Muriel Moreno and Josef Beraha
A.CURRICULUM …………….……………………………………………………… 3- 6
a.Program……………………………………………..…. 3-4
b.Bibliography………………………..…………………. 5-6
B. FACULTY OVERVIEW…………………………………………….………….…. 7- 8
C.GENERAL INFORMATION ……………………………………………………… 9-12
a.Training Structure ………………………..……………. 9
b. Module 1 Meeting Dates 2014-15……………………. 10
c.Schedule………………………..…………………….…. 10
d. Due Date To Register………………………..………… 10
e. Module 1 Cost ………………………..………………… 10
f. Participants and Graduates Discounts…………..… 11
g.Payment Options………………………..……………… 11
h. Language………………………..……………………….. 12
i. Policies ….………………………..……………………… 12
a. Training Venue………………………..…………………. 13
b.Hotel Cost………………………..…………………….…. 14-16
c.How to get There………………………..………………. 17
E.HOW TO REGISTER……………….……………………………….…………….18-19
F. TO CONTACT US ……………….…………………….…………….………………..20
Fluidity and Flow Year
Whenyou do things from your soul, you feel a river
Moving in you, a joy.
Water flowing through, infinity everywhere, yet contained.
- Rumi
Cultivating Flexibility, Fluidity and Flow in Process Facilitation
Dear PSEN Trainees,
Welcome back once again to another year together; and welcome also to those of you who are joining us for the first time!
In this year of training we embrace the nature of flow, the fluidity of movement in the body, and the fluid nature of reality, as it is present within the psycho-physical aspects of the second chakra.
We address the realm of emotions and sexuality, and we learn to embrace change with more grace and skill. In this way, we shift from survival to pleasure, and from safety to enlivenment. As we do, we address the various ways we defend and restrict life flow and pleasurable sensation in our bodies.
We also address the issues of the oral character structure and our relationship to our true needs, which must be met in order for us to move beyond basic survival. We address our deep-seated resistances to reaching out, taking hold of, and having for ourselves the essential support that we need.
We work with the emotional anatomies of desire, grief and anger. We explore how these emotional fields are affected by one another, and can cause us to diminish our life force energy as a way of avoiding each of these feelings.
We also address the unconscious nature of the psyche, and we take up the important work with reclaiming and re-identifying with shadow aspects of the self. We understand that a failure to explore our shadows causes us to instead project them upon others and react to them, as a result.
We also learn to move from polarizing ‘either-or’ thinking, to embrace duality, as we practice shifting our awareness to a both-and state of mind, creating a paradigm shift in consciousness.
Our bodies being made of 70 % water, in our embodiment practicewe will explore the fluidsystems in our bodies and allow them to become an experiential reality and a resource for our facilitation. We will also pay special attention to the ever-changing nature of our inner experience. We will address the areas in the body where flow is inhibited and restricted and explore ways to open to and sequence energy through the endpoints in the body.
In our mindfulness practice, we will deepen into the embodiment of change as a way of opening to the unknown more deeply. We will also bring attention and mindfulness to our five senses and explore how our sensate experience influences our way of being.
We open to soul consciousness through communal shamanic journeying and guided soul meditations. We explore longing on a soul level, as a way of uncovering our soul’s calling, and recommitting to what we truly love most.
We work with the elemental force of water, and relate to the fluid-like energy nature of water as a living presence around us, and within us.
Recommended Reading
. Title: “Body-Mind Psychotherapy”
Author: Susan Aposhyan
. Title: “Eastern Body,Western Mind”
Author: Anodea Judith
· Title: “Character Styles”
Author: Stephen Johnson.
Suggested Reading for Week 1:
Eastern Body Western Mind
Chakra Two: Swimming in the Waters of Difference, page 103-163
New participants please also read: Introduction and Sacred Centers of the Self, pages 1-45.
