K-12 Partnership Lesson Plan

Jake Nalley, Michael Kuczynski

It’s Getting’ Hot in Here!

Consequences of climate change on flora and fauna


Student will be introduced to the basics of climate change research. Specifically focusing on the impact climate change will have on the plant and animal populations. We will investigate a number of specific aspects that will be directly impacted through climatic changes, with a number of real world examples. The lesson is broke into three main portions, a brief introductory presentation, an interactive, outdoor game, and a worksheet developed to engage students with real scientific graphs and data.


At the conclusion of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • Link human actions with changes taking place on Earth
  • Explain how rising temperatures are influencing animal/plant populations
  • Describe specific examples where climate change may be either detrimental or beneficial
  • Gain experience interpreting graphs and making conclusions
  • Get excited about role-playing as an animal

Length of Lesson

One 50-minute class period, with the potential of breaking off the graphical analysis to assign for out-of-class work

Grade Levels

K– 12th grade

Notes for grade-level appropriate content or extension are noted throughout lesson plan. There are three games attached, each has an appropriate grade level.

Standards covered (NGSS)

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

Elementary School

  • K-LS1-1:use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive

Middle School

  • MS-LS2-1: analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the effects of resource availability on organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem
  • MS-LS2-4: construct an argument supported by empirical evidence that changes to physical or biological components of an ecosystem affect populations
  • MS-LS2-2: construct an explanation that predicts patterns of interactions among organisms across multiple ecosystems
  • MS-ESS3-4: construct an argument supported by evidence for how increases in human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources impact Earth’s systems

High School

  • HS-LS2-2: use mathematical representation to support and revise explanation based on evidence about factors affecting biodiversity and populations in ecosystems of different scales
  • HS-LS2-6: evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning that the complex interactions in ecosystem maintain relatively consistent numbers and types of organisms in stable conditions, but changing conditions may result in a new ecosystem

Cross Cutting Concepts:

  • Patterns
  • Cause and Effect
  • Stability and Change of Systems

Science and Engineering Practices

  • Developing and using models
  • Engaging in argument from evidence

Previous Michigan Standards Met:

  • S.IA.03.12, 04.12: share ideas about science through purposeful conversation in collaborative groups
  • S.RS.03.11, 04.11, 05.15: demonstrate scientific concepts through various illustrations, performances, models, exhibits, and activities
  • S.Rs.03.18, 04.18: describe the effect humans and other organisms have on the balance of the natural world
  • E.ES.03.52: describe helpful or harmful effects of humans on the environment
  • S.IA.05.12: evaluate data, claims, and personal knowledge through collaborative science discourse
  • S.RS.05.13, 06.13, 07.13: identify the need for evidence in making scientific decisions
  • S.RS.06.14, 07.14: evaluate scientific explanations based on current evidence and scientific principles
  • L.EC.06.41: describe how human beings are part of the ecosystem of the Earth and that human activity can purposefully, or accidentally, alter the balance in ecosystems
  • S.RS.07.17: describe the effect humans and other organisms have on the balance of the natural world
  • E.ES.07.42: describe the origins of pollution in the atmosphere, geosphere, and hydrospehere (car exhaust, industrial emissions, acid rain, and natural sources), and how pollution impacts habitats, climatic change, threatens or endangers species
  • E2.1C: explain using specific examples, how a change in one system affects other Earth systems
  • E2.4B: explain how the impact of human activities on the environment (e.g. deforestation, air pollution, coral reef destruction) can be understood through the analysis of interactions between the four Earth systems
  • B3.4C: examine the negative impact of human activities
  • B3.4e: list the possible causes and consequences of global warming


●Powerpoint introducing the influences of climatic changes on animal and plant populations

●The Extreme Polar Plunge! Introduction and game rules (Elementary level)

oFlags/cones/rope to mark off “ice platforms” and “shoreline”

oTokens to represent food items (can be anything to represent the seals polar bears prey upon)


●Blinding Nemo introduction and game rules (Middle School Level

oDifferent colored flags or tokens (should include some brightly colored and some that are green/camouflaged to the background) to represent anemones

oFlags/cones/rope to mark egg laying locations

oToken to represent fish eggs


●What’s Wrong with Bulwinkle? Introduction and game rules (Middle-High School)

oDifferent colored flags/cones to mark off mouse territory and deer territory

oTokens to represent food (some of these tokens need to be marked in some way to show they are contaminated with parasites)


●Scientific worksheet for graphical analysis (all document available on the “It’s Getting Hot in Here” lesson page on the KBS GK-12 website


While public policy on climate change continues to be debated in local and national governments, the effects of global warming are already being felt by many different plant and animal populations. Warming temperatures and other consequences of climate change can result in a wide variety of outcomes for different communities. For example, rising temperatures can directly impact plant and animal populations by causing range shifts as species are forced to move into areas with temperatures they can tolerate. In the process of shifting home ranges different species that were previously isolated from one another may come in contact, leading to new biotic interactions (whether they be predator-prey, host-parasite, or resource competitor interactions).

