Minutes of Birse and Ballogie Community Council Meeting
Potarch Hotel, 7.30pm on Monday7thNovember 2011
Present:John Belchamber (JB)
Ann Fletcher (AF)
Andrew Nicol
Brian Robertson (BR) (Convenor)
Sarah Wright (SW) (Clerk)
David Younie (DY) (Treasurer)
In attendance:Cllr Karen Clark (KC)
Cllr Linda Clark (LC)
Kenneth Taylor
Steven Scott
PC Graham Wilson
- Police Matters
PC Graham Wilson answered questions. As winter is approaching, closures on the Cairn O’ Mount Road are of concern. Responsibility is shared between the Police Roads Department and NE SCAMP. This means that re-opening after a period of bad weather is a joint responsibility, not ideal. He took the point that gritting lorries make extra work for themselves by omitting the Cairn Road. The vehicles which use it compact the ice, making it harder to clear, thus compromising safety. Action PC Graham Wilson/ KC / LC
Concerns were raised about speeding. Unfortunately, this is mostly an issue during ‘rush hour’ when fewest police are available. He undertook to see if a survey could be arranged.
Concerns were also raised about cyclists without lights especially in winter. He was able to assure us that the police are active in this matter. Action PC Graham Wilson
- Scottish Water
Steven Scott, Regional Community Manager for Scottish Water updated us on improvements to the local water supply. He brought plans showing the route of the new main from the GlenDye reservoir to Aboyne which will supply Marywell en route. At present, Marywell is supplied from Invercanny by way of the Cockardie pumping station on the north side of the Dee. Not only is it a long way round, but it comes through some elderly pipework and Marywell is a high point on the line. The new scheme will supply water at greater pressureand so in fact Scottish Water will be fitting pressure reduction valves in the houses. The meeting agreed that this was good news.
A number of points were raised. Not all of Marywell is at the high point, and so there will be particular need for pressure reducing valves. The supply will run along the verges of existing roads, simplifying access for repairs. Pipe-laying should be completed in 5-6 weeks. Testing and reconnections will be necessary, but the local asset manager assures Steve Scott that the job should be completed by February. He took the point that it would be desirable to complete the work before the Christmas-New Year break and will pass this on. Action Steve Scott
The meeting thanked him for his work.
- Minutes of the meeting on 12th September
The minutes were approved.
- Matters arising from Minutes of meeting on 27th June
Birse Graveyard Full planning permission has been granted, the funding is in place and the purchase made. Work will begin in early 2012, weather permitting.
Eastbound bus stop on A93 at PotarchBridge: Although outwith the Community Council area, residents from within our area do use the bus service to Aberdeen regularly. KC and LC will enquire about a shelter which can be fitted on the steeply sloping ground. Action KC/LC
Another resident has complained that the Potarch junction is made confusing for motorists. The roads department have replied that the extra signs are not for the benefit of motorists but for walkers using the Deeside Way.
- Financial report
Noted: There is £827.68 in the bank including our Administration Grant. JB was refunded £12 for the purchase of bulbs for the flower tubs, ten in all now. JB has ordered plants for spring. He will liaise with DY over a grant application from the top-up fund to buy fresh compost.
- Planning
a)Noted: Application for detailed planning approval for new house in garden site at Tilliesnaught, Marywell, has been approved, also alterations to Tilliesnaught itself.
b) It is believed that some building plots on the U16M have been sold. Detailed permission for the two plots between Tilliesnaught and the Ballogie Gallery is still pending.
- Road safety
a/ Repairs to Glencat Roadhave been completed as are white markings at the Ballogie house T-junction. Thanks all round! Hard standing for parents waiting for the school bus on the G/C road is desirable. AN and AF will liaise about a design. Action AF/AN
b/ Roadside dykes at Marywell bends still giving cause for concern with passing traffic. BR willset up a meeting with Lewis Gray of Ballogie Estate about this matter, also new paths in Ballogie. JB will write to Steve Scott enquiring about the reinstatement of dykes which will be disturbed by the pipe-laying. Action: BR/JB/DY
- Ballogie Association update
The Hall is currently closed to the public but the insurance is up to date and so it can be used for public functions eg as a polling station. The working committee, with input from BCT and the Ballogie Association, is holding the AGM in January or February. The customary Christmas Fair will be held in the Potarch Hotel on Saturday 3rd December 10-12.
a) Possible uses for the Ballogie phone box were discussed. It was noted that mobile pjhone reception is better in the box than outside. AF will contact FinzeanPrimary School for ideas for a new use. The meeting approved a sum to be set aside to buyt a prize for the best suggestion. Action AF
b) There will commemorations for Remembrance Sunday 13th November at Birse Church 10.45am, the Corsedardar Memorial at 3.00pm and Birse Kirk at 3.30pm
c) Charles Insch invited applications for the Climate Challenge Fund. The proposed path network for Ballogie, mentioned above, was agreed to be a suitable project. Action BR
9. Date of next meeting
Monday 9thJanuary 2012, 7.30pm, Potarch Hotel
Monday 5th March, 7.30pm, Birse Hall
Monday 14th May, 7.30pm Birse Hall AGM