Environmental Science 20

Goals/Aims/Purpose of the Course

This course will challenge students to examine their environment from an environmental science perspective. Major themes throughout the course include examining the consequences of a growing human population and the effect on human health, the atmosphere and the increase of pollution. Other topics include how major aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems function and how they can be influenced by human activity. Students will also study different career paths that are related to environmental science, and conduct a student directed study in which they explore a topic of personal interest.

Course Outcomes

Career Exploration

ES20-CE1 Analyze and explore environmental science related career paths in Saskatchewan, Canada and the world.

Student-Directed Study

ES20-SDS1 Create and carry out a plan to explore one or more topics of personal interest relevant to Environmental Science 20 in depth.

The Nature of Environmental Science

ES20-ES1 Examine the methods, mindsets and purposes of environmental science. Atmosphere and Human Health

ES20-AH1 Assess the impact of human activities on indoor and outdoor air quality and the need for regulations and mitigating technologies to minimize risks to human health.

ES20-AH2 Analyze the production, reliability and uses of geoscience data to investigate the effects of a changing climate on society and the environment.

Human Population and Pollution

ES20-HP1 Investigate technologies and processes used for mitigating and managing resource use, waste generation and pollution associated with a growing human population.

Aquatic Systems

ES20-AS1 Analyze the function and condition of freshwater aquatic systems such as rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands and watersheds.

ES20-AS2 Assess the importance of maintaining healthy water for humans and the environment.

Terrestrial Ecosystems

ES20-TE1 Analyze the importance of soil as an integral component of terrestrial ecosystems.

ES20-TE2 Examine the role plants play in an ecosystem, including ways in which humans use plants.

ES20-TE3 Recognize the need for intact habitat to support animal populations and biodiversity.


Assessment will be based on Summative and formative assessments. Students will have to complete all summative assignments/ projects in order to get credit for the class. Formative assessments may be marked or contain written feedback for the student, but does not count towards the student’s final grade.

Reassessments* may be attempted if all formative work has been completed and schedule a session to better understand the material (before school, at lunch, or in my learning lab). It is up to the student to arrange a writing time to reassess.

*the reassessment may not be identical to the original assessment

students who do not complete the summative assessment pieces by the stated due date will then follow the school intervention plan including use of the learning lab, scheduled opportunities to learn at noon, parent/administration notification, etc.

A student may earn a recommend if they have finished all formative and summative assessments while maintaining an average above 80%.

Classroom Expectations and Guidelines

It is expected that students will follow the 3 school beliefs in the classroom.

Cells phones usage in the classroom is for educational purposes only. If cell phones are brought to the classroom they are to be placed in a designated container and only removed with permission of the supervising staff member.

Cell phones, iPods/Pads and MP3 Players are not to be brought into rooms in which tests or exams are to be written

Communication with students and parents

Parents can communicate with me via email at

Course Name: Environmental Science 20
Teacher: Mr. Wenkoff
Semester/Year: 2016 - 2017
Major summative tasks:
The following tasks must be completed in order to receive credit for this class. (You cannot skip a task and “take a zero”)
Name of Task / Deadline
Human Population Study
Ozone Layer Brochure
Waste Management Presentation
Air Quality Survey
Environmental Action Plan
Alt Energy Research
Water quality Exam
Biodiversity of plant life
How Plants Change the World
Career Study
Student Led Study