The “It’s Gettin’ Hot In Here” powerpoint provides a number of interesting examples of the impacts of climate change on plants and animals. Below is a brief summary of the important points covered on each slide.

Script to accompany “It’s Gettin’ Hot In Here” PowerPoint, organized by slide:

(1)Introduction of the topic: Changes that are taking place across the globe are impacting animal and plant populations. Can you think of any examples?

(2)Climate Change Intro: We as humans consume a lot of energy, from electricity, gasoline, natural gas, etc. As more humans populate the planet, this energy demand continues to increase leading to a large amount of carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere. This is leading to increase global temperatures, ocean acidification from high amounts of dissolved CO2 in the water, increasing ice melts, and more severe weather patterns (i.e. tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts).The graph illustrates how quickly the amount of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere has spiked within the last century compared to the previous 10,000 years.

(3)Can anyone think of specific examples these changing climatic events may have on the plant and animal life?

(4)Some examples that we will discuss involve direct physical/physiological effects, habitat loss, range shifts (organisms moving towards the poles), new hybrids forming as “species” begin to cross as they begin interacting, other predator/prey interactions, and changes in life cycles such as with hibernation

(5)Physical/physiological effects: Warmer temperatures can have direct effects on organisms such as with over-heating. Also, with acidifying oceans, there are a number of direct negative effects on marine life. Also, organisms that have environmental sex determination are also greatly impacted.

(6)Corals: Coral form a symbiotic relationship with an algal species where the coral offers shelter and the algae offers nutrition. Warmer ocean temperatures make it harder to form these relationships and many corals will actually expel their symbiotic algae as a result (coral bleaching). Furthermore, as oceans absorb more and more CO2 from the atmosphere they become more acidic which slows the growth of coral which relies on building calcium based skeletons.

(7) Many species of reptiles including many turtles have temperature dependent sex determination where the temperature of the sand where the eggs are laid will determine the sex of the offspring. With rising temperatures some species are experiencing a shift towards a highly skewed sex ratio. For example, during a 3 year stretch of unseasonably warm temperatures loggerhead turtles were producing nests that hatched ~90% females.

(8)Some species are also losing the habitat that they depend on for food, shelter, breeding.

(9)Polar bears are a well-known example of how habitat loss can negatively impact the population. With shrinking ice, polar bears are forced to swim further between ice sheets resulting in fatigue/drowning, and also a decrease in seal-hunting habitat.

(10) Mangroves present a rich area for breeding and for fostering young. But, low water depths are required for these plants to set roots, and with rising water levels, these species-rich areas are diminishing.

(11) Range shifts occur as rising temperatures force species to move towards the poles or to higher elevations to stay within the species optimal level. Predators also follow their prey species as they shift their ranges.

(12) An example of this is the Pika. These rodents are being forced to higher elevations to stay within their optimal temperature levels.

(13)Hybrids are beginning to pop up as range shifts are occurring and once separated species are overlapping and breeding.

(14) A great example is the breeding that is taking place between the grizzly bear and the polar bear, aka Grolar Bear. Other examples are the Narwhal and Beluga, and Right and Bowhead whales.

(15) Shifting ranges are also resulting in species interacting in different ways. Populations are exposed to new predators, parasites, or competitors. Additionally, warming temperatures can actually change the lifecycles of certain organisms which can change how they interact with the environment and other species.

(16) A major disease of frog populations is caused by a chytrid fungus that requires a very specific temperature range to spread (can’t be too hot, can’t be too cold). Climate change is causing increasing cloud cover in many of the forests and jungles of Central America resulting in a pattern where daytime temperature is actually cooler than normal (as there is not as much direct exposure to the sun) but night time temperature is warmer than normal (resulting from general global warming). This daytime cooling and nighttime warming has created the perfect temperature for the spread of the chytrid fungus to previously unaffected populations of frogs.

(17) Warmer temperature has allowed the red fox to begin moving into the arctic fox’s habitat. The red fox is quite a bit larger than the arctic fox and dominates the environment. Red foxes are even known to kill arctic foxes.

(18) The final effect we are going to cover is life cycle changes.