Character Styles
Chapter 6: The Abandoned Child: The Symbiotic Withdrawel, page 100 -127
New participants please also read: Chapter 1-4, pages, 3-61
Body-Mind Psychotherapy
New participants please read chapter 1 and 2 : pages 3-50
Year 2-4 participants please revise chapter 3 Bringing Together Biology and Human Consciousness, pages 50-65
Suggested Reading for Week 2:
Body-Mind Psychotherapy
All participants please read Chapter 4, Charting the Course, pages 65-85 and Chapter 6, Cultivating Body Awareness, pages 113-138
Suggested Reading for Week 3:
Body-Mind Psychotherapy
All participants please read Chapter 9, Systems of Experience, pages 178-199 and Chapter 10, Energetic Development, pages 203-222
Supplemental and recommended readings for this year
. Title: “The Mindful Brain”
Author: Siegel Daniel J.
. Title: “Owning your own Shadow”
Author: Johnson Robert A.
. Title:“Body-Centered Psychotherapy: The Hakomi Method”
Author: Kurtz Ron
. Title: “The Language of the Body”
Author: Alexander Lowen
Michael is a licensed clinical psychologist with MGM Psychological Associates. He has been devoted to a full-time private practice, providing intensive individual and group psychotherapy for the past 25 years.
He has completed four years of training at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, with an emphasis on both working with individuals and working with body process.
He has been in ongoing training and supervision for many years, which has allowed him to incorporate approaches from Gestalt, Radix, Object-Relations, Bioenergetics, Developmental Character Styles, body-oriented psychotherapy, Jungian archetypes and the mythological teachings of Joseph Campbell.
He has spent four years in training and ten years teaching at Barbara Brennan School of Healing in Miami Beach, FL.
He brings particular attention to the human energy system and its interplay with mind and body organization. Michael has an enduring passion for the co-creative therapeutic process, and its potential to engender or restore vitality and well-being.
His founding work is with the Hero’s Journey Programs, cultivated over the past 16 years. It is a unique and specialized blend of personal and spiritual transformation work, making use of inspiring and challenging wilderness environments to highlight personal issues and accelerate a facilitation process for moving through them.
People come from various traditions, cultures and countries to experience this deep level of personal and communal support. This work assists those who seek successful rites of passage through significant life transitions, as well as those who seek to overcome personal obstacles and self-imposed limitations that hinder personal development and unity of mind-body-spirit.
He also consults to offer these development opportunities to corporate organizations and private groups.
Irene Tobler is a licensed naturopath and certified homeopath, body worker, process oriented therapist and healer.
In her work with clients she combines classical homoeopathy with process oriented healing and bodywork, including the transpersonal perspective, such as past life regression, dream work, archetypes, working in bardo states and opening to spiritual dimensions. She is also using Shamanic tools for transformation.
Irene graduated from a 3 years full time course of naturopathy at the naturopath college in Munich, Germany in 1989, followed by a one year clinical internship in a homeopathic practice in Switzerland.
She has followed extensive ongoing international training in classical homoeopathy for the past 24 years.
A three years in depth training in Shiatsu, as well as the eastern approach to energy and body work, in Germany, with a postgraduate one year training in England as well as a three months course in Japan have helped her work very specifically with the body and meridian systems, in addition to her earlier training as a yoga teacher in India.
Irene also completed a four years training in Brennan Healing Science as well as an additional 2 years teacher training and a 2 years training in process oriented therapy and supervision at Barbara Brennan School of Healing in Miami, FL.
Her ongoing supervision with a Brennan therapist and a psychotherapist for the past 19 years have helped her integrate the different modalities in her work and find her own method.
Irene has a Master of Science in Complementary, Psychosocial and Integrated Health Sciences from the Inter-Universitary College of Graz, Austria.
In her private practice Irene had the opportunity to gather extensive clinical experience working with clients from many different cultural and language backgrounds for the past 24 years.
