Phone: (610) 865-7085

Fax: (610) 865-7330

TDD: (610) 865-7086

FY 2012 CDBG/HOME Activity Descriptions

CDBG Activities:

·  Southside Recreation Coordinator – Partial salary of Recreation Coordinator for South Bethlehem and program costs.

·  Southside Parks and Playgrounds – Improvements to Madison, McNamara, Yosko and the Skate Plaza.

·  Street Overlays – Various street overlays in low/mod income areas

·  Community Action Development Corporation of Bethlehem – Funds to CADCB for micro-enterprise development

·  Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley – Funds to CACLV for financial counseling and homeownership counseling to City residents

·  Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living – Funds to LVCIL for homeownership counseling for disabled Bethlehem residents

·  Embrace Your Dreams – Youth Program that teaches life skills through tennis and golf

·  Acquisition and Demolition – Funding for the purchase of blighted properties

·  Fire Truck – Partial funding of fire truck for Schweder Fire Station

·  Community Police Officers – Partial payment of 3 Community Police Officers serving South Bethlehem

·  Police Drug Surveillance Overtime – Payment of overtime for Police Officers for Drug Surveillance in South Bethlehem

·  Housing Rehabilitation Staff/Delivery Costs – Staff costs for the Housing Rehabilitation Program

·  Economic Development – Staff/Delivery costs

·  Program Administration – Costs to administer the CDBG and HOME Programs

·  North Penn Legal Services – Funding for Fair Housing Education

·  Community Development Consulting – Funding for technical assistance

HOME Activities:

·  Housing Development Corporation – development of 36 affordable rental units at St. Stanislaus

·  Habitat for Humanity – Acquisition and/or infrastructure improvements for up to 5 homes

·  Valley Housing Development Corporation – Acquisition and rehabilitation of 44 units at four existing low-income housing tax credit developments

·  HOME Admin – Administrative costs associated with the program