Simulation Schedule Junior II

Date: Tuesday9/19/2017 (See Below for Times) Place: Clow 120

Sim C120D
Debrief C120K / Sim C120F
Debrief C120J / Time / Assignment: / Assigned Patient:
Gretchen Matthews / Tara Walz / 9-12 KB / Review:
Watch video: Student Simulation Learning System Guide website
Review Assigned Patient EMR and Meds (Lewis SLS)
Complete Presimulation Quiz in case 10 and 11 Prior to arrival for simulation (Located in the Lewis SLS)
Complete the assigned readings for case 10 and 11 located under the Presimulation Learning Resouces uner Reading Assignment Readings from Lewis, et al Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems,
Wear Scrubs, Bring Nursing central access, Laptop, stethoscope, watch


Scenario 10 – Melody D. and Scenario 11 – Melody D.

(SimChart) behind it
(Lewis SLS)
Elizabeth Hettrich / Paige Fehlhaber / 9-12 MB
Reed Boettcher / Katelyn Girard / 9-12 MB
Shania Merritt / Cheyenne Moore / 9-12 MG
Emily Goodhall / Nicole Knudtson / 9-12 RD
Caitlin Semrad / Julie Golab / 1230-1530SB
Courtney Kaldenberg / Vicky Xiong / 1230-1530TW
Ally McDonald / Bridget Faldet / 1230-1530JC
Marissa Hamby / Janna Gunderson / 1230-1530KH
Marissa Broehm / Aubree Dax / 1230-1530SD

Date: Tuesday9/26/2017 (See Below for Times) Place: Clow 120

Sim C120D
Debrief C120K / Sim C120F
Debrief C120J / Time / Assignment: / Assigned Patient:
Courtney Stephan / Elizabeth Janke / 9-12 KB / Review:
Watch video: Student Simulation Learning System Guide website
Review Assigned Patient EMR and Meds (Lewis SLS)
Complete Presimulation Quiz in case 10 and 11 Prior to arrival for simulation (Located in the Lewis SLS)
Complete the assigned readings for case 10 and 11 located under the Presimulation Learning Resouces uner Reading Assignment Readings from Lewis, et al Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems,
Wear Scrubs, Bring Nursing central access, Laptop, stethoscope, watch


Scenario 10 – Melody D.and Scenario 11 – Melody D.

(SimChart) behind it
(Lewis SLS)
Lauren Van Handel / Thomas Walker / 9-12 MB
Karli Gross / Kelsey Schultz / 9-12 MB
Megan Paulick / Erin Supples / 9-12 MG
Racheal Winter / Rachael Carlson / 9-12 RD
Alyssa Spaniol / Karla Tinajero / 1230-1530 SB
Laikyn Larsen / Alyssa Slack / 1230-1530 TW
crystal wrensch / Gabriella Noeldner / 1230-1530 JC
Allison Clements / Liz Gleason / 1230-1530 KH
Katherine Graumann / Hailey Reith / 1230-1530 SD

Date:Tuesday10/3/2017 (See Below for Times) Place: Clow 120

Sim C120D
Debrief C120K / Sim C120F
Debrief C120J / Time / Assignment: / Assigned Patient:
Gina Fullone / Spencer Kok / 9-12 KB / Review:
Watch video: Student Simulation Learning System Guide website
Review Assigned Patient EMR and Meds (Lewis SLS)
Complete Presimulation Quiz in case 10 and 11 Prior to arrival for simulation (Located in the Lewis SLS)
Complete the assigned readings for case 10 and 11 located under the Presimulation Learning Resouces uner Reading Assignment Readings from Lewis, et al Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems,
Wear Scrubs, Bring Nursing central access, Laptop, stethoscope, watch


Scenario 10 – Melody D.and Scenario 11 – Melody D.

behind it
(Lewis SLS
Josh Schnepf / Paige Varsos / 9-12 MB
Karly Frederick / Miranda Sullivan / 9-12 MB
Claire Johnson / Courtney Holland / 9-12 MG
Erin Lewis / Nick Gurgel / 9-12 RD
Tiffany Vegetabile / Jordyne Greunke / 1230-1530 SB
Lauren Slusarski / Sara Romps / 1230-1530 TW
Jessica Coulthart / Jenna Dwyer / 1230-1530 JC
melanie wagner / Sarah Stock / 1230-1530 KH
Katlin Treuer / Gabriela Arteaga / 1230-1530 SD