She has been teaching workshops in Switzerland, Spain and the US for 18 years and is part of the Hero’s journey program in the USA (
She has been involved with her spiritual journey for the past 36 years and has been strongly influenced by the Eastern traditions, especially Buddhism and Yoga. She spent three years on a spiritual quest in Asia in the early 80ies, living and practicing in different yoga ashrams and Buddhist temples throughout India, Burma, Thailand.
Training Structure:
Our training program is based on the circular notion of Training Modules, in contrast to the linear progression of training years. A trainee can enter our training program for any particular Training Module being offered, and then proceed through all four modules in order to complete our training program. It is not important to complete these modules in a year 1 through 4 fashion. It is only important that all four modules are completed in order to receive a completion certificate from our Training Program.
This type of structure allows our training groups to have both a solid foundation of ongoing trainees, while allowing a new influx of energy and learning opportunities to refresh the training group each year. We see this as a vital and more fluid alternative to more traditional linear and hierarchically structured learning environments, which can constrict and narrow trainees.
A circular model is also more congruent with our teaching style and philosophy, which encourages a more exploratory and open way at arriving at self discovery, insight, paradigm shifts and transformational moments.
The emphasis of our training will continue to be on each participant’s personal, in-the-moment experience. To deepen and grow one’s personal experiences, we want to continue to provide ample time for practice sessions in dyads, triads and group settings.
Although this training will follow a certain structure, we will also operate with flexibility, and adapt our learning modules to the unfolding needs of the participants, as we follow the rhythm and flow of the entire community group.
Additional Support For Your Development During Your Training
- Personal Work - We recommend that you consider working with a trained professional to support your personal process during your training year. One-to- one sessions with a psychotherapist or another type of process-oriented practitioner will be highly beneficial for your groundedness and clarity of self-awareness as you train. It will also support and accelerate your presence and your personal development as a human being, which is essential for a good practitioner.
- Supervision – We recommend all of our trainees who wish to establish themselves in the world as PSEN process facilitators, to be gradually working towards establishing a process facilitation practice, if you are not already doing so.
Receiving feedback and support around developing your practitioner’s mind is vital to facilitating sustainable and meaningful process sessions with clients.
All respected and successful practitioners utilize ongoing supervision to support their professionalism and to improve their facilitation skills with challenging clients. We will highly encourage you to work with outside supervision with your process facilitation and your depth work with clients by your third year of training, either as part of the supervision groups, offered by our staff, or with a psychotherapist or process facilitator of your choice.
We will offer some teaching in this upcoming training year regarding the purpose and the benefits of supervision, to give you a greater understanding and appreciation for how essential this support is for any professional practitioner.
Module 2 Meeting Dates:
Week 1:Fornewstudents:November 1 (Saturday) to November 7(Friday), 2014. Forreturningstudents: November 3(Monday)-November 7(Friday),2014
Week 2:February 18th (Wednesday) – 22nd (Sunday), 2015.
Week 3:June 3rd (Wednesday) -7th (Sunday), 2015.
-Each training week will begin at 10:00 am on the first training day.
-Each training week will end at 4:00 pm on the last training day.
Due date to register: SEPTEMBER 30, 2014.
Module 1 fee: 2.100 euros
Our fee includes the three teaching weeks. We require a full year commitment for the module concerned to enroll in our training. This means, that you agree to pay the full amount of the current training for this module, which includes the three weeks, even if you are not able to assist to all the training weeks. Trainees can make up the missing weeks whenever that module is offered again (without any extra charge for that week).
The Eden Roc Hotel cost and full board are not included in this price.
The Hotel reservation is made and paid by each participant directly with the hotel, a month prior to each training week,according to the prices for PsychoEnergetics Training Group. You can find the on-line Hotel reservation Instructions in page: 20.
If you are having financial difficulties that may prohibit your ability to enroll in the next year of training, please contact Muriel (email: )to see about working out a solution for your particular situation.
