Alexey Kazanin, Gennady Kazanin, Gennady Ivanov, Mikhail Sarkisyan (JSC MAGE, Moscow, Saint Petersburg)


The article presents JSC MAGE innovative technologies when carrying out offshore geotechnical surveys on the Arctic shelf of Russia that show an innovative vector of development of the national marine geophysics. From major things, in the first place, one should note high-resolution seismic surveys, ultra-high resolution acoustic surveysand self-contained ROV system works. High-resolution and ultra-high resolution seismic surveys were used for detailed upper section stratification with the view to detecting gas “lens”, gas hydrate deposits and forecasting shallow gas accumulations in the upper section. The ROV system works, performed in the Sea of Okhotsk, showed its high efficiency when assessing leak tightness of underwater pipelines, plugged well heads and integrity of underwater utility lines.


In recent years, MAGE has made some progress in Arctic offshore oil&gas exploration through innovative technology. When it comes to competitive advantages of the marine geophysics industry in Russia, MAGE is unquestionably a striking example of a company able to perform a cutting-edge scientific research under the most severe climatic conditions.

In this report we will focus attention on the Arctic shelf of Russia and the methods which show the innovative development vector of Russian marine geophysics.

The under-ice technology developed by our company is based on the use of an ice guard. Operations in ice-covered waters require that seismic equipment and airguns are secured below water in order to avoid contact of towed devices with ice. Thus, it serves to protect towed devices from the floating ice. There has been taken out a patent for the ice guard.

Integrated geophysical surveys performed by MAGE in the Arctic Ocean allowed to considerably support argumentation of the Russian Federation when substantiating outer boundary of the continental shelf.

As far as geological and geophysical innovations on the Russian Arctic shelf are concerned, the most prominent ones include multicomponent transition zone seismic acquisition, ultrahigh-resolution seismic acquisition, under-ice seismic acquisition and work with a remotely operated underwater vehicle Sperre SUB-fighter 15k (fig.1).

Fig.1 Remotely operated underwater vehicle Sperre SUB-fighter 15k.

The shallow areas in the Yamal offshore and the Pechora Sea with relatively easy access to resources are the assets of strategic importance for the hydrocarbon reserve base to be augmented. For work to be done in the transition zone, MAGE employs the latest cable-free system for 4C acquisition. The work was performed in the Pechora Sea and the Yamal offshore with efficiency and a high quality of the seismic data. The work we have done in the transition zone and onshore offers a new level of technical advancement in the industry and makes it possible to perform multicomponent seismic data acquisition in the Arctic, ensuring a gradual transition to multicomponent acquisition.

Today, MAGE carries out a full range of engineering surveys, but it places a major focus on geophysical survey by using innovative technology. High-resolution seismic techniques were first used for detailed layering of the section’s upper part in order to discover gas “lenses” and gas hydrate accumulations.

A distinctive feature of the unit’s recording system is a reduced channel interval of the streamer (6.25 &3.125 m), which provides a more detailed seismic section and, specifically, helps to identify gas accumulations. The penetration depth is about 1 km, at resolution capability of 2­5 m, depending on the sedimentary cover geological structure that allows increasing considerably a seismic section detail and, in particular, recognizing gas accumulations. Solid environmentallyfriendly construction for the sub­sea part of the receiver is of much importance.

Our Company exploited that technology first in the Barents Sea. Carried out experimental and methodological works showed high information content and efficiency of the technology while detecting and mapping gas lenses in the upper layer of deposits.

At present time, the Company has a streamer of the Russian production of “SI Technology Instrument” (Gelendzhik, Russia) with similar parameters. The Russian 192­channel digital streamer of XZoneBottomFish model with active length of 1,200 m and distance between channels of 6.25 m is used as the receiver.

The most of the survey was conducted in conditions of ice concentration of 9/10ths to 10/10ths and 160cm in thickness. In some profiles, the ice sometimes would get as thick as 240cm with toros up to 4 meters. Often, the Yamal icebreaker broke the ice for itself, and then came back to cut way for the RV “Akademik Fedorov”.

In 2012-2016, works were focused on the Kara Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. Information on the location of hazardous facilities is a critical factor in wells production arrangement at the stage of field development planning.


1.For the first time ever, integrated geophysical surveys have been successfully carried out in the North Pole region. Employment of under-ice seismic survey technology developed and implemented by JSC Marine Arctic Geological Expedition.

2.MAGE - integrated geological engineering (high-resolution seismic, seismic ultra high-resolution, multi-channel NSAP, the CPT - sensing, ground sampling, hydrophysical sounding, work with ROV) with the use of modern equipment as well as innovative technologies.

3.For the first time in engineering and geological survey practice on the Russian continental shelf the acquisition works have been performed on technology of high-resolution and ultra high-resolution seismic survey, using the equipment produced in Russia


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International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 45th Anniversary of MAGE

RecentExploration of the Arctic and the Russian Continental Shelf.

Challenges and Prospects of Mineral Resources Development.

22-23 November 2017, Murmansk, Russia