Executive Director’s Report:

Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission Meeting: January 12, 2017


1. Happy New Year! To start off a new calendar year, on January 12th we need to approve the 2017 Commissioner stipend and our 2017 meeting schedule.

2. During the November meeting, there was discussion regarding possibly changing our current quarterly Commission meetings, January, April, July and October, to meet bimonthly, by adding another two meetings. This would require meetings in January, March, May, July, September and November.

3. This idea was motivated due to the unusual circumstance of having the scheduled January 21th meeting attended by three Commissioners due to inclement weather and resulting in no official actions being taken. Thus, the normal first-of-year business was postponed and transacted during the scheduled April 7th meeting.

4. Further complicating the April 7th meeting’s approved 2016 meeting schedule, the July 7th meeting was cancelled due to a pre-meeting assessed lack of quorum, as only four Commissioners indicated they would attend. It was rescheduled and held August 18th. This resulted in also reassigning the October 7th meeting to November 17th, due to the close proximity of the two quarterly meetings.

5. Although the 2016 meetings were unpredictably rearranged, the quarterly schedule has seemed popular for most Commissioners. However, please be prepared to consider the 2017 meeting schedule by reviewing your personal calendars and determine your preference in advance of the meeting.

6. There is also another consideration. When we changed our meeting schedule to the quarterly calendar, we also enabled Commissioners to attend either the Governor’s Conference on Tourism in the spring or the Arkansas Recycling Coalition’s Annual Conference in the fall, as official representatives of the Commission, due to the savings accrued from holding four meetings each year instead of six. This policy may have to be rescinded if we revert to six meetings each year.

7. Moreover, if the four quarterly Commission meetings are retained, during the January meeting all Commissioners will be offered the opportunity to select which of these two associated Conferences they wish to attend and will fill out a Travel Request for their choice. In accordance with the Commission Travel Policy, registration and travel reimbursement will not be authorized for a Commissioner to officially attend any other conference, meeting or event.

8. Thus, we need to select our official representatives for the March 12-14, 2017 Governor’s Conference on Tourism in Little Rock, and for the Arkansas Recycling Coalition Conference, September 18-20, 2017, in Eureka Springs. Again, please bring your personal calendars to the meeting as we must set several important dates. Thanks.

9. As you all have been notified, Jessica Dover resigned December 9th. Therefore we are currently hopeful that the Governor will release the hiring freeze on this position so we can advertise, interview, hire and train a new Administrative Assistant very quickly. The Commission office is in many ways like a tricycle, with each wheel performing a function that enables the other two to perform theirs; with only two operational wheels, we are limited, thus challenged, in our ability to effectively support our program goals.

10. That said, we are grateful for the continuing attention and capable service rendered by our Mangan Holcomb Partners/ Si Team. They will bring us up to date on our recent 2016 marketing communications on-line promotions, and will share some interesting and fun information regarding our 2017 program plans.

11. And Liz will comment on the 2016 year end program results she previously sent. Also she will preview program plans for the 2017 Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup in Arkansas, which will begin March 1st and run through May.

12. Looking backward over 2016, I urge you to carefully study Liz’s Volunteer Service Report, as it contains an excellent and inspiring review of the impact our Commission volunteers accomplished during our cleanups. These impressive figures validate the outstanding effort that these dedicated citizens voluntarily donated to our state and its communities, greatly improving both.

13. Keep America Beautiful’s conference will be held January 22-25 in Washington DC. Keep Arkansas Beautiful will receive our 12th consecutive State Affiliate Recognition Award – five Gold and seven Diamond levels – signifying acknowledgement that we meet the organization’s highest standards. Liz will represent the Commission solo this year as I am unable to attend, missing my first KAB Conference in 18 years.

14. Also representing Arkansas, Keep Camden Beautiful’s Kevin Crane is a recipient of one of three KAB new affiliate grants that will enable him to attend the conference. This is an exciting opportunity for this dynamic new affiliate, which is proving to be very effective in Camden and LA (lower Arkansas, as South Arkansas is known in the region).

15. And, in recounting KAB recognition, we need to congratulate our local affiliates who have qualified for the 2016 President’s Award: Bryant, Camden, El Dorado, Fayetteville, Ft. Smith, Little Rock, North Little Rock, Sherwood, Ozark and Van Buren. We are one of four KAB State Affiliates to have 70% of their local community affiliate qualify for this year’s President’s Award. Thanks to all!

16. We can all take pride that 2016 was another year of productive achievement on many levels. Liz and I are grateful to each of you for the time, talent, energy and affect you have given to our program through your service and conscientiousness. Thank you!

17. Safe travel as you come to Little Rock for the January 12th Commission meeting at the Mangan Holcomb Partners/Si offices, 2300 Cottondale Lane, third floor, 9:00 AM.

Remember, if we notify you that the meeting is cancelled due to inclement weather, the following Thursday, January 19th is the alternate date, so please keep this open. Thanks.