Answer Key (You should still look at notes/worksheets/etc)
- Suleiman (Suleyman): Ottoman, Leader during Golden Age, religious tolerance, “Lawgiver”, Ran efficient government with low taxes, scientific progress, utilized Janissaries
- Akbar: Mughal, Leader during Golden Age, unified empire and expanded, Muslim, Religious Tolerance
- Timur the Lame (Tamerlane): Warrior from Asia, halted growth of the Ottoman Empire, conquered Russia, Persia, and Northern India with his own empire, Ruthless (Pyramid of Skulls guy)
- Mehmet II: Ottoman, Army sieged Constantinople from Christians and renamed it Istanbul for Muslims, used HUGE cannons to punch a whole through fortified city, Hagia Sophia becomes a mosque, Religious toleration,
- Shah Jahan: Wife Dies, builds the Taj Mahal to honor her memory, it’s is ridiculously expensive and a engineering/architectural achievement, raised taxes to pay for building and taxes are super high
- Jahangir and Nur Jahan: Jahangir is a weak ruler who relies on his wife, Nur Jahan, to help him lead, they end religious toleration, persecutes Sikhs
- Devshirme System (used by Ottomans or Mughals?): Ottomans use, captured Christian enemies,usually younger boys, converted to Islam, and train to be in military or work in government
- Janissaries: Army of formerly converted Christians, highly skilled fighters
- Weapons of the Ottomans: Cannons, gunpowder technology like muskets
- Weapons of the Mughals: Composite bow, Damascus swords, rockets, war elephants
- Constantinople Istanbul and importance: TRADE, TRADE, TRADE!!! Gateway that connects Europe to Asia/India
- Two dominant religions of India: Hinduism and Islam
- Why did Europeans want to trade with Asian countries? Spices, silk, porcelain
- Trade goods coming from the Ottoman Empire: spices, silk
- Trade goods coming from the Mughal Empire: cotton, spices, textiles
- Decline of both Ottoman and Mughal Empires: Weak rulers, killing of strong family members to ensure rule, end of religious toleration
- Four main reasons for European exploration: God, Glory, Gold, and Technology
- Where did spices mostly come from? Spice Islands (East Indies), Asia, India
- Who invented original technology, and then who improved upon it? Muslims/Chinese Europeans
- New inventions for exploration: Astrolab, caravel ships, navigational compasses
- Prince Henry of Portugal: Set up school for Navigators/Explorers in Portugal
- Bartholomew Dias: Mapped West Coast of Africa, sailed around Southern Tip of Africa, was Portuguese
- Vasco da Gama: Portuguese, sailed to India and back, sold spices for 4000x profit
- Christopher Columbus: Was Italian but sailed for Spain, Accidently found New World looking for an all water route to Asia, lands in the Bahamas
- Ferdinand Magellan: Spanish, Circumnavigated World, died in Philippines, crew continued sailing without him
- Hernan Cortez: Spanish, Conquered Aztecs of Modern Day Mexico City with combo of guns, disease
- Francisco Pizarro: Spanish, conquered Incans of Peru with combo of guns and disease
- Sir Francis Drake: English, “Pirate” for England who raided Spanish ships and plundered them, also circumnavigated globe
- Jacques Cartier: French, sailed up St. Lawrence and founded modern-day Montreal
- Treaty of Tordesillas and Line of Demarcation: Pope brokered a treaty between Portugal and Spain to quash the beef between them, Brazil went to Portugal, Spain got the rest of the New World and made out in the deal
- Triangular Trade: See attached diagram
- Middle Passage: 2nd leg of triangular trade from Africa to New World, slaves on ships
- Columbian Exchange: See attached diagram
- Two products that had the biggest impact on Europe: Corn, Potatoes
- Two products that had the biggest impact on America: Disease and Livestock
- Name the remaining products coming to America from Europe: look at Columbian Exchange diagram
- Name the remaining products coming to Europe from America: see above
- Name the countries that took land in the New World. Which of these countries took the most land? Spain, Portugal, England…Spain took most at first, later England
- What is the order of the social hierarchal system in New Spain (the triangle from your notes)? Look at diagram in notes, it’s a pyramid
- Where could you find the majority of the sugar plantations? West Indies and Brazil
The map portion of the test will involve a map with many locations listed on it. You will not only have to be able to locate the following areas, but will also have to be able to answer questions about them. Be sure to study your maps!
- North America- “new world”, natives
- Mexico (Aztecs) cortez conquers/disease kills/gold
- Peru (Incas) Pizzaro conquers/silver/disease kills
- Bahamas – Columbus lands here
- Portugal- Begin Age of Exploration
- Spain- Know explorers routes
- England- Triangle Trade, slavery, Drake
- France- Cartier/Canada…eh
- Africa- slavery, guns, rum
- Mughal Empire (India)- Islam, trade, know rulers
- Ottoman Empire (Anatolia/present-day Turkey)-Islam, Istanbul, trade, know rulers
- China- 1st to explore, Zheng He, silk road
- Philippines- Magellan dies here, spice islands