Module 4 Guided Notes
4.01-The Cardiovascular System
Page 1-Focus Question:What are the major parts of your cardiovascular system?
The cardiovascular system transports needed ______and ______to all the cells of your body. It does so by pumping blood through an expansive system of ______that extend to all your muscles, organs, and body tissues.
(Watch the video on this page once, and then watch it again and fill in the video note worksheet below to answer the focus question.)
Heart Worksheet
Word Bank:atria, ventricles, diastole,systole, AV valves, contract, pulmonary artery, lung, aorta, arteries, relax
1. There are a total of ______chambers in the heart, two on each side.
2. The upper chambers are called ______and the lower chambers are called ______.
3. The pumping action of the heart has two main periods: a period of relaxation called the ______and a period of contraction called ______.
4. In diastole, the period of relaxation, blood enters from the atria into the ventricles through valves called ______.
5. In the period of contraction, systole, the ventricles ______.
6. Oxygen-depleted blood flows out of the right ventricle into the ______.
7. The pulmonary artery has two branches, each of which goes to a ______. Here, blood picks up oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide.
8. From the left ventricle, oxygen-rich blood enters the largest artery in the body, the ______.
9. ______stemming off the aorta carry oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body.
10. When the atria ______, oxygen rich blood from the lungs enters the left atrium, and oxygen poor blood from the rest of the body enters the right atrium, starting the process all over again.
Page 2-Focus Question: What causes the sound of a heartbeat and what should a healthy heart sound like?
(Listen to the audio on this page once, and then listen to it again and fill in the worksheet below to answer the focus question.)
Heartbeat Worksheet
Word Bank: out, close, contracts, fill, valves, open
1. It’s the ______opening and closing that makes the sound you hear.
2. The two bottom chambers (ventricles) of your heart ______when the heart muscle relaxes.
3. The heart muscle ______and pushes the blood from the bottom ventricles to the lungs and body.
4. The valves between the top two chambers (atria) and the bottom chambers (ventricles)______so the blood moves in one direction. That’s what makes the first sound of your heart beat.
5. A second set of valves open to the let the blood flow ______of the bottom chambers (ventricles) and to the lungs and body. When they close again, it makes the second beat of your heart.
6. One type of heart murmur occurs when one of the heart valves can’t ______or close completely.
Page 3-Focus Question:What is blood pressure and what factors affect it?
How do these parts of the body affect blood pressure?
Heart muscle-
Nervous and endocrine systems-
Unhealthy choices-
(Watch the video on this page once, and then fill in the video note worksheet below to answer the focus question.)
Factors that affect Blood PressureWorksheet
Word Bank:atherosclerosis, diastolic, hypertension, systolic
Blood Pressure / What is blood pressure?What is systolic pressure?
What is diastolic pressure?
What happens to blood pressure during stress or exercise?
Factors that affect blood pressure / What is hypertension?
What is plaque?
What is atherosclerosis?
What causes a heart attack?
What causes a stroke?
Complete the 04.01 Cardiovascular System quiz.
4.01 Honors- Blood Vessels and Electrocardiograms
Page 2-Focus Question: What are the three main types of blood vessels and their general functions?
***Oxygenated blood leaves the heart and moves through blood vessels that gradually decrease in size from the arteries, to the arterioles, to the tiny capillariesin tissues and organs.
*** Oxygen depleted blood returns to the heart, passing through blood vessels that increase in size from the capillaries, to the venules, to the veins
Page 3-Focus Question: What tissues make up the arteries, veins, and the capillaries of the human body?
Examine the three tunics in the diagram in the lesson and describe the tissues listed below.
- Tunica Externa or Tunica Adventitia
- Tunica Media-
- Tunica Intima-
- Elastin-
- Valves-
Page 4-Focus Question:What tissues make up the arteries, veins, and the capillaries of the human body?
Examine the layers of artery and vein walls, the simple squamous epithelial cells, nuclei of endothelial cells, and the connective tissue between the artery and vein.
As you view the tissue slides, draw your observations in the space provided. Include any written notes that may be helpful when you are studying and preparing for your assignment.
Tissue Slide / ObservationsArtery and Vein 4X
Connective Tissue 10X
Artery 20X
Artery 40X
Vein 40X
Page 5- Focus Questions: How does the structure of a blood vessel affect its function?
Arteries and veins have the same basic structure with a few notable differences. List them below.
Capillaries differ in structure from arteries and veins. List the differences below
Use the Blood Vessels worksheet below and fill it in as you view the video on the basic structure and functions of blood vessels.
Blood Vessels Worksheet
Word Bank: arteries, capillaries, pulmonary, valves
Blood Vessels / What are the three main types of blood vessels?Arteries / What is their general structure?
What do they transport?
How is the pulmonary artery different from other arteries?
Veins / What is their general structure?
What do they transport?
How is the pulmonary vein different from other veins?
How are veins different from arteries?