(19)The best example is how hibernating animals are being influenced. Shorter cold conditions are causing hibernation periods to decrease. Some animals have even stopped hibernating at all. This can cause serious problems because if an animal is not hibernating then its metabolism is running normally which means it requires its normal amount of food. If ample food supply is not available during the winter these animals may starve. Not all examples are negative however; some animals are benefiting from this decrease in cold weather. Marmots are reducing the time they spend hibernating but they do not face starvation because warming temperatures has actually lengthened the growing season of their food source. As a result marmots are actually becoming fatter than usual because they have more time to eat.

(20) Next, introduce the game you have selected for your grade level.

Activities of the session

  1. Present the introduction in the PowerPoint (included) asking comprehension questions throughout. This should make the lesson connect to students’ previous knowledge.
  2. Introduce the game and then head outside. (see the game rule sheets below for more details)

The three games included here cover different complexity of ideas:

  • The polar bear game (The extreme polar plunge) covers a relatively simple example of loss of habitat due to warming temperatures making this game accessible to younger students.
  • The clownfish game (Blinding Nemo) involves a more complicated example that requires students are able to understand ocean acidification.
  • The moose game (Whats wrong with Bullwinkle) is probably the most complicated of the games and requires a better understanding of how animals interact with each other .
  1. Enjoy the time outside!
  2. Come back inside and introduce the worksheet of graphs (see below)


  • Powerpoint, graphing worksheet, and game rules (developed by Michael Kuczynski and JakobNalley) available on the “It’s Getting Hot in Here!” lesson page on the KBS GK-12 website

Extensions and Modifications

Read articles from multiple sources (e.g., news, primary literature), and (a) have a discussion on range shifts or new hybridization. (b) Have students express what they believe the impact of exotic species will have on resident species.

Every point of this presentation can be scaled back to meet demands at specific grade levels. Other aspects can be developed even further to meet higher demands at the high school level.


Have students fill out the provided worksheet. This is a great way to engage the students with current scientific data and also encourage the students to think beyond the simple game and apply their knowledge to more advanced topics.

Rule Sheet

The extreme polar plunge!

Background: Polar bears face many challenges resulting from global warming. Ice platforms are shrinking and moving farther apart making hunting much more difficult and dangerous for polar bears. Individuals have to swim farther and farther to locate suitable hunting locations. Additionally, the increasing amount of open water between shore and sea ice results in rougher wave. This further increases the danger of hunting. In this game, participants will step into the role of a polar bear searching for food. Players will experience the increasing challenge of making it out to sea ice to hunt.


Flags/cones/rope to mark off “ice platforms” and “shoreline”

Tokens to represent food items (can be anything to represent the seals that polar bears prey upon)



1) In an open field use flag/cones/ropes to mark off the boundaries of several “ice platforms”. The number and size of the platforms you create will depend on the number of players. For a group of ~20-25 players we recommend 3 platforms.

2) Within each platform distribute food tokens. We recommend 15 tokens per platform.

3) Choose a location away from the three platforms to establish your “shoreline”, mark this region with flags or cones.

4) Have players spread out along the shoreline.

5) Players have 30-45 seconds (the exact time given to players should depend on the size of the playing field) to run from the shoreline to any of the ice platforms, collect a minimum of 3 food tokens, and make it back to the shoreline. Those that accomplish this have survived, those with less than 3 food tokens starve, and those stuck out in the “ocean” when the time runs out drown.

6) Inform the students that they are leaping ahead several years and global warming is causing sea ice to shrink and retreat farther from shore, and food abundance is decreasing. Move the ice platforms farther away from your shoreline and reduce their size. Also reduce the number of food tokens on each platform to 10. Repeat step 5.

7) Inform students that they are going even further forward in time and now the large amounts of open water between sea ice and shore is creating dangerous wave conditions. Once again move the ice farther away from shore and reduce the number of tokens per platform to 7. Repeat step 5, only this time inform the students that the rough ocean conditions means they have to walk instead of run.

8) Discuss with the students how global warming affected polar bear populations.

Blinding Nemo!

Background: As atmospheric CO2 increases the oceans absorb more and more CO2 from the atmosphere. Higher levels of CO2 in the ocean lead to ocean acidification which can have a number of negative effects on marine life. For example, ocean acidification is thought to interfere with the senses of clownfish. This interference can prevent juvenile clownfish from successfully locating sea anemones. Adult clownfish have a mutualistic relationship with anemones where the clownfish cleans the anemones of parasites and eats small invertebrates that could harm the anemone. In return the anemone protects the clownfish from its predators and provides the clownfish with scraps from its meals. If juveniles are unable to locate suitable anemones they are in serious danger of predation. In this game participants step into the role of clownfish trying to locate an anemone and eventually reproduce under conditions where their senses are deteriorating.