Emotional Problems: Emotional problems are a normal part of everyone’s life. Being able to deal with them and find support is important. The people who need assistance the most are the least likely to seek it.
- The areas of your life that emotional problems can affect:
- social and family relations
- performance of tasks (job)
- leisure time activities (hobbies)
- Some emotional problems run in families. Schizophrenia runs in families (10% if parents are diagnosed, they will pass it to their offspring).
- emotional problems can also be caused by brain damage from drugs or disease (syphilis).
- Most emotional problems can be treated.
- Depression is the most common emotional problem.
- Guilt, shame, depression, anxiety are all examples.
- 10 million Americans suffer from depression each year.
- Anxiety. Can be short lived or chronic. Short lived anxiety = energy. Chronic anxiety = disabling. Many suffer from anxiety attacks (totally disable person).
- Addiction is an emotional problem. Humans can be addicted to many different things.
- Eating Disorders are also classified as emotional problems/mental illnesses.
- Anorexia Nervosa: starving self
- Bulimia: binge and purge
- Overeating: binge continuously
- OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (doing meaningless things over and over again). The act is called the compulsion.
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder= repeatedly relive the experience that was horrible (War, Rape, Death, etc)
- Guilt vs. Shame: Guilt is short lasting, Shame lasts for weeks, months, years, even lifetimes.
- Phobia = specific fear of something.
Example: Arachnophobia = fear of spiders.
- Young People and Suicide: In the US today, 20 people end their lives. 1,000 will attempt suicide.
- most think that their bad feelings will last forever.
- 2/3 of suicide victims use drugs or alcohol on a regular basis.
- Most that attempt suicide have family issues surrounding them. Often the death of a parent, friend, loved one, or the divorce of parents or the break up with a boyfriend/girlfriend will trigger suicidal feelings.
- Boys are more violent with suicide (firearms).
- How to help? Call suicide hotline, 911, or police. Stay with that person until help arrives.
- Healing: Types of Therapy. Here are some therapy specialist that often help with emotional illnesses:
- Counselor
- Psychiatrist –can prescribe drugs
- Psychologist
- Psychoanalyst
- Social Worker
- ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (problems focusing, staying on task, impulse control).
- No one knows what causes ADHD
- Ritalin is the drug that is often prescribed for ADHD