1Welcome to the meeting by the Chairman.

2 To record any apologies for absence.

3 To receive any declarations of interest.

To receive any disclosure by members of personal interestsin matters on the agenda required under the Council’s Code of Conduct and to consider any written requests made by members for dispensation to allow them to participate in, and vote on, an agenda item for which they have a disclosable pecuniary item in question. A Declaration of Interests form must be completed and returned to the Clerk before the item in question is discussed.

4To approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the 9th February 2015.

5To consider applications referred by Rother District Council.

a) RR/2014/2851/P 20 Coastguard Cottages, Coastguard Square, Rye Harbour

Erection of an extension to existing rear balcony for amenity use until build permitted single storey extension (retrospective).

Applicant: Mr Shaun Farrell, 20 Coastguard Cottages, RyeHarbour, East Sussex.

Agent: MSDA Ltd, Attn: Mr Michael Smith, 10 Five Villages House, Icklesham, East Sussex.

b)RR/2015/111/P Former Gasometer Site, Hogtrough Lane, Winchelsea

Extension of building for holiday accommodation (part retrospective).

Applicant: Mr W Coney, thorn Cottage, Laurel Lane, Icklesham, East Sussex.

Agent: Mr Jamie Dobinson, 23 Goldhurst Green, Icklesham, East Sussex.

c)RR/2015/162/P RyeHarbour Sailing Club, Rye Harbour Road, Rye Harbour

New changing room extension to existing club house within the footprint of demolished existing boat shed and pre-fabricated garages.

Applicant: Mr Charles Bronsdon, RyeHarbour Sailing Club, RyeHarbour Sailing Club, Rye, East Sussex.

Agent: Adams Johns Kennard Ltd, Attn: Mr F Courtney-Bennett, The Old Court House, North Trade Road, Battle, East Sussex.

d)RR/2015/198/P Sunny Glen, Victoria Way, WinchelseaBeach

Variation of Condition 2 of A/63/557 to allow extension of occupation period from 8 months to 11.5 months (closed between 15 February to 1 March each year).

Applicant: Mr Anthony Lee, 3 Templedene Avenue, Staines-upon-Thames, Middlesex.

Agent: Mr Anthony Lee, 3 Templedene Avenue, Staines-upon-Thames, Middlesex.

e)RR/2015/137/P Field View, The Ridge, WinchelseaBeach

Alterations and refurbishment of existing residential property.

Applicant: Mr Piers Plowden, Field View, The Ridge, WinchelseaBeach, East Sussex.

Agent: Mr Derek Rankin, White Wings, The Ridge, Winchelsea Beach, East Sussex.

6Any late advised matters.

7Any other business. For information only.

a)Decisions notified by RDC since the previous meeting.

b)Enforcement matters notified by RDC since previous meeting.

8 Date and venue of the next meeting. The next meeting is confirmed as Monday 9th March 2015 at the Winchelsea Beach Community Hall, commencing at 6.15pm.