Teacher Recommendation Worksheet


TO _________________________________________________DATE__________________________________

FROM ___________________________________ SCHOOL COUNSELOR______________________________

STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS__________________________ STUDENT CELL NUMBER________________

INTENDED COLLEGE MAJOR ________________________ CAREER GOAL__________________________

I would appreciate a letter of recommendation from you, as I feel you know me well as a student/former student. Please include specific examples from class illustrating the qualities below:

· Academic motivation

· Creative academic approach

· Academic self-confidence

· Academic growth potential

· Leadership

· Responsibility

· Emotional maturity

· Initiative

· Outstanding personal qualities, i.e. enthusiasm, sense of humor

***** Important note for teachers:

Please write only ONE letter of recommendation that the School Counselor can send to all schools.

To help you in the process, consider the fact that colleges prefer personalized, succinct, and specific letters. Please include examples that support statements that you make about the student.

This letter needs to be emailed to my School Counselor: ___________________________

By the following date:______________ (5 days before my first deadline).

I will be applying to the following schools:

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

Thank you for your support!



Student Directions: Complete items 1-10 and provide one copy of this form to each teacher writing you a letter of recommendation. If you need additional space, you may attach extra paper to this packet.

1. Other high schools attended ( if applicable) Location Dates/Grades: ______________________________________

2. Courses you completed with me: _________________________________________________________________

3. Why have you requested me to recommend you for college admission? Please give specific reasons:


4. What did you contribute to/accomplish in this class?


5. What are your future goals and what are you doing right now to contribute to making the goals a reality?


6. What are some examples of where you have shown creativity?


7. What are some examples of where you have worked well with other students?


8. Describe the academic accomplishment (award/distinction, major paper, science experiment, artistic project) you are most proud of, and tell why you take pride in it.


9. What kind of learner are you? Which academic setting or assignments make you thrive? What interests you?


10. Are there any specific points you would like "included?
