Sept 2012
Unit Description
Title / The Core Principles of BiologyNumber of units / 1.5 units
Code / SKS04
Aims / The aims for this unit relate to the SEEC level descriptors for level 5 study. The unit aims to further develop knowledge and understanding of the concepts and skills in Biology for student teachers.
Learning outcomes / In relation to the SEEC level descriptors for Level 5 study, by the end of the unit students should be able to:
1. use correct scientific and technical terms that are necessary to provide clear explanations of Biology;
2. have a detailed knowledge and understanding of the scientific concepts and principles of Biology;
3. demonstrate an understanding of progression from KS3 Biology to A-level and to explore the most common misconceptions and mistakes in Biology made by learners.
Content / 1. Life processes and living things
2. Learners’ difficulties with Biology
3. Recent research evidence on the teaching and learning of Biology
4. Ideas and evidence in Biology
Learning and teaching strategies / Students will engage in a variety of science activities, including the use of ICT, reflecting different strategies and approaches to the teaching and learning of Biology.
Learning support / Books:
ASE (1995) Signs, Symbols and Systematics: The ASE companion to 5-16 science Hatfield: The Association for Science Education
DfEE (1999) The National Curriculum for England: Science London: DfEE/QCA
Driver, R. et al (1994) Making Sense of Secondary Science: Support material for Teachers London: Routledge
Harrison, W. (1993) Active teaching and learning approaches in science London: Routledge
McDuell, B. and Booth, G. (2000) GCSE Questions and Answers: Chemistry London: Letts
Reiss, M. (2012) Teaching Secondary Biology. Hatfield: Association for Science Education
QCA (2003) Standards at Key Stage 3 Science 2003 London: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
Assessment task / Assessment will be in the context of the University of Brighton Assessment Policy and the Faculty Code of Practice in Assessment, and students will be required to complete the following task:
Extending your Biology Subject Knowledge (e-brochure)
The purpose of the e-brochure task is to enhance an area of your Biology subject knowledge which you identify from your subject audit as needing to be strengthened. You will be asked to submit:
a) Your e-brochure;
b) Your notes including dealing with common pupil misconceptions;
c) A reference list of your reading / materials consulted for this task;
d) A rationale (no more than 1 page of A4) outlining why you chose the topic/concept and what was your level of knowledge and understanding.
(2000 words equivalent)
The task will be marked on a Pass / Fail basis.
Referral task: Rework original task.
Assessment criteria / General criteria for assessment are framed by the SEEC descriptors for Level 5. The assessment criteria are:
· correct use of scientific and technical terms which are necessary to enable them to be clear in their explanations (LO1);
· comprehension of the scientific concepts and principles of Biology (LO2);
· identifying progression from the KS3 to A-level and explaining the most common misconceptions and mistakes made by those learning Biology (LO3).
All learning outcomes must be achieved in order to pass the unit.
Area examination board to which unit relates / SKE Joint Area / Course Examination Board
Unit team/authors/co-ordinator / Brian Marsh
Date of first approval / September 2012
Date of last revision / N/A
Date of approval of this version / September 2012
Version number / 1
Course(s) which unit is acceptable and status in course / 18 unit SKE Chemistry
18 unit SKE Physics
School home / School of Education
External examiner(s) / Paul Adams