Date: Tuesday10/10/2017(See Below for Times) Place: Clow 120

Sim C120D
Debrief C120K / Sim C120F
Debrief C120J / Time / Assignment: / Assigned Patient:
Mallory Welk / Kaitlyn Mielke / 9-12 KB / Review:
Watch video: Student Simulation Learning System Guide website
Review Assigned Patient EMR and Meds (Lewis SLS)
Complete Presimulation Quiz in case 34 and 35 Prior to arrival for simulation (Located in the Lewis SLS)
Complete the assigned readings for case 34 and 35 located under the Presimulation Learning Resouces uner Reading Assignment Readings from Lewis, et al Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems,
Wear Scrubs, Nursing central access, Laptop, stethoscope, watch


Scenario 34 – Janet O. and Scenario 35 – Janet O.

(SimChart) behind it
(Lewis SLS
William Nebus / Logan Lindau / 9-12 MB
Jenna Sewall / Jessica Whitney / 9-12 MB
Angela Keenan / Emma Stark / 9-12 MG
Nathan Peters / Michaela Baumann / 9-12 RD
Kayla Dollak / Anna Huebner / 1230-1530 SB
Kaci Swenson / Lauren Kling / 1230-1530 TW
Justin Jahn / Ashley Brouillard / 1230-1530 JC
Kristen Klinkhammer / Katie Allison / 1230-1530 KH
Emily Leichtnam / Madison Geary
Barbara Martinez / 1230-1530 SD

Date: Tuesday10/17/2017(See Below for Times) Place: Clow 120

Sim C120D
Debrief C120K / Sim C120F
Debrief C120J / Time / Assignment: / Assigned Patient:
Tara Walz / Gretchen Matthews / 9-12 KB / Review:
Watch video: Student Simulation Learning System Guide website
Review Assigned Patient EMR and Meds (Lewis SLS)
Complete Presimulation Quiz in case 34 and 35 Prior to arrival for simulation (Located in the Lewis SLS)
Complete the assigned readings for case 34 and 35 located under the Presimulation Learning Resouces uner Reading Assignment Readings from Lewis, et al Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems,
Wear Scrubs, Nursing central access, Laptop, stethoscope, watch


Scenario 34 – Janet O. and Scenario 35 – Janet O (SimChart) behind it
(Lewis SLS
Paige Fehlhaber / Elizabeth Hettrich / 9-12 MB
Katelyn Girard / Reed Boettcher / 9-12 MB
Cheyenne Moore / Shania Merritt / 9-12 MG
Nicole Knudtson / Emily Goodhall / 9-12 RD
Julie Golab / Caitlin Semrad / 1230-1530 SB
Vicky Xiong / Courtney Kaldenberg / 1230-1530 TW
Bridget Faldet / Ally McDonald / 1230-1530 JC
Janna Gunderson / Marissa Hamby / 1230-1530 KH
Aubree Dax / Marissa Broehm / 1230-1530 SD

Date: Tuesday10/24/2017 (See Below for Times) Place: Clow 120

Sim C120D
Debrief C120K / Sim C120F
Debrief C120J / Time / Assignment: / Assigned Patient
Elizabeth Janke / Courtney Stephan / 9-12 KB / Review:
Watch video: Student Simulation Learning System Guide website
Review Assigned Patient EMR and Meds (Lewis SLS)
Complete Presimulation Quiz in case 34 and 35 Prior to arrival for simulation (Located in the Lewis SLS)
Complete the assigned readings for case 34 and 35 located under the Presimulation Learning Resouces uner Reading Assignment Readings from Lewis, et al Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems,
Wear Scrubs, Nursing central access, Laptop, stethoscope, watch


