Town of Greenfield – Monroe County

Monthly Board Meeting

October 09, 2017 - 7:00 P.M.

Greenfield Town Hall, Tunnel City

2017 Board Members Present: Chairman David Pierce, First Supervisor Don Hall, Second Supervisor Scott Berg, Treasurer Cindy Berg. Absent: Clerk Tammy Sankey

Nine (9) Township residents in attendance. See attached slip.

Call to Order/Pledge: Chairman Pierce called the meeting to order. The pledge was recited.

Clerk Report: Treasurer Berg read the September 2017 meeting minutes. A motion was made by Supervisor Hall to approve the minutes. Supervisor Berg seconded the motion. Hand vote 3-0, motion carried.

Treasurer/Financial Report: The September 2017 financial report included bills paid on the clerk reconciliation report and income on the treasurer financial report. Supervisor Berg made a motion to approve the treasurer financial reports. Supervisor Hall seconded the motion. Hand vote 3-0, motion carried.

School District Update: Cindy Zahrte gave a report on the Tomah School District. The 2018 school budget figures are expected out by the end of the month, due to the late completion of the state budget. They are estimating a decrease in tax of about 3.9% for property owners. There will probably be another referendum for funding the district in 2019. Positive initiatives in the district include the 45-15 school calendar at Lemonweir elementary, the Montessori school, the CNA student success rates, and other academic and community highlights. Discussion included the tax levy, the new student ranking system, and enrollments at the elementary buildings.

Town Hall Update: Supervisor Hall reported that the town hall is booked for one event in October.

Road Report: Patrolman Johnson reported that work was done on Flattop, Derby/Elder Fisher and Flatiron Roads. Trees were cut, ditching, mowing and fencing was completed. The flag in the cemetery was put at half mask for the Las Vegas tragedy. The well at the old shop was pulled and fixed. The fall clean-up day was good. Supervisor Berg reported on training he attended that the 2018 state budget includes increased general transportation aid and bridge funding for local governments. There is also a new funding formula for the Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP).

Fuel Tank Report: The permit is complete, the cement pad was poured, and the tank and poles have been purchased. We are waiting for installation of the tank.

Derby Avenue/Elder Road Update: This project report was given in the roads report.

Unimin Report: Mark Massicotte reported that 248,000 tons were shipped in September. Staff levels remain at 102 and salaried employees remains at 22. The reclamation process has been pushed out and improved. People who attended tours were thanked for coming. Water level testing was performed in September and all results are not back yet.

Chairman Report:

Chairman Pierce reported that the new bid on the fall road work was accepted and the work completed. Patrolman Johnson tried out a Balby wood chipper today with a good report. Supervisor Berg made a motion to accept the $10,000 bid for the wood chipper from Portland Implement. Supervisor Hall seconded the motion. Hand vote 3-0, motion carried. Township insurance will be changing to better coverage at similar cost. Supervisor Hall made a motion to accept the insurance bid from Tricor. Supervisor Berg seconded the motion. Hand vote 3-0, motion carried. The town will change insurance to Tricor effective Nov. 1, 2017. Monroe County will do some hyrdroseeding on Delta and Derby roads. Supervisor Hall will attend the LRIP informational meeting on October 18, 2017. The budget process has started and Tammy will post a summary 15 days prior to the meeting next month. Andrew Ritter will be doing some tree trimming. Mark Massicotte said to refer any inquiries on the Unimin project in Tunnel City to their office.

Citizen Discussion: The Whitetail subdivision covenant and meeting was discussed. Tent worms are on some trees in the cemetery.

Dates to Remember:

Budget meeting – November 13, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Budget Meeting will be held first, Monthly Meeting to follow – Township Hall

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Supervisor Hall and seconded by Supervisor Berg. Hand vote 3-0, motion carried.