Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada

Consisting of the congregations from:Cassburn, Kirk Hill,

Riceville-Pendleton, Trinity (Vankleek Hill)

SundayMarch 4, 2018 Third Sunday in Lent

Genesis Annual Meeting

Lighting the Christ Candle

♫Sung Introit:"Creating God, We Give You Thanks"VU 292

Creating God, we give you thanks that this your world is incomplete;

that battle calls our marshalled ranks, that work a waits our hands and feet.

The Call to Worship:God's commandments are clear. They make clear our vision and straight our paths. Human wisdom and understanding are thwarted, and unified in Christ's reconciling love. All that we have been, are and will become is through the providential work of God. Come, let us worship the one who provides, sustains, and nurtures. We come to worship God.

The Opening Prayer:

♫Hymn: “Come In, Come In and Sit Down" VU 395

Prayer of Confession

Words of Pardon

♫Hymn: "‘Let There Be Light" VU 679

Scripture Lessons:

Exodus 20: 1 - 17 The 10 Commandments.

Psalm 19: VU 740 The heavens declare the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 1: 18 - 25God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom.

John 2: 13 - 22 Jesus clears the temple.

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

Thanks be to God!

Message: Reinventing the Wheel

♫Hymn: “My Faith Looks Up to Thee" VU663

Offering Invitation

♫Response:"Grant Us, God, the Grace" vs. 1 VU 540

Grant us God, the grace of giving, with a spirit large and free,

That ourselves and all our living we may offer faithfully.

The Prayer of Dedication:

Prayers of the People:

followed byThe Lord's Prayer(found at VU 960)

♫Hymn:“I'm Gonna Live so God Can Use Me” VU 575

The Closing Words

♫Sung Blessing:“Go Now in Peace”

Go now in peace, never be afraid,

God will go with you each hour of everyday.

Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.

Know he will guide you in all you do.

Go now in love and show you believe,

Reach out to others so all the world can see.

God will be there watching from above,

Go now in peace, in faith and in love.


Our Worship Ends – Our Service Begins