annual Financial Statement for Trim Town Council for year ending 31st December 2012.
5.3To receive report on Block Grant funding.
5.4To nominate 2 members for County Meath Ireland Collection Ltd – Visitor Centre.
6.0Notice of Motion
6.1Notice of Motion received by Cllr Philip Cantwell
“In light of recent bad press about charities and the lack of regulation on where the money given is eventually spent, that Trim Town Council shall write to other Town Councils/Municipal Councils and the Minister for Justice, seeking to review the present unacceptable situation and to only permit collections for local organisations including political parties and or local charities or other local causes or clubs within the Town and or Municipal Boundary of each local Authority - this is an attempt to stop the ongoing situation whereby collections and or collectors from outside the boundary are constantly based outside local business premises such as the post offices, banks, supermarkets, with a notice from a District Court in Limerick or elsewhere, which may or may not be displayed, allowing such collections to be taken and where the money collected is not in a sealed container and where
An Garda Siochana although concerned from complaints from the public, are powerless to intervene and or stop the constant harassment of members of the public and or intimidation of our elderly citizens after collecting their pensions”
6.2Notice of Motion received by Cllr Philip Cantwell
“In light of the constant danger to young children in the Church car park when parents are dropping off and or collecting their young children at either of the two Primary Schools, that Trim Town Council will contact the HSE on the possibility of amalgamating the Church Car Park with the Parking Area in St. Joseph's Hospital and thereby provide a safer and more user friendly entry and exit points - that this larger and safer parking area for the two Primary Schools be included in the present plan to divert the heavy vehicles for safety reasons to protect our students away from Patrick Street, thanks to the intervention of our local Meath West Dail representative, Deputy Ray Butler TD”
7.0Engineers Report
Report attached
8.0Schedule of Managers Orders
9.0Matters raised with the consent of the Cathaoirleach
Yours sincerely
Fiona Skehan
Town Clerk