The Texas Council of Academic Libraries met September 21st for the annual business meeting just after 4:15 PM with Norman Howden, El Centro College Chair presiding. The Chair-Elect for 2009/2010 is June Koelker, Texas Christian University.
Doug Ferrier, chair of the Nominating Committee, introduced the candidates for office and thanked committee members Kathy Fair and Mark Tucker. The candidates are: Chair: June Koelker, Texas Christian University (no voting necessary); Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Maurice Fortin, Angelo State University and Christine Shupala, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi; Secretary.-Treasurer: Greg Mitchell, Texas A&M University – Commerce and Martha Tandy, Weatherford College; Member-at-Large (TCCJCL): Bobbie Long, Collin County Community College and Mary McCoy, Lamar State College – Orange; Member-at-Large (TICUL): H. Palmer Hall, St. Mary’s University and Terry Young, McMurray University; Member-at-Large (TSCUL): Shirley Dickerson, Stephen F. Austin University and Karen Wielhorski, University of Houston – Clear Lake. Doug Ferrier and Kathy Fair counted the ballots and reported the results. The TCAL Executive Committee for 2009/2010 will be: June Koelker, Chair; Maurice Fortin, Vice Chair/Chair Elect; Martha Tandy, Secretary-Treasurer. The Members at Large are: Bobbie Long, Collin County Community College (TCCJCL); Terry Young, McMurry University (TICUL); and Shirley Dickerson, Stephen F. Austin University (TCSUL).
Secretary-Treasurer Charlene Shultz noted that minutes of the 2008 meeting had been on the TCAL website for the past year and will continue to be available. She referenced two documents distributed to TCAL attendees: Statement of Income and Expenses, July 1, 2008-June 30, 2009 and the projected budget for 2009-2010. Sponsorships are declining, and expenses continue to exceed income. The Executive Committee will take action to reverse this trend as they plan for the meeting and activities in 2010. The project budget was approved.
Julie Todaro, as Legislative Committee Chair, discussed HB 962, a community college bill which clarified the 2 yr. Colleges’ purchasing exemptions to be similar to university libraries. The bill passed the Texas Legislature.
Russlene Waukechon, TexShare Database Coordinator for Texas State Library and Archives Commission, discussed the TexShare program. Additional funds to support the TexShare program were not approved by the Texas Legislature, and TCAL support is needed. Current issues relate to allowing alumni of different universities to use TexShare databases and partnering with the public libraries to help school libraries gain access to TexShare. At the federal level Obama’s Stimulus package had academic libraries added to provide student assistance with career centers, student aid and financial aid especially through community libraries computer labs.
Joe Dahlstrom presented the annual Library Fee and Printing Revenue Survey. He also presented a new report on the status of budgets in Texas institutions and, if applicable, where they might reduce their operating expenses. The survey reflected that most institutions will cut equipment first and staff last, right after electronic resource cuts. The last of the survey asked for colleges which had recently been accredited for SACS with the college listed with a SACS comment.
As chair of the Bylaws Committee, Joe Dahlstrom also presented the Bylaws changes proposed by Tracey Mendoza and himself. Article IV Section 2 continues the term of Chair and Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect for one year. The term for Secretary/Treasurer and for the three board members elected at large is for two years. Incoming officers will graciously offer to take one year terms to help stagger the terms for officers. Article VI – Committees Section 1 changes were to cross out The Committee on Binding Contracts from the Standing Committees and a separate sentence states The Committee on Library Materials Contracts…serve as liaison between TCAL libraries and the Purchasing Commission, and monitor the contracts. Article VII Nominations and Elections Section 2 …and At-Large board position to be filled. (In even numbers years, the Committee shall nominate candidates for the Vice-Chair/Chair Elect position, the Secretary/Treasurer position, and one At-Large board position. In odd-numbered years, the Committee shall nominate candidates for the Vice-Chair/Chair Elect position and two At-Large board positions.) These changes were approved.
Library Materials Committee Chair Sherilyn Bird presented information about the library materials contract. The volume has dropped from $2.5 M in 2008 to $1.8 M spent in 2009. Questions about the contracts will be included in the annual survey.
Ryan Sterns of the Texas Digital Library discussed ways they have shared research with the public, including directory, blogs, journal, repository, and preservation. There are 18 members of the original project.
Peggy Rudd, Director-Librarian of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, noted the benefit of the budgeting strategies related to the TexShare program to minimize the impact of no funding increases in the next biennium. Peggy discussed the Texas State Library and Archives Commission’s Centennial celebration and noted that the building renovations are progressing well. The Library of Congress has named the state library agency as a “literary literacy” landmark. On December 1, Laura Bush will join the library staff for the celebration. The TexShare Advisory Board with the support of Bev Shirley and Ann Mason has almost completed the process of rule changes to take membership out of statute. The draft of the rule changes will be presented to the Commission Meeting on October 12 and will be published in early 2010 in the Texas Register for review by Texas citizens. TexShare funding has been flattened because of the increases in vendor prices. E-Library Curriculum will not be renewed. TexSelect EBSCO Religion, Ovid Medical content and Great Books were discussed. Five vendors will be at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission on Tuesday and Wednesday for the TexShare ILL Working Group to review. Amigos subsidies will be $540 for 3 day and $360 for 2 day delivery for TExpress Courier. New shipping bags for ILL were paid for by TexShare in an effort to relieve the problem of materials being shipped to the wrong sites. In other news, the Texas State Library and Archives Commission received an IMLS grant for Basic Reference, Homework Help etc. Texas Heritage Online is a partnership of Amigos Library Services, University of North Texas, and TSLAC.
Bill Hair of Baylor University and treasurer of Amigos Library Services updated the TCAL membership on recent Amigos activities. There is now only one level of membership for OCLC fees and service fees; $350 is the basic dues and $1,450 is full usage dues. An academic library ranges from $500- $1,200 year. Everyone should have received a statement of benefits for the services provided under this new structure. Billing fees will no longer have OCLC charges and the billing agent and the trainers are Amigos. Amigos will send questions to OCLC and deposit accounts still may be used. The OCLC charge evolves and structure evolves as needed.
June Koelker presented a glass plaque to Norm Howden for his service to TCAL and flowers to Patricia Smith of the Texas Library Association for her assistance in meeting arrangements.
Norm adjourned the TCAL membership and then invited members to attend the buffet meal. He thanked representatives of EBSCO, ProQuest, Gale/Cengage, and Baker & Taylor/Yankee Book Publisher for their sponsorships.
Respectively submitted,
Martha Tandy