Scenario 34 – Janet O. and Scenario 35 – Janet O
Thomas Walker / Lauren Van Handel / 9-12 MB
Kelsey Schultz / Karli Gross / 9-12 MB
Erin Supples / Megan Paulick / 9-12 MG
Rachael Carlson / Racheal Winter / 9-12 RD
Karla Tinajero / Alyssa Spaniol / 1230-1530 SB
Alyssa Slack / Laikyn Larsen / 1230-1530 TW
Gabriella Noeldner / crystal wrensch / 1230-1530 JC
Liz Gleason / Allison Clements / 1230-1530 KH
Hailey Reith / Katherine Graumann / 1230-1530 SD

Date: Tuesday10/31/2017(See Below for Times) Place: Clow 120

Sim C120D
Debrief C120K / Sim C120F
Debrief C120J / Time / Assignment: / Assigned Patient:
Spencer Kok / Gina Fullone / 9-12 KB / Review:
Watch video: Student Simulation Learning System Guide website
Review Assigned Patient EMR and Meds (Lewis SLS)
Complete Presimulation Quiz in case37 and 38 Prior to arrival for simulation (Located in the Lewis SLS)
Complete the assigned readings for case 37and 38 located under the Presimulation Learning Resouces uner Reading Assignment Readings from Lewis, et al Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems,
Wear Scrubs, Nursing central access, Laptop, stethoscope, watch

Musculoskeletal Scenario 37 – Susan W. and Scenario 38

(SimChart) behind it
(Lewis SLS
Paige Varsos / Josh Schnepf / 9-12 MB
Miranda Sullivan / Karly Frederick / 9-12 MB
Courtney Holland / Claire Johnson / 9-12 MG
Nick Gurgel / Erin Lewis / 9-12 RD
Jordyne Greunke / Tiffany Vegetabile / 1230-1530 SB
Sara Romps / Lauren Slusarski / 1230-1530 TW
Jenna Dwyer / Jessica Coulthart / 1230-1530 JC
Sarah Stock / melanie wagner / 1230-1530 KH
Gabriela Arteaga / Katlin Treuer / 1230-1530 SD

Date: Tuesday11/7/2017 (See Below for Times) Place: Clow 120

Sim C120D
Debrief C120K / Sim C120F
Debrief C120J / Time / Assignment: / Assigned Patient:
Kaitlyn Mielke / Mallory Welk / 9-12 KB / Review:
Watch video: Student Simulation Learning System Guide website
Review Assigned Patient EMR and Meds (Lewis SLS)
Complete Presimulation Quiz in case37 and 38 Prior to arrival for simulation (Located in the Lewis SLS)
Complete the assigned readings for case 37and 38 located under the Presimulation Learning Resouces uner Reading Assignment Readings from Lewis, et al Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems,
Wear Scrubs, Nursing central access, Laptop, stethoscope, watch

Musculoskeletal Scenario 37 – Susan W. and Scenario 38 Susan W

(SimChart) behind it
(Lewis SLS
Logan Lindau / William Nebus / 9-12 MB
Jessica Whitney / Jenna Sewall / 9-12 MB
Emma Stark / Angela Keenan / 9-12 MG
Michaela Baumann / Nathan Peters / 9-12 RD
Anna Huebner / Kayla Dollak / 1230-1530 SB
Lauren Kling / Kaci Swenson / 1230-1530 TW
Ashley Brouillard / Justin Jahn / 1230-1530 JC
Katie Allison / Kristen Klinkhammer / 1230-1530 KH
Madison Geary
Barbara Martinez / Emily Leichtnam / 1230-1530 SD

Date: Tuesday11/14/2017(See Below for Times) Place: Clow 120

Sim C120D
Debrief C120K / Sim C120F
Debrief C120J / Assignment: / Assigned Patient:
9-12 KB / Review:
Watch video: Student Simulation Learning System Guide website
Review Assigned Patient EMR and Meds (Lewis SLS)
Complete Presimulation Quiz in case37 and 38 Prior to arrival for simulation (Located in the Lewis SLS)
Complete the assigned readings for case 37and 38 located under the Presimulation Learning Resouces uner Reading Assignment Readings from Lewis, et al Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems,
Wear Scrubs, Nursing central access, Laptop, stethoscope, watch

Musculoskeletal Scenario 37 – Susan W. and Scenario 38 Susan W

(SimChart) behind it
(Lewis SLS
9-12 MB
9-12 MB
9-12 MG
9-12 RD
1230-1530 SB
1230-1530 TW
1230-1530 JC