Please note that our new participants will be starting two days prior to week 1 of the upcoming training year. In those two days, we will introduce our new students to the work and help them find their place within the group of new trainees. After their first two days, they will be introduced into the ongoing training group.
New trainees will be charged a 250€ fee for the two additional training days that are in addition to the full training module fee.
Early Registration Discount:
You will receivea 100 euros discount by registering before June 15.
●Option 1: Deposit of 400€ + 1 Full Payment of 1. 700 €
Deposit: / 400 €+ 1 Full Payment: / 1. 700 €
TOTAL / 2.100 €
●Option 2: Deposit of 400 € + 2 Payments of 850 € each:
Deposit / 400 €+ 1st Payment: Day 1 week 1 of training / 850 €
+ 2nd Payment: Day 1 week 2 of training / 850 €
TOTAL / 2.100 €
Please note that, if the payments are not made either before (through bank transfer) or on the first day of week 1 and week 2 at registration (between 10.00-11.00), we will charge a 50 euros sur-charged.
Payment options for new trainees :
New trainees will be asked to pay in full prior to the first day of the training for their first training year. If this is not possible, you can make arrangements with Muriel to pay upon arrival on the first day of training.
Discount forGraduates:
Graduateswhowouldliketorepeatthismodule 1 will have a 600 eurosdiscount. (nootherdiscountscanaply). Module 1 costforgraduatesis 1.500 euros.
Language: This training is held in English with translation into Spanish.
PSEN Training Policies Regarding Attendance:
Students commit to pay the full tuition amount, whether or not they are able to attend all three weeks of training.
Students must attend a minimum of two out of the three training weeks for the respective module to count as completed.
A student can miss a maximum of two training weeks within the four years of training.
Training Venue:
Hotel Eden Roc, SantFeliu de Guixols, Girona, Spain. Phone: 34 972 320100. Web:
Our training takes place at the hotel Eden Roc, in SantFeliú de Guixols, at the Costa Brava (an hour north of Barcelona), beautifully located at a cove by the Mediterranean Sea, with great ocean views.
There are several pools, one of them heated. There is also a Health Spa “Port Salvi”, specialized in ayurveda treatments and traditional Chinese medicine (they offer massages, medical check ups, etc.); it is necessary to book appointments for these services (not included). You can get more info in their web regarding treatments and prices (
Eden Roc Hotel Cost:
- 1st WEEK- NOVEMBER 1-7, 2014
Nice TWIN ROOMS SUPERIOR STYLE with bath, WC, direct dial telephone, minibar, safety box, Sat-TV and terrace facing the sea
Price per person and day
including full-board in twin room / € 59,00Price per person and day
including full-board in single occupation / € 75,00Nice TWIN ROOMS STANDARD STYLE with bath, WC, direct dial telephone, Sat-TV and mountain view
Price per person and day
including full-board in twin room / € 53,80Price per person and day
including full-board in single occupation / € 68.- € € € 69,90*The supplement for an extra meal is approximately 12,30- € per person and does not include beverages
* The cost in half board is about 12 euros less per person and day.
Cost for a no resident: 11.-€ day price
No Resident with lunch 13.-€ day price
Prices do not include 10% VAT. TOURISTIC TAXES NOT INCLUDED 0.90 € per person and night.
- 2nd WEEK- FEBRUARY 18 - 22, 2015
Nice TWIN ROOMS SUPERIOR STYLE with bath, WC, direct dial telephone, minibar, safety box, Sat-TV and terrace facing the sea
Price per person and day
including full-board in twin room / € 60.00-Price per person and day
including full-board in single occupation / € 76.00-Nice TWIN ROOMS STANDARD STYLE with bath, WC, direct dial telephone, Sat-TV and mountain view
Price per person and day
including full-board in twin room / € 54,50.-Price per person and day
including full-board in single occupation / € 71,00.-*The supplement for an extra meal is approximately 12,30- € per person and does not include beverages