Applicant Name:

Application for: Fall 20 Spring20 Email:

IMPORTANT!! Items 1-4 must be finalized before an online application is submitted. Applicant completes pages 1 and 2. Committee chair completes page 3.

  1. Committee Chair or Co-Chairs (Name, Department, email):
  1. Disciplines of the IIP program (minimum 2):
  2. Application packet provided to your committee:
  3. GRE Test scores and, if relevant, TOEFL.
  4. GRE test date Verbal: Quantitative: Writing:
  5. TOEFL test date Total Score:
  6. Master’s Degree, or equivalent degree program of study that includes at least 30 credit hours of graduate work, and a minimum of 3.0 GPA.
  7. Official transcripts from all previous institutions.
  8. Curriculum Vitae.
  9. Three letters of recommendation (Name and phone or email listed below):
  10. IIP proposal items:
  11. Academic and professional goals, personal statement. This section would include descriptions about the relevancy and quality of professional work to date and potential for PhD level work as well as provide a clear indication the proposal is for a truly integrative PhD that cannot be constructed using an existing UM doctoral program. Articulation of objectives (skills and competencies) to be developed in preparation of research goals or professional goals.
  12. Relevant Research Plan with, at minimum, PhD level research questions. This section should include a statement of research problem(s) and a relevant, detailed research plan that clearly describes the methodology and approach that will be used to address the research problem(s).
  13. Curriculum Plan that includes proposed courses of study, brief description of these courses and their relevancy to the IIP (connecting skills and competencies to be acquired with the coursework).
  14. Assessment Plan that includes details for how the student’s progress in the IIP will be assessed. This section should also include details about the format and protocol of the students’ comprehensive exam, a timeline of the courses, assessment, comprehensive exam and final defense dates, various stages of the dissertation research plan, and deliverables (i.e., manuscripts, books, presentations, final dissertation, etc.). Applicants who completed a non-thesis master’s and/or professional masters or doctorate must include the proposal and defense of research methodology in the comprehensive exam.
  15. Bio sketch of each committee member and his/her role in the IIP.
  16. Committee members (List name, department, phone or email):

Name / Department / Email or Phone

* Must be a faculty member of a doctoral granting program.

  1. Have you applied to an existing doctoral graduate program at UM? Yes No
  2. If yes to question 5, please explain why you are not pursuing that degree program:

7. I have not been dismissed from an existing doctoral graduate program at UM.


Applicant’s signatureDate


The committee has reviewed the relevance and quality of professional work to date and potential for PhD-level work.

Yes No


There is a clear indication that the proposal is for a truly integrative PhD that cannot be constructed using an existing University of Montana doctoral program.

Yes No



Applicant’s chair (or co-chair) signatureDate


Applicant’s co-chair signature (if applicable)


rev. 05/16