White and grey matter damage in primary-progressive MS: the chicken or the egg?
Benedetta Bodini1,2, MD, PhD, Declan Chard1, PhD, FRCP, Daniel R Altmann1,3, PhD, Daniel Tozer1, PhD, David H Miller1,4, FMedSci, Alan J Thompson1,4, FRCP, Claudia Wheeler-Kingshott1, PhD, Olga Ciccarelli1,4, MD, PhD
1 Department of Neuroinflammation Queen Square MS Centre, University College of London Institute of Neurology, London, UK; 2Department of Neuroimaging, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, London, UK; 3London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, London, UK. 4NIHR UCL/UCLH Biomedical Research Centre
Title: 79 characters; Number of figures: 2; Number of tables: 3; Number of words in the abstract: 250; Number of words of the manuscript: 2979; Number of references: 30. The statistical analysis was conducted by Dr Daniel Altmann, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, London, UK.
Address for correspondence: Dr Benedetta Bodini, Department of Neuroinflammation, Queen Square MS Centre, Institute of Neurology, University College of London, WC1N 3BG London, UK. E-mailaddress:; Telephone number: +44 203 448 4469.
The NMR Research Unit is supported by the MS Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Department of Health UCL/UCLH Biomedical Research Centre.
Benedetta Bodini is funded by the ECTRIMS postdoctoral research fellowship. Declan Chardreceives research support from the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) UCL/UCLH Biomedical Research Centre; has received honoraria (paid to UCL) from Bayer, Teva and the Serono Symposia International Foundation for faculty-led education work, and Teva for advisory board work; meeting expenses from Teva and Novartis; and holds stock in GlaxoSmithKline.
Daniel Altmann is partially funded by the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and, unconnected to this work, has received an honorarium from Merck.
Daniel Tozer’s position is partially funded by the commercial companies Biogen Idec and Novartis. This funding is for work on clinical trials unconnected with this work.
David H Miller has received honoraria from Biogen Idec, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, and Bayer Schering, and research grant support for doing MRI analysis in multiple sclerosis trials sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline, Biogen Idec, and Novartis.
Alan J Thompson has received honoraria for consultancy from Eisai Ltd, BTG International, Novartis; honoraria and support for travel for lecturing from Serono Symposia International Foundation and Novartis, support for travel for consultancy from MSIF; honorarium from Sage for editorship of Multiple Sclerosis Journal.
Claudia Wheeler-Kingshott is on the advisory board for BG12 (Biogen) and receives grants (PI and co-applicant) from ISRT, EPSRC, Wings of Life, MS Society, Biogen Idec and Novartis.
Olga Ciccarelli receives research grant support from the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) UCL/UCLH Biomedical Research Centre, the International Spinal Cord Research Trust (ISRT) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC); she acts as consultant for Novartis, Bayer Schering, Biogen and GE, and payments are made to the UCL Institute of Neurology.
Objective: The temporal relationship between white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) damage in vivo in early primary-progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) wasinvestigated testing two hypotheses: (i) WM tract abnormalities predict subsequent changes in the connected cortex (“primary WM damage model”); and (ii) cortical abnormalities predict later changes in connected WM tracts (“primary GM damage model”).
Methods: Forty-seven early PPMS patients and 18 healthy controls (HC) had conventional and magnetisation transfer (MT) imaging at baseline; a subgroup of 35 patients repeated the protocol after 2 years. Masks of the cortico-spinal tracts, genu of the corpus callosum and optic radiations (OR) and of connected cortical regions were used for extracting the mean MT ratio (MTR).Multiple regressions within each of five tract-cortex pairs were performed, adjusting for the dependent variable's baseline MTR; tract lesion load and MTR, spinal-cord area, age and gender were examined for potential confounding.
Results: The baseline MTR of most regions was lower in patients than HC. The tract-cortex pair relationships in the “primary WM damage model”were significant for the bilateral motor pair and right visual pair, while those in the "primary GM damage model" were only significant for the right motor pair.Lower lesion MTR at baseline was associated with lower MTR in the same tract NAWM at 2-year in three tracts.
Conclusion: These results are consistent with the hypothesis that in early PPMS cortical damage is for the most part a sequela of NAWM pathology, which, in turn, is predicted by abnormalities within WM lesions.
Little is known about the pathological relationship linking white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) damage in multiple sclerosis (MS). Post-mortem studies provide a snapshot of pathology in WM and GM, and have demonstrated demyelination and neuro-axonal damage in both tissues1-6. However, a key question is to what extent pathological abnormalities in the GM are related to contiguous WM damage, either as a cause or consequence, or are the result of independent disease mechanisms.Longitudinal MRI studies representa valuable approach to explore the dynamic associations between WM and GM pathology. Patients with early PPMS should be an informative group in which to explore this question, as brain MRI lesion load is smaller compared with relapse-onset MS.
We have previously investigated in early PPMSthe spatial relationship between pathology in WM tracts and connected GM areas using cross-sectional MRI data7. We found that in some brain regions, pathology in WM tracts is correlated with that in the adjacent GM regions7.
