Locust Grove High School
Locust Grove High School Softball 3275 S. Ola Rd
Playoff Tradition Since 2010 Locust Grove, Ga. 30248
Good Afternoon,
I hope this letter finds you doing well. The Locust Grove High School Softball Program has been very fortunate to have the support of the community over the years. You have the opportunity to continue this support through our local business sponsorships. Your sponsorships provide new equipment, field maintenance and other resources that help us achieve a successful season. This letter outlines the various ways in which you can contribute to our program; moreover, enabling the players to reach their full potential and meet our Mission Statement.
Mission Statement: “ The Locust Grove High School Softball Program’s mission is to implement a program that exercises the long-term development of character, discipline and work ethic among the players, who, through the process, will be given the opportunity to grow both mentally and physically, allowing each player to find success on and off the field.”
Each Business Sponsorship is tax deductible. Please make your check out to “Locust Grove FastPitch”
We thank you for supporting Locust Grove High School Softball!!!
Chris Davis
Head Softball Coach
SPONSOR SIGN- $500 New/$350 Renewal: Each sign is a 4’ x 8’ professionally made sign that will be placed around the Perimeter of the Wildcat Softball Field. A picture of your sign will displayed on the Softball Website for all Visitors to see. Each Sponsor Sign is visible to all fans that attend the Lady Wildcat Softball games along with Parents and Visitors that attend Locust Grove Middle School Games.
SPONSOR SIGN- $250 New/$200 Renewal:Each sign is a 4’ x 4’ professionally made sign that will be placed around the Perimeter of the Wildcat Softball Field. A picture of your sign will displayed on the Softball Website for all Visitors to see. Each Sponsor Sign is visible to all fans that attend the Lady Wildcat Softball games along with Parents and Visitors that attend Locust Grove Middle School Games.
GAME DAY SPONSOR- $100: This will give you access to an exclusive Game Day Sponsorship. Your business will be announced by our Public Address announcer prior, during and after a Lady Wildcat Softball Game. A listing of your business will displayed on the Softball Website for all Visitors to see.
20/20- $20: This donation will go to the sponsorship of a player of your choosing, and will get your name listed on the website as a Lady Wildcat Sponsor.
GRANDSLAM: $1000 New/$800 Renewal: This Package includes a 4’ x 8’ sign, a Facebook Like, and a Game Day Sponsorship for Every LGHS Softball Game, plus 2 tickets available to Every Home Game
Homerun- $800 New/$600 Renewal: This Package includes a 4’ x 4 sign, A Facebook Like, and a Game Day Sponsorship for Every LGHS Softball Game
Select Sponsorship:
Packages:_____ Grandslam (New/Renewal)_____ Homerun (New/Renewal)
Single Items: _____ 4x8 (New/Renewal)_____ Game Day Sponsor
_____ 4x4 (New/Renewal)_____ 20/20
Business Name: ______Phone: ______
Business contact Name: ______Email: ______
Checks Payable to: Locust Grove FastPitch
Mail Checks To: 3275 S. Ola, Locust Grove, Ga. 30248