Capillaries / What is the general structure?
What do they transport?
How are capillaries different from veins and arteries?
Page 6-Focus question: What are the components of an electrocardiogram?
Describe Electrocardiograms (ECGs)-
View the slide show to learn the wave types of an electrocardiogram. Be sure to fill in the notes on each ECG wave described by the audio.
1. The first wave is the ______, and it occurs when the top two chambersof the heart, called the ______, depolarize.
2. Depolarization creates action potentials, which are the electrical impulses that induce muscle ______. Therefore, during the p wave, the atria are ______, pushing blood into the bottom ventricles of the heart.
3. The ______wave represents the depolarization of the bottom chambers of the heart (ventricles), which causes the muscles of the ventricles to ______and push blood to the lungs and body.
4. The first sound of your heartbeat occurs immediately after the QRS wave, when the ______between the atria and ventricles close.
5. During the ______, muscles of the ventricles relax as they ______. The valves of the aorta and pulmonary artery ______. This creates the second sound of your heart beat.
6. The ______waves of an ECG are graphed in succession and compared to a normal electrocardiogram of a healthy heart. Any deviation of the graphed waves can indicate a heart problem.
Complete the 04.01 honors Cardiovascular System quiz.
4.02- Components of Blood
Page 2-Focus Question: What components are found in blood?
1. Blood is a ______tissue. It unites the body by transporting all the elements required by our cells.
2. Blood contains three formed elements: ______ cells, ______cells, and ______.
3. Formed elements are suspended in a water-based, somewhat yellow fluid known as ______.
4. When the formed elements are removed from plasma, a ______is left behind that contains minerals, nutrients, wastes, and antibodies from the immune system.
Page 3-Focus Question: What are the functions of each of the components in blood?
Use the Components of Blood worksheet below and fill it in as you view the video on the blood composition.
Components of Blood Worksheet
Word Bank: carbohydrates, carbon dioxide, clot, glucose, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, leukocytes
The role of blood / Materials transported by blood?How does it protect the body?
How does it stop bleeding?
Plasma of blood / What is it made of?
Red Blood Cells (RBC’s) / What component of red blood cells carries oxygen and makes the RBC’s red in color?
Red blood cells are also called…
What do RBC’s transport in the body?
What do RBC’s have on their surfaces?
White Blood Cells (WBC) / White blood cells are also called…
What do WBC’s do?
Can they cross into tissues?
Platelets / What are they made of?
What can platelets do?
Read the Blood Disorder Case Study and answer the follow-up questions.
Submit your work as 04.02 Components of Blood.
4.03- Hemostasis, Typing, and Transfusion
Page 2- Focus Question:What are the steps of hemostasis?
Use the blood clotting worksheet below and fill it in as you view the video.
Blood Clotting Worksheet
Blood Clotting (Hemostasis) / What blood components are responsible for blood clotting?How does a clot form?
How do blood vessels help with clotting?
How does fibrin help with clotting?
Complete the Hemostasis review on page 3!
Page 4- Focus Question: What determines a person’s blood type?
Antigens-Red blood cells have unique ______called antigens on their surfaces.
- Each person has the A antigen, B antigen, both the A and B antigens, or none of the antigens on their red blood cells.
Antibodies-Blood antigens ______the production of special proteins called antibodies. They initiate an immune response against other types of red blood cells.
- For example, an A-antigen red blood cell will make antibodies against any B-antigen red blood cell.
- There is one exception to antibody production in the blood. Red blood cells with both the A and B antigens on their surfaces do not make A or B ______. To do so would cause an attack on their red blood cells.
Rhesus factor-There is another type of ______found on red blood cellscalleda Rhesus factor oranRh antigen.
For example, if a person has the Rh antigen, their blood is considered positive. If they do not have the Rh antigen, their blood is considered negative.
Use the blood types worksheet below and take notes as you view the video on blood typing, antigens, and antibodies.
Blood Types Worksheet
Blood Types / What are the four blood types?What determines the blood types of the red blood cells?
Blood Transfusions / What happens when you mix blood types?
How does blood plasma affect the way blood reacts when different blood types are mixed?
Complete the blood types review on page 5!
Page 6- Focus Question: Why is it important to know a person’s blood type before they receive blood transfusions?
If a person receives the wrong type of blood, the antibodies in the ______blood plasma will attach to the antigens of the ______red blood cells.
How will this harm the person receiving the blood?
The ______factor and the blood type determine the kind of blood a person can receive.
Can a person with Rh negative blood receive Rh positive blood?
The antibodies in the recipient’s blood determine the safety of the blood donation.
Why are the antibodies of the donated blood less important than the antibodies of the recipient’s blood?
Complete the blood type matching review at the bottom of page 6!
There are two blood typing and transfusion options: a Hands-On Lab option and a Case Study option. Please select one of these activities to complete.
Submit your work as 04.03 Components of Blood.