Herewe sought to determine if (i) pathology in WM tracts is associated with (i.e. “predicts”) subsequent changes in connected cortical GM (“primary WM damage model”) or (ii) pathology in cortical GM is associated with (i.e. “predicts”) subsequent changes in the connected normal-appearing (NA)WM tracts (“primary GM damage model”) in early PPMS, recognising that both may occur simultaneously perhaps with one dominating. We also investigatedthe relationship between tract-specific lesions at baseline and NAWM/GM abnormalities changes over time.Microstructural changes were assessed using Magnetization Transfer Ratio (MTR), as lower MTR has been shown to reflect demyelination and neuronaxonal loss in MS8,9.
Subjects and study design
MRI and clinical data, including the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scores10 from 47 people with definite or probable PPMS11, no other known neurological condition, and a history of clinical progression of less than 5 years, were analysed in this study (Table 1). All patients had MR imaging at baseline, while a subgroup of 35 patients repeated the imaging protocol 24 months later (mean time interval 24.5 months, standard deviation (SD) 1.5).The MRI scans of four out of these 35 patients were unusable because of movement artefacts.A group of 18 healthy subjects (included if in good general health, no known history of medical conditions known to affect the brain, and without contraindications to MRI scanning) underwent the same imaging protocol (Table 1).
Standard Protocol Approvals, Registrations, and Patient Consents
This work was approved by the Joint Medical Ethics Committee of the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and the UCL Institute of Neurology, London, and written informed consent was obtained by all participants.
Image Acquisition
Imaging was performed using a 1.5-T GE Signa scanner (General Electric, Milwaukee, IL). At baseline and 24 months, all subjects had a three-dimensional inversion-prepared fast spoiled gradient recall (3D-FSPGR) T1-weighted (T1-w) sequence of the brain, and a fast spin echo scan (i.e., proton-density-weighted (PD-w) and T2-weighted (T2-w) scans), and a magnetisation transfer (MT) dual echo interleaved spin-echo sequence (details on MRI sequences are givenin the Supplementary Material). In the PPMS groups, a fast‐spoiled gradient echoof the spinal cord was performed; a series of five contiguous 3mm axial slices (perpendicular to the spinal cord) were reformatted using the centre of the C2/C3 disc as the caudal landmark.
To generate a set of tract and associated cortical GM templates, spin echo diffusion-weighted (DW) echo planar imaging scans were obtained from a separate group of 23 healthy controls (12 women; mean age 35.1 years, SD 7.9).
Image analysis
Using the method described by Tozer et al.12, templates for the following WM tracts and their associated cortical GM were derived (Figure 1A):
1)The left and right motor pair (composed of cortico-spinal tract (CST) and connected GM in the pre- and post-central cortex);
2)The callosal pair (consisting of the genu of the corpus callosum (CC) and its connected GM region in the frontal lobe);
3)The left and right visual pair (composed of the optic radiation (OR) and its connected GM area in the visual cortex).
Using the baseline and 24-month MRI data from the PPMS and control groups, native space MTR maps were calculated13. Tract-cortex pair templates were transformed into native space12 (Figure 1B) and visually checked for registration errors, allowing WM tract and associated cortical GM MTR to be determined. In the PPMS group, WM lesions were delineated on the PD images, and lesions masks were binarised. The PD/T2-weighted scans were co-registered to the MTR maps and associated lesion masks moved into native MTR space. The WM lesion masks were subtracted from the WM component of each tract-cortex pair at each time-point, so leaving NAWM. In the PPMS group, the total volume of the each WM tract (including lesions and NAWM) and associated cortical GM regions were calculated computing the number of voxel for each region, and tract-cortex specific NAWM and GM mean MTR values determined. Except for lesion volumes, the same measures were derived from the healthy control data.
Since spinal cord damage is thought to play an important role in the pathogenesis of PPMS14, in the patient group, the cord cross-sectional area at the C2-3 level was calculated as previously described15.
Changes in EDSS between baseline and two years were assessed using the sign test.
Differences in mean MTR and volume between patients and controls at baseline and 24 months in WM tracts and cortical GM regions were assessed using multiple regressions, with age and gender as covariates. Where regression residuals showed deviations from normality and homoscedasticity (all relatively minor), a non-parametric bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap16 was performed (1000 replicates). Where a potentially influential datapoint was identified, bootstrapped regression was repeated omitting it. In the PPMS group changes in mean MTR of the WM lesions, the NAWM, and the connected GM area from baseline to 24 months, were tested for using one-sample t-tests. Univariable (pairwise) associations between MTR values in each tract pair were assessed with Pearson correlation, and the effect of omitting potentially influential datapoints explored. To assess cross-sectional associations between WM and GM pathology in the PPMS group, multiple regression was used between each tract-cortex pair’s NAWM mean MTR and the corresponding GM region mean MTR; age, gender, disease duration, NAWM and GM volumes, tract-specific lesion MTR and volume, and spinal-cord area were separately included (because of the relatively small number of patients) as potentially confounding covariates.
