Date: 29.6.09
Number of pupils on register: 29 Boys: 17 Girls: 12 Number Present:
SEN - 6 SA - 5 SAP - 1 Statements - 0
EAL - 8
AFL - Learning Intention to be shared with pupils:
We will learn how to explore a religious story and talk about it’s meaning [AT1]
We will learn how we can be reflective
Success criteria to be identified by pupils:
We can respond imaginatively to puzzling questions, communicating our ideas [AT2]
We can talk about and reflect on their own special places [L1]
We can respond sensitively to the idea of a special place of their own and itsimportance [L2]
We will learn how we can make links between our own reflective space and reflective religious spaces [L3]
AFL- Learning Outcomes– by the end of the lesson pupils will :
Have an understanding of a Buddhist story [AT1]
Identify what we can learn from a Buddhist story [AT2]
Identify their own reflective spaces
Identify a reflective space in our school
Identify what matters to them and others
ECM outcomes: [orange bullet points being covered]
- Be healthy– the importance, for some people of calmness, stillness, reflecting
- Stay Safe– understanding the difference between right & wrong, caring for others [people and animals]
- Enjoy and achieve– Inclusive RE, responding to questions, promoting outdoor curriculum
- Make a contribution– encouraging open-mindedness, developing positive views of own/ respecting views of others
- Prepare for their future economic well-being– we all need times to be still, calm and reflect!
Cross-curricular skills: [Including EMAS]
S & L: Speaking, Listening & Responding, Group discussion and interaction,
Outdoor curriculum
Strategies for differentiation: [orange bullet points being covered]
- Series of short tasks to aid pupils with shorter concentration spans
- Paired work to ensure peer support
- Targeted TA support
- Seating to aid peer support and learning opportunities - mixed ability groups
- Differentiated tasks / expectations / questioning / outcome
- Differentiated resources
- Homework / key questions
Resources required:
- 7 observations & 7 reflections sentence starters
- Buddhism Creative Story Telling Box
- Picture of garden for me
- Picture of reflective space for children [different to mine]
- Wise words leaves
- Post-its/pens/topic books
AFL - Lesson Content:
Share LI & SC. Ask – what sounds help us to feel relaxed. Why? Explain that we are going to be thinking about, looking at and using reflective outdoor spaces today. Sit children on bank of field in semi-circle. Show my garden photograph. Explain the picture. Draw a picture of myself on small post-it and stick it on the photograph. Complete the sentence starter – I would like to be here because… then complete the sentence starter – When I am here I like to think… This picture reminds me of…
Put children in pairs. Give each pair a copy of another photograph and a post-it each. Ask them to draw a picture of themselves and stick post-it somewhere on their photo. Turn To Your Partner [TTYP] & encourage them to finish the same sentence starters I used.
Ask child to share what their partner has said.
Using the same photo – Show children each of the 7 observations & 7 reflections sentence starters and discuss [TTYP]:
The first thing that struck me was…
I can see…
It’s obvious that…
My ideas about this are…
I observed…
I’m not sure about…
I also want to say…
It made me think…
I think this picture is…
It made me wonder…
An opinion of mine is…
I want to ask about…
I noticed…
A reflection of mine is…
Share some of the children’s ideas.
Explain that we are going on a special journey. I want us to imagine we are in a garden, so we are going to our sensory garden. Walk there with children. Explain that I’m going to tell a Buddhist story – Siddartha and the Swan. [I would normally play calming /reflective music at this point]
TA waits with line of children on path. I will seat myself in storytelling cloak! TA becomes ‘Gatekeeper’ inviting the children to sit next to the story teller [Gate keeper greets children one at a time and encourages them to sit next to the storyteller]
Tell story. Use some ‘I wonder…’ questions whilst telling the story and ask children for their responses
Ask – What can we learn from this Buddhist story today?
Ask – 2 or 3 “I wonder…” questions at end of story [I wonder why the garden was so important to Siddartha?
Ask – What wise words are their in the story?
Think about what we have done so far this morning. Ask – What does ‘being reflective’ mean? Discuss
Ask - Where can I be reflective?
Ask – Where are there good reflective spaces where people can reflect, be thoughtful, have some time?
Ask – What might we do when we are being reflective?
Think about the willow tunnel near our sensory garden. Complete this sentence starter – The willow tunnel is a good reflective space because…
Activity – Design/draw a reflective space for somewhere outside in our grounds. Label resources you will need, areas you want in your reflective space.
Think about –
What wise words you might display in your reflective space?
What rules might you have for people to use your reflective space?
Come back together in circle near willow tunnel and encourage pairs to share their designs/drawings – giving explanations
AFL- Plenary
Light a candle. Explain that we are going to be reflective ourselves.
Think about the wise words you heard in our story this morning. Think about some wise words you might hear from your parents. Think about some wise words you might hear from your friends.
Ask – When children come to this reflective space what wise words do we have that we’d like other people to read?
Give out ‘Wise words’ cards with sentence starter “My wise words are…” [Have thread already put through cards]
Encourage children to complete the sentence starter. Teacher & TA to do this activity too.
Ask for volunteers to read their wise words aloud.
One at a time – invite children to walk through willow tunnel and hang their wise words on the tunnel. TA to hold candle and walk infront of child as they come to the willow tunnel to tie their wise words [they may choose to walk through the tunnel & hang their wise words on the outside]
Back inside the classroom - children self- assess their work using LI & SC. Show smiley face fan to reflect their learning for this session.
AFL -Notes for future planning:
- Plan visit to Mandir
- Design a reflective space inside, which encompasses all religions in our school