Older People’s Services - Checkpoint Group

Notes from a meeting on 13 May 2015, 11.00, G.37 Waverley Court

Present: Tim Puntis (Chair), Wendy Laird,Betty Milton, Rene Rigby (Independent Sector), Glenda Watt (CEC), Caroline Clark (CEC),Rohini Sharma Joshi, John Moore, Frank Henderson (CEC)

No. / Item / Action
1. / Welcome and apologies / Noted
2. / Note of the last meeting / Agreed
3. / Community and Accessible Transport / Frank gave an overview of this work.
Community and Accessible transport supports people who are unable to use public transport to get to activities and services across Edinburgh. A range of services are provided, for groups and individual journeys helping people to get to day services, community groups, medical appointments, shopping etc. Criteria and costs for the services vary. An important feature of the transport is that it is accessible to people with mobility difficulties, including wheelchairs.
Current provision includes:
  • the Council’s Corporate Transport service which has its own vehicle and also purchases services from private companies
  • services provided by the 5 Community Transport operators in Edinburgh, who form the Edinburgh Community Transport Operators Group (ECTOG)(click on the links to view the websites):
  • Pilton Equalities Project (PEP)
  • SEAG (South Edinburgh Amenities Group)
  • Handicabs (HcL)
  • Lothian Commuity Transport Services (LCTS)
  • The Dove Centre
  • Many voluntary and independent organisations also have their own transport.
The Review of Community and Accessible Transport aims to understand the current provision and make a sustainable plan for future. The review is now at stage 2. There is a good understanding of current services, challenges and gaps, informed largely by information from providers.
Frank now needs to speak to people who use these services to make sure their views are included in the review. He asked for the group’s help with this –to share the information about the review and to get feedback on the questions asked (attached). If anyone would like Frank to come along to speak to groups, please get in touch with 0131 469 6248.
The group noted the lack of clear information available on existing services. Having simple information (not only available online) was agreed as key for the future. Having one phoneline and a single co-ordinated booking system across providers was welcomed by the group.
The need for services to support people to get in and out of their homes was discussed. Many people are in tenement flats and need assistance to get down stairs etc. Frank agreed that ‘passenger assistance’ training for transport staff would need to be mandatory as part of any future contract.
Other standards and quality frameworks were discussed as important for these staff, including dementia training. A service user charter was suggested.
Glenda noted that £1m funding has been made available to Age Scotland for minibuses aspart of their campaign Campaign “Still Waiting “which aims to ensure alternative Community Transport services are available to meet needs”. Frank and ECTOG to follow up. / ALL
6. / Future meetings / Future topics for consideration include:
  • Day services, including the work underway in relation to Black and Minority Day Services and Be-able
  • Hospital discharge
To be arranged
7. / AOB / Caroline outlined the consultation underway on charging for social care services. People can respond online or using the paper form.

Rohini told the group about a seminar on 17 June in Dollar on healthy diet and lifestyle for ethnic minority older people.
Tim noted that Pride Edinburgh will take place on 20 June. Tim, Rene and Caroline to discuss how health and social care providers can be involved.