To assess the temporal relationship between tract-specific NAWM and GM value, we tested two models in each tract-cortex pair: (i) the “primary WM damage model”, to examine if early NAWM MTR predicts late GM MTR; (ii) the “primary GM damage model”, to examine if early GM MTR predicts late NAWM MTR. In order to enable joint testing (to reduce the number of tests), and to permit direct testing of the primary WM versus GM models, these models were implemented with multivariate regressions: for (i), the “primary WM damage model”, five simultaneous regressions (for each of the five tracts) regressed the 24-month GM MTR outcome on the tract-specific baseline NAWM MTR predictor; the corresponding tract-specific baseline GM MTR was a covariate for each regression, to ensure that any baseline NAWM versus 24-month GM association was not explained by cross-sectional baseline NAWM versus GM association, which could induce the longitudinal association without prior WM damage. The null hypothesis, that baseline was not associated with 24-month MTR in any of the tracts, was jointly tested as a single hypothesis that all five baseline MTR coefficients (one in each regression), were zero. For (ii), the “primary GM damage model”, the simultaneous regressions used 24-month NAWM MTR with tract-specific baseline GM MTR predictors, adjusting for corresponding baseline NAWM MTR. To examine whether age, gender, disease duration, NAWM or GM global volumes, tract-specific lesion MTR or volume, or spinal cord area explained the associations, these were included singly as covariates in each tract regression. The role of early lesions in contributing to later NAWM or GM damage was assessed when tract-specific baseline lesion volume was included in the (i) and (ii) multivariate models above.
Analyseswereperformed in Stata 13 (Stata Corporation, College Station, Texas, USA); the multivariate regressions were carried out using the Stata structural equation modeling (SEM) command, using, as estimation method, maximum likelihood with missing values; this requires the assumptions of multivariate normality, and that the mechanism for missing data is either completely at random or associated with variables in the model. Results are reported as significant at p<0.05.
Clinical assessment
Patients clinically deteriorated over the follow-up period (baseline: median EDSS 4.5, range 1.5-7; two years: median EDSS 6, range 1.5-8; p=0.017).
Baseline difference in MTR and volume between patients and healthy controls and MTR evolution over the follow-up
At baseline, patients showed reduced MTR in the NAWM of the bilateral CST compared to controls, but did not differ significantly in the GM MTR of the connected motor cortex (Table 2, e-Figure 1). Patients showed significantly lower MTR than controls at baseline in the callosal tract and connected cortex, and in the right OR and bilateral visual cortex (Table 2, e-Figure 1). Regional differences in NAWM and GM volume between patients and controls at baseline are reported in e-Table 1.
In patients, a statistically significant decrease in mean MTR over 24 months was seen in the GM of the left visual cortex (percentage of change in MTR over time= -1.27%, p=0.045), while a trend towards a significant decrease over the follow-up was found in the GM of the right visual cortex (percentage of change in MTR over the follow-up = -0.89%, p=0.051) (e-Table 2).
Correlation between WM and GM MTR at each time-point
In the patient group at baseline, a lower mean MTR of each tract’s NAWM was significantly associated with a lower mean MTR of the corresponding GM target in the left motor pair (r=0.36, p=0.014), in the callosal pair (r=0.56, P<0.001) and in the left and right visual pair (both r=0.53, p<0.001), but not in the right motor pair (r=0.17, p=0.260). When adjusting for potential confounders, these associations remained significant for the callosal and the visual pairs.
At 24 months, a lower mean MTR of each tract was associated with a lower mean MTR of the corresponding GM region in all tract-cortex pairs independently of all the other covariates, except for the left motor pair when adjusting for baseline whole WM MTR (e-Figure 2).
The “primary WM damage model”
The joint test for the “primary WM damage model”gave p=0.006, rejecting the hypothesis of no association in any of the tracts: specifically, a lower baseline MTR of tract NAWM was associated with lower GM MTR of the connected cortex at 24 months in the bilateral motor pair and in the right visual pair, adjusting for tract-specific baseline GM MTR (Table 3A, Figure 2, e-Figure 2). The inclusion of age, gender, disease duration, baseline NAWM and GM volumes, baseline lesion MTR and lesion volume, and baseline spinal cord area in the model did not materially alter the results.
The “primary GM damage model”
In the “primary GM damage model”, although the joint test was again significant (p=0.007), this was driven by a single significant associationin the right motor cortex, where a lower baseline GM MTR predicted higher right CST MTR at 24 months after adjusting for baseline NAWM tract MTR (Table 3B, Figure 2, e-Figure 2). When including age, gender, disease duration, baseline NAWM and GM volumes, baseline lesion MTR and lesion volume, and baseline spinal cord area in the model, results did not change materially.
Correlation between lesional metrics at baseline and tissue damage at two years
In all tract-cortex pairs, no significant association was found between tract-specific lesion MTR and volume at baseline, and the corresponding cortical region’s GM MTR at 24 months.Lower tract-specific lesion MTR at baseline was associated with lower MTR in the same tract NAWM at 24 months in all tracts, except the visual tracts bilaterally.