June 2017 Meeting Minutes
The monthly meeting of the Union-Management Safety Committee was conducted on June 13, 2017 by Jake Woods with the following individuals in attendance:
Cindy Bebee Building Custodial and Support Services
Jeff Carr Maintenance Services
Audy Conner Building Custodial and Support Services
Clara Davis Environmental Health and Safety
Pete Hall Maintenance Services
Darrell Junkins Landscape Services
Devin Ledoux Dining Services
Dr. Michael Shelden Sindecuse Health Center
Juanita Snell Building Custodial and Support Services
Kevin Villadsen Maintenance Services
Laura Weber Business Services
Mark Weiss Environmental Health and Safety
Juanita Snell provided an update to the BCSS backpack vacuum issue. She stated that manufacturer’s training will be taking place this week. Fitting for shoulder harnesses has been on going and each employee will have the opportunity to get their own harness. Cindy Bebee also mentioned that help and cooperation from the BCSS management has been great.
Cindy Bebee provided an update to the concern involving vehicles speeding in the Miller Auditorium parking ramp (#2) and adjacent Auditorium Dr. She spoke with BCSS personnel who work in the area and they mentioned that traffic within the ramp is most hazardous. Vehicular traffic following sporting and/or Miller Auditorium events seems to be the worst. The committee discussed various solutions including speed bumps and signage. Jake Woods will investigate and follow up with WMU Parking Services.
Clara Davis provided an update regarding the damaged exterior stairs located between Shaw Theatre and Brown Hall. She found the stairs to be in need of minor repairs; a FM work order was submitted.
Laura Weber stated that she is waiting to hear back from Landscape Services regarding their assessment of the radio signal quality at Floyd Hall. An audit within Facilities Management groups was requested by Pete Strazdas. Maintenance Services and BCSS had completed their assessments as of the May meeting.
Jake Woods provided an update to the safety concern at Vandercook Hall involving falling slate roof tile. Maintenance Services completed removal and cleanup of accessible tile from the ground. Caution signage was installed on the building itself and adjacent sidewalks chained off. Jake recently observed an aerial lift near the building; likely preparation for removal of loose tile located on the roof.
The Business Services department approved funding for a walkway on the catwalk located above the stage at Miller Auditorium. Construction is scheduled for June/July. The situation involves 10” wide openings on the catwalk itself that were originally designed to allow for portable rigging equipment. The openings are large enough to present a fall hazard. Jake had previously met with the WMU Remodeling Shop and Miller Auditorium staff where a plan was developed to create a safe walkway on the catwalk.
Jake Woods provided noise exposure monitoring results for the BCSS Special Projects group. Testing while the group cleaned Waldo Stadium revealed levels that require the personnel to participate in the WMU hearing conservation program (annual audiometric exam, annual training, record keeping). Jake Woods will conduct noise monitoring of all Maintenance Services trades to determine if any additional groups need to participate in the program.
Clara Davis provided an update to the winter safety issue at the Fetzer Center. It was previously mentioned that ice and snow fall off of the roof and on to the decking in areas located along the backside of the building. Clara contacted the building coordinator and was informed that they were unaware of any problems. During committee discussion, BCSS representatives mentioned that the concerns were actually located at Schneider Hall, specifically near the loading dock door. Clara will investigate.
Cindy Bebee provided an update to the Schneider Hall door issue. She stated that door 8-B had been found to be propped open. BCSS employees contacted WMU DPS who arrived on-site and shut the door. According to the employee’s they did not believe a general sweep of the building was performed. Cindy also mentioned that this is a historical issue at Schneider Hall. Propping of the doors seems to be more prevalent during the fall and spring semesters. Jake Woods will contact DPS with the concerns.
Clara Davis provided an update to the concern involving a large sink hole that had been present in the Spindler Hall parking lot (#12). Clara performed an assessment and subsequently submitted a FM work order. The order was completed and the hole looked to be repaired.
No Updates
Linda Young-Woolf asked about the WMU heat stress policy and recommended methods of taking cooling breaks. Juanita Snell mentioned that BCSS personnel have been informed that taking a cooling break is allowed, especially when heat stress alerts are issued. Jake Woods will provide a copy of the WMU heat stress policy to Linda and help answer any outstanding questions.
Cindy BeBee inquired about active shooter training for BCSS department employees. The committee held a discussion and recommendations made included contacting WMU DPS and Cam Vossen.
Clara Davis mentioned that any extension cord use in lieu of permanent wiring should be discontinued. Installation of permanent wiring fixtures can be requested through Facilities Management.
Mark Weiss stated that the emergency response to recent on-campus natural gas leaks between the University, City, and utility provider went very well and seemed highly coordinated. Some issues with on-lookers and the demarcated area did however take place.
Laura Weber mentioned that WMU is in the process of changing property insurance providers.
Darrell Junkins mentioned that Landscape Services personnel attended hearing conservation, personal protective equipment, and Storm Water training that was performed by the EHS department.
Jeff Carr stated that new Maintenance Services personnel will be attending safety training with the EHS department.
Linda Young-Woolf mentioned that the AFSCME uniform committee met with CLS Uniform and Linen. Some changes to the upcoming uniform order were approved.
Juanita Snell stated that the BCSS safety committee will be holding a meeting in the near future.
The next UMSC meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 11 in the shared conference room located on the ground floor of the E.W. Building at 1:35 p.m. Please send a substitute representative if you are unable to attend.