Councillors: Mr S Mackouly (Chairman), Mr T Smithson, Mr A Pratt, Mr L T I Grant (Clerk/RFO)
Cllrs Mrs J Hanson, Mrs D Podlewska
Community Beat Manager NY Police
2. / Public Questions and Statements
There were no members of the public present and no questions had been received
3. / Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 March 2017
The minutes of the meeting held on 20.03.17 were approved as a true record by all Cllrs present without abstention.
4. / Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting Held on 20.03.17
4.1 / Highways Matters
Damaged Highway Surface – West End of Main Street Bickerton
The owners of Lingcroft Grange had been contacted about the state of the highway leading to their access drive. They warn employees and visitors about the state of the highway leading to their access drive and ask them to drive slowly. There were no comment on the state of the highway surface.
5. / Police Matters
The Beat Manager is not on duty this evening and was unable to attend. Crime statistics for the Parish had previously been circulated. / LTIG
6. / Financial Matters
6.1 / Funds Received:
- £2,700.00 Punch Taverns annual car park rent (a £450.00 overpayment for the second year) The Parish Council now has £900.00 in it’s Bank Account due to overpayment this year and last, by Punch Taverns
6.2 / Bank Balances at 31 March 2017:
- Business Money Management Account £11,999.52
- Community Account £0.00
6.3 / Invoices Received and to be Paid
Total Payment of £2,127.20 was approved by all Cllrs present with no abstention, with corresponding inter account transfer.
- Tockwith School £25.20 Meeting Room Hire 19.04.17
- YLCA £193.00 Annual Subscription
- Vision ICT Ltd £258.00 (£215.00 + £43.00 VAT)
- Clerk’s quarterly Invoice £1,651.20 (£1,396.80 Salary & Expenses +£254.40 PAYE)
6.4 / S137 Community Grants – Update
No requests had been received from any organisation asking to be considered for a Community Grant.
6.5 / Defibrillators
A further meeting of all Bilton in Ainsty first responders had been held to find a new position in the Village to site the replacement box to house the defibrillator.. A suitable location had been agreed with all responders and the affected property owner had agreed to provide an electricity supply without charge. Andrew Scott a local electrician has quoted £192.22 plus VAT to fix the replacement box and extend an electricity supply to the unit. After discussion, all Cllrs present without abstention agreed that the Clerk should write to Andrew Scott and accept his quotation for this work.
The Bilton in Ainsty first responders had been reminded that they need to undertake all regular inspection and monitoring/recording work to ensure that the defibrillator functioned correctly, as no Cllrs are available to undertake this work / LTIG
7. / Planning and Related Matters
7.1 / Planning Applications received & to be Determined
- None received.
7.2 / Planning decision notifications received
- None received.
8. / PC Administration
8.1 / ( A ) Annual Governmance Statement
Cllrs reviewed the Annual Governance Statements in the Audit Document and satisfied themselves that the procedures and practices of the Parish Council provided adequate controls to meet the standards required. All Cllrs present without abstention agreed that the Clerk and Chairman should sign the Audit Document to confirm that the Governance Statement had been met.
( B ) Annual Accounts
All Cllrs present without abstention agreed to adopt the Annual Accounts as circulated and asked the Clerk and Chairman to sign the Audit Document to approve and adopt them.
8.2 / Adoption of Updated Financial Risk Assessment (FRA)
The Updated FRA had been circulated. All Cllrs present without abstention agreed to adopt the document without amendment.
8.3 / Adoption of the Asset Risk Assessments
The Updated Asset Risk Assessments had been circulated. All Cllrs present without abstention agreed to adopt the document without amendment.
8.4 / Adoption of an Updated Asset Register.
The Updated Asset Register had been circulated. All Cllrs present without abstention agreed to adopt the document without amendment.
8.5 / Parish Councillor Survey
An emailed survey about the role of a Parish Councillor, had been circulated. Cllrs confirmed that the survey had been received and completed.
8.6 / HMRC PAYE Account Errors
Following repeated detailed discussions with HMRC staff, the alleged non payment of PAYE by the PC for two quarters had been resolved. HMRC acknowledged that the PAYE funds had been received on time each quarter, but due to clerical error by HMRC staff, had not been credited to the PC’s account with HMRC. Apologies had been offered for the issuing of unpaid demands with interest charges, which the PC had received.
8.7 / Bus Service Bilton in Ainsty – Request for PC Support
After seeking the support of the PC for the reintroduction of a bus service to Bilton in Ainsty, local residents had then raised the issue with the District Cllr and the MP. A full letter setting out the position had been circulated from The Cabinet Member at NYCC confirming the costs that would be involved in extending the commercial bus service to Bilton in Ainsty for the small number of potential users. NYCC does not have funds to meet this uneconomic extension to the existing bus service. Cllrs were satisfied that this issue has been fully explored and which cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the local residents.
8.8 / Councillor Vacancy Update
Mrs Diane Jones had agreed at the end of the March meeting that she would like to fill an existing vacancy and was co-opted to the PC. HBC were duly informed, but Mrs Jones then found that she was unable to undertake the role. HBC are now attempting to decide whether a request for a new election is necessary or cancellation of the acceptance of the role.
Cllrs agreed that any further co-option should only be agreed of candidate who is sufficiently aware of the extent of the work and commitment required to undertake the work involved. / LTIG
8.9 / Neighbourhood Plan – Parish Design Statement Update
The revised draft had been circulated for comment, But Cllrs Mrs D Podlewska and Mrs J Hanson were unable to attend the meeting to answer questions on the subject.
8.10 / Emergency Resilience Plan
The Chairman had studied the draft plan created in 2016 when flooding occurred in Post Office Row Bilton in Ainsty. At the time of production of the draft, it had been suggested to local residents that a group be formed to manage the Resilience Plan, but no volunteers had come forward. The Chairman is consider a way forward and will consult other local PCs. / SM
8.11 / Grass Verge Cutting
HBC’s Parks department has started its contracted works to cut grass verges in Turnpike Lane Bickerton and Church Street Bilton in Ainsty. A preliminary cut has been undertaken to clear existing footpaths and regular maintenance visits will be undertaken during the growing period.
9. / Councillors Business Items for the next Meeting
Early renewal of the lease for the Car Park at The Chequer’s Inn, following the takeover of Punch Taverns, may be requested.
10. / Exempt Items
11. / Dates for Future monthly Meetings
15 May, 19 June, 10 July, 18 September,16 October, 20 November 2017
All meetings to be held in Tockwith School at 7.30 pm (subject to availability).
Clerk to the Parish Council: L T I Grant Tel.: 01423 359961 Email:
Chairman: S Mackouly: Tel. 01423 358092 Email: