“Americas Freedom Paws Rescue”Adoption Contract


Animal(s) Name

The following information is requested
so that we can assist you in the selection of a new dog or cat. This form and a consultation
with anAmericas Freedom Paws Rescue representative are designed to help you find the animal most compatible with your lifestyle.

Americas Freedom Paws Rescue is a nonprofit rescue organization that works with volunteers and fosters to get animals that may not have a chance otherwise to be adoptable and have a happy forever home.

In order to be considered as an adopter you must:
• Be 18 years of age or older.
• Have identification showing your present address.
• Have the knowledge and consent of your landlord.
• Be able and willing to spend the time and money necessary to provide training,
medical treatment and proper care for a pet.

*As an adoptive parent for Americas Freedom Paws Rescue, you understand you are committing to the care of a rescue animal, including but not limited to love, shelter, medical/vet bills if arise, food, and maintaining their yearly rabies vaccinations and licensing.

*Americas Freedom Paws Rescueis not responsible for what the animal may do while at your home upon adoption (i.e. barking, chewing, depression, aggression including biting, howling, etc.).

*Upon adoption, the animal is now your responsibility. You are legally obligated to take care of, maintain health and vaccinations, including yearly licensing of, and provide shelter, food, love and all necessary items the animal(s) may need.

*Part of adopting from Americas Freedom Paws Rescue, means you are committed to a lifetime of love, care, food and shelter and any other necessary needs this animal may require once you take possession of it.

*Please be aware that the Americas Freedom Paws Rescue will take any animal back for any circumstance, If the adopter can no longer keep the animal, we have to ensure we have a proper place to put the animal. We will always take but you may have to hold on to the animal until we have room.

*Americas Freedom Paws Rescue will perform a Home Check within 30 days of adoption.

*Americas Freedom Paws Rescue is permitted to obtain the animal through legal means if the adopter proves to not provide a sufficient home or care for the animal.

By adopting, you are in agreement with the terms listed above and under NO circumstance may will you take the animal to the county pound. You are agreeing to take full responsibility this point forward for this animal. This document is binding as concerned by a court of law.

**Refunds are only a consideration within 48 hours of a return. After 48 hours there will be no refund.**


Adoptive ParentDate


Director/Adoption Coordinator Signature Date

Adoption Family Consultation

We could REALLY use donations! We're an Independent Rescue operating out of Phoenix, AZ and its surrounding areas. It's our daily work to rescue, save and protect as many animals as possible!

If you are interested in donating items please let one of us knows and we will set up a time to meet and if you would like to make a donation please use viaPayPal to:

Or please call our veterinarian clinic at 623-512-4673

Let them know you would like to donate to the:


Name: ______Email Address: ______

Address: ______City: ______State: ____ Zip: ______

Home Phone Number: ______Cell Phone Number: ______

Current Employer: ______Phone Number: ______

How long have you worked there? ______

About your home and family:

Have you adopted/fostered an animal before? ______

If yes, what type(s) of animal(s)? ______

Have you had animals before? ______

Do you still have the animals? ______

If not, what happened to them? ______

How many animals do you currently have? ______What type(s)? ______

Are your current animal(s) vaccinated/tested? ______Spayed/Neutered?______

Have you ever had a pet euthanized? ______

About your family and home:

Do you rent or own your home? ______

Is your primary residence a house or apartment? ______

If you rent, does your landlord allow animals? ______

Do you have any breed restrictions? ______If yes, what are they? ______

Does your home have a dog door? ______

Is your yard fenced? _____

Does your home have a pool? ______If yes, is the pool fenced? ______

Are there children that live in your home? ______

Anyone in the home allergic to animals? ______

Animal Care Provisions

How many hours per day would your animal be unattended? ______

Where will your animal be kept while you are away? ______

Where will the animal be kept at night? ______

Will animal be primarily inside or outside? ______

If you drive a pickup truck, would you allow the dog to ride in the back? ______

If you plan to go out of town for vacations, what do you plan to do with the animal(s)? ______


If you move, will you take the dog with you? ______

Are you willing to allow aAmericas Freedom Paws Rescue representative come to see where the dog will be living? ______


Current Veterinarian Name: ______

Veterinarian Address: ______Phone Number: ______

Please provide 2 references, not related to you.

Reference Name 1: ______Phone Number: ______

How long have you known them? ______Relationship: ______

Reference Name 2: ______Phone Number:______

I acknowledge that the information contained in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentations of fact may result in the removal of the adoptive animal from my home by Americas Freedom Paws Rescue. Part of the adoption process includes contacting references and a background check may be conducted as well.

Adopters Signature:



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