Teacher: E. VásquezSubject: Earth Science Date:March 3-7,2014

Mazapan G.A.N.A.G. Lesson Plan 2013-2014

/ Standard / Goal / Access Prior Knowledge / New Information / Apply Knowledge / Generalize/ Goal Review/ Grade
Monday / Focus Standard:
. S4- Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth’s systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space / PD Day / PD Day / PD Day
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards,S4Ca,S4Cb,S5a, S5b
Tuesday / Focus Standard:
S4- Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth’s systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space / Infer human impact on oceans and freshwater sources
Identify the importance of glaciers and ice sheets fot climate
Learn what a watershed is
Identify the importance of wetlands / Q/ What is runoff?
A/ water that flows over Earth’s surface / Student presentations will begin on streams and lakes / S. will take notes on each prersentation
S. will answer a ws on presentation
HW: LR 2 pg.622 / Exit Slip
Why is it cooler in a lake than on the land around the lake?
A/ water heats slower than land
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards,
S4Ca,S4Cb,S5a, S5b
Wednesday / Focus Standard:
S4- Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth’s systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space / Infer human impact on oceans and freshwater sources
Identify the importance of glaciers and ice sheets fot climate
Learn what a watershed is
Identify the importance of wetlands / Q/ What is groundwater?
A/ water that is stored beneath Earth’s surface / Student presentations will begin on groundwater and wetlands / S. will take notes on each prersentation
S. will answer a ws on presentation
HW: LR 3 pg 631
HW: bring materials for foldables tomorrow / Q/ Why are wetlands important?
A/ They provide habitats for wildlife, control flooding, control erosion, filter sediments and pollution from water.
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards,
S4Ca,S4Cb,S5a, S5b
Thursday / Focus Standard:
S4- Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth’s systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space / Infer human impact on oceans and freshwater sources
Identify the importance of glaciers and ice sheets fot climate
Learn what a watershed is
Identify the importance of wetlands / S. complete chapter 17 project
Ch 16 and 17 quiz tomorrow / Complete Organizer
Wetland Type Description
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards,
S4Ca,S4Cb,S5a, S5b
Friday / Focus Standard:
S4- Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth’s systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space / Infer human impact on oceans and freshwater sources
Identify the importance of glaciers and ice sheets fot climate
Learn what a watershed is
Identify the importance of wetlands / Ch 16 and 17 quiz
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards,
S4Ca,S4Cb,S